10 karir teratas untuk pria 2022


10 rekomendasi pekerjaan bagi lulusan SMA. Foto/Ilustrasi/Shutterstock

JAKARTA - Seseorang yang bersekolah di jenjang SMA memang umumnya diarahkan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi . Namun demikian, tidak semua orang bisa meneruskan pendidikan karena adanya halangan seperti keterbatasan ekonomi.

Persaingan di dunia kerja memang sengit. Bagi lulusan SMA yang mau bekerja, tentunya harus sanggup bersaing dengan para pencari kerja lain yang bertitel sarjana bahkan pencari kerja dengan gelar yang lebih tinggi lagi.

Namun lulusan SMA tidak perlu khawatir dan jangan minder dulu akan sulit mendapatkan pekerjaan. Dengan bakat, keterampilan dan keahlian yang dimiliki lulusan SMA pun bisa mendapat pekerjaan. Bahkan di perusahaan besar sekalipun.

Mengutip laman Universitas Nusa Mandiri di nusamandiri.info, bagi lulusan SMA yang ingin langsung bekerja, beberapa pekerjaan di bawah ini bisa dijadikan pertimbangan dalam memilih sebuah pekerjaan setelah lulus.

1. Penulis

Memiliki profesi sebagai penulis dapat jadi rekomendasi setelah lulus dari bangku SMA. Kalian dapat membuat ulasan atau review terhadap suatu produk, menulis artikel berita, dan berbagai konten lainnya. Selain itu juga dapat mendaftarkan diri sebagai penulis lepas pada perusahaan penyedia jasa penulisan.

Baca: Calon Mahasiswa, Ini 10 Jurusan IPS Paling Diminati di SNMPTN-SBMPTN 2021

Selain mendapatkan penghasilan, sebagai penulis juga akan memperoleh banyak wawasan. Profesi sebagai penulis menjadi salah satu pekerjaan yang fleksibel karena dapat dilakukan saat bekerja sambil kuliah. Selain itu, juga tidak harus berangkat ke kantor setiap hari. Namun, hal itu tergantung kebijakan dari masing-masing perusahaan.

2. Customer Service

Setelah lulus dari bangku SMA, pekerjaan sebagai customer service biasanya menjadi yang paling banyak diminati. Biasanya lowongan kerja lulusan SMA sebagai customer service dibuka untuk perempuan. Namun, tidak menutup kemungkinan perusahaan memberikan peluang untuk laki-laki.

Tugas dari customer service biasanya menangani berbagai keluhan yang masuk ke perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan klien. Pekerjaan sebagai customer service tampak sederhana, namun pada dasarnya pekerjaan ini menuntut kesabaran, fokus, dan pengetahuan yang luas.

3. Asisten Pilot

Saat ini, menjadi asisten pilot dapat menjadi pilihan pekerjaan setelah lulus dari bangku SMA. Profesi ini terbuka bagi siswa yang mengambil jurusan IPA. Sebelum memiliki profesi tersebut, bisanya harus mengikuti pelatihan terlebih dahulu. Lowongan pekerjaan sebagai asisten pilot biasanya dibuka oleh maskapai penerbangan.

4. Asisten Dokter Gigi

Memilih profesi sebagai asisten dokter gigi juga bisa menjadi pilihan lulusan SMA. Jika memiliki karakter cekatan, ramah dan mudah menyesuaikan diri, maka kamu dapat melamar pekerjaan satu ini. Tugas untuk asisten dokter gigi diantaranya adalah mengurus pendaftaran, keperluan dokter dan berbagai administrasi lainnya.

5. Penginput Data

Input data dapat menjadi pilihan profesi setelah lulus SMA. Pasalnya pekerjaan ini sangat mudah untuk dilakukan. Kalian hanya perlu menginputkan data pada sistem perusahaan. Walaupun mudah, namun pekerjaan ini membutuhkan tingkat ketelitian dan kesabaran yang tinggi. Sedikit kesalahan saja dapat memiliki dampak yang besar untuk perusahaan.

6. Anak Buah Kapal (ABK)
Keuntungan menjadi Anak Buah Kapal (ABK) adalah dapat berlayar keluar kota bahkan keluar negeri. Profesi ini menawarkan gaji yang besar. Pengalaman yang dimiliki juga dapat menjadi referensi untuk berkarir di bidang ini.

7. Operator Produksi

Biasanya lowongan sebagai operator produksi banyak dibuka jika dibandingkan dengan pekerjaan lainnya. Perkembangan industri di tanah air juga menjadi hal yang melatarbelakangi dibutuhkannya staf di bagian produksi.

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Job desk pekerjaan ini adalah mengoperasikan mesin ataupun alat yang digunakan saat proses produksi berlangsung. Selain itu, operator produksi biasanya juga membuat laporan, menjaga lingkungan kerja agar tetap kondusif serta bekerja untuk mencapai target yang telah ditetapkan.

Walaupun tampak mudah, pekerjaan sebagai operator produksi membutuhkan ketekunan dan kekuatan fisik. Hal itu dikarenakan profesi ini menuntut pekerjanya untuk berdiri atau duduk selama jam kerja. Ketelitian dibutuhkan agar dapat terhindar dari kecelakaan kerja.

8. Staf Agrikultur

Pekerjaan ini cocok bagi yang menyukai tantangan dan pecinta alam. Lulusan SMA dapat bekerja pada perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pertanian ataupun peternakan. Sebagai staf, nantinya akan dilibatkan dalam pengelolaan perusahaan.

9. Pengajar Bimbingan Belajar
Jika memiliki karakter ulet dan tekun untuk berbagi ilmu, maka profesi sebagai pengajar bimbel dapat menjadi pilihan. Selain itu juga dapat membuka jasa les untuk mata pelajaran tertentu dengan target siswa/siswi SD, SMP, dan SMA. Pekerjaan ini cukup fleksibel dan dapat menambah wawasan kamu.

10. Berbisnis Online

Profesi selanjutnya yang tidak kalah menjanjikan adalah dengan menjalankan bisnis online. Di era teknologi seperti sekarang ini, lulusan SMA dapat memulai usaha digital dengan mudah. Walaupun mudah, tapi harus tetap melakukan analisa pasar, menetapkan harga jual, dan mengambil keputusan untuk keberlangsungan bisnis.

Bagi yang menekuninya, berbisnis online dapat membantu untuk memperoleh keuntungan yang besar. Selain itu, juga dapat membuka lapangan pekerjaan untuk orang lain.


Apa saja pekerjaan untuk laki laki?

Yuk, simak 9 profesi pria yang mulai dijajal wanita zaman sekarang!.
Sopir Bus. Kalau melihat sopir wanita di angkutan perkotaan, taksi, atau ojek, nampaknya sudah mulai umum. ... .
Profesi Keamanan. ... .
Pilot. ... .
Pimpinan DPR. ... .
Pembalap. ... .
6. Nahkoda. ... .
7. Bartender. ... .
8. Engineer..

Profesi apa yg lebih banyak cewek dari pada cowok?

Biasanya, pekerjaan yang didominasi oleh perempuan yakni guru, perawat, dan sekretaris. Dalam data yang dilansir dari Topresume, guru, perawat, dan sekretaris tetap menjadi profesi yang didominasi perempuan. Selain itu, ada beberapa profesi lain yang didominasi perempuan dan diperkirakan akan terus meningkat.

Apa pekerjaan laki laki yang tidak bisa dilakukan perempuan?

Intip 6 Pekerjaan Yang Katanya Nggak Lumrah Buat Wanita Ini!.
Detektif. Bekerja sebagai detektif seseorang harus siap dengan situasi tidak menyenangkan, berbau kekerasan dan brutal. ... .
Pilot. ... .
Supir bis. ... .
Insinyur. ... .
Montir. ... .

Pekerjaan apa yang cocok untuk wanita?

Tetapi ada beberapa jenis pekerjaan yang cocok untuk wanita yang memungkinkan mereka untuk mencapai kesuksesan karir sekaligus work-life balance seperti yang berikut ini..
Entrepreneurship. pexels.com. ... .
2. IT (Information Technology) pexels.com. ... .
Medis. pexels.com. ... .
4. Guru. pexels.com. ... .
HR. ... .
6. Psikolog. ... .
7. Desainer Interior. ... .

#OccupationFemale workforce 2021Male workforce 20211 Vehicle technicians, mechanics and electricians   1,600 (0.81%)   195,672 (99.19%) 2 Carpenters and joiners   2,399 (0.99%)   240,302 (99.01%) 3 Electricians and electrical fitters   4,177 (1.73%)   236,820 (98.27%) 4 Plumbers and heating and ventilating engineers   3,283 (1.93%)   166,669 (98.07%) 5 Metal working production and maintenance fitters   3,594 (1.93%)   182,955 (98.07%) 6 Mobile machine drivers and operatives n.e.c.   1,240 (2.1%)   57,821 (97.9%) 7 Large goods vehicle drivers   8,571 (2.57%)   324,693 (97.43%) 8 Fork-lift truck drivers   2,978 (2.61%)   110,925 (97.39%) 9 Elementary construction occupations   5,383 (3.03%)   172,516 (96.97%) 10 Glaziers, window fabricators and fitters   1,472 (3.45%)   41,151 (96.55%) 11 Floorers and wall tilers   1,111 (3.46%)   30,990 (96.54%) 12 Electrical and electronics technicians   1,177 (3.61%)   31,467 (96.39%) 13 Electrical and electronic trades n.e.c.   2,932 (3.91%)   72,107 (96.09%) 14 Construction and building trades n.e.c.   9,829 (4.01%)   235,280 (95.99%) 15 Paper and wood machine operatives   1,080 (4.11%)   25,179 (95.89%) 16 Design and development engineers   3,357 (4.16%)   77,380 (95.84%) 17 Taxi and cab drivers and chauffeurs   10,746 (4.54%)   225,770 (95.46%) 18 Telecommunications engineers   2,592 (4.7%)   52,575 (95.3%) 19 Skilled metal, electrical and electronic trades supervisors   1,920 (4.75%)   38,507 (95.25%) 20 Painters and decorators   6,211 (4.92%)   120,091 (95.08%) 21 Train and tram drivers   1,255 (4.97%)   23,987 (95.03%) 22 Metal machining setters and setter-operators   3,061 (5.92%)   48,665 (94.08%) 23 Electrical engineers   2,607 (5.95%)   41,182 (94.05%) 24 Mechanical engineers   5,940 (6.6%)   84,081 (93.4%) 25 Hospital porters   1,429 (6.67%)   19,994 (93.33%) 26 IT engineers   2,432 (6.82%)   33,245 (93.18%) 27 Precision instrument makers and repairers   1,528 (6.91%)   20,576 (93.09%) 28 Production managers and directors in mining and energy   1,350 (6.99%)   17,950 (93.01%) 29 Refuse and salvage occupations   3,096 (7.15%)   40,186 (92.85%) 30 Electronics engineers   2,696 (7.17%)   34,897 (92.83%) 31 Van drivers   17,075 (7.19%)   220,508 (92.81%) 32 Bus and coach drivers   9,815 (7.6%)   119,386 (92.4%) 33 Production and process engineers   4,919 (7.65%)   59,362 (92.35%) 34 Metal working machine operatives   3,769 (7.77%)   44,712 (92.23%) 35 Rail transport operatives   1,240 (7.83%)   14,595 (92.17%) 36 Fire service officers (watch manager and below)   3,228 (7.88%)   37,728 (92.12%) 37 Construction operatives n.e.c.   7,531 (8.25%)   83,715 (91.75%) 38 Window cleaners   3,741 (8.46%)   40,460 (91.54%) 39 NCOs and other ranks   5,034 (8.72%)   52,675 (91.28%) 40 Aircraft pilots and flight engineers   2,111 (9.05%)   21,221 (90.95%) 41 Sports players   1,839 (9.15%)   18,266 (90.85%) 42 Butchers   3,538 (9.3%)   34,514 (90.7%) 43 Air transport operatives   1,521 (9.3%)   14,836 (90.7%) 44 Ship and hovercraft officers   1,654 (9.34%)   16,058 (90.66%) 45 Gardeners and landscape gardeners   14,121 (9.67%)   131,851 (90.33%) 46 Groundsmen and greenkeepers   2,489 (9.67%)   23,238 (90.33%) 47 Plant and machine operatives n.e.c.   3,078 (9.89%)   28,043 (90.11%) 48 Civil engineers   8,633 (9.93%)   78,295 (90.07%) 49 Plastics process operatives   3,087 (10.42%)   26,538 (89.58%) 50 Quantity surveyors   5,209 (10.74%)   43,272 (89.26%) 51 Engineering professionals n.e.c.   11,289 (10.8%)   93,207 (89.2%) 52 Other drivers and transport operatives n.e.c.   2,662 (10.8%)   21,985 (89.2%) 53 Information technology and telecommunications directors   10,595 (11.35%)   82,792 (88.65%) 54 Production managers and directors in construction   24,737 (11.5%)   190,398 (88.5%) 55 Garage managers and proprietors   4,046 (11.87%)   30,039 (88.13%) 56 Engineering technicians   11,753 (12.12%)   85,232 (87.88%) 57 Vehicle valeters and cleaners   4,496 (12.79%)   30,667 (87.21%) 58 Draughtspersons   6,171 (12.96%)   41,438 (87.04%) 59 Chartered surveyors   9,071 (13.12%)   60,070 (86.88%) 60 Process operatives n.e.c.   2,592 (13.18%)   17,075 (86.82%) 61 Furniture makers and other craft woodworkers   5,165 (13.39%)   33,395 (86.61%) 62 Building and civil engineering technicians   3,131 (13.63%)   19,844 (86.37%) 63 Printers   4,981 (13.82%)   31,073 (86.18%) 64 Production managers and directors in manufacturing   50,536 (13.83%)   314,939 (86.17%) 65 Chemical and related process operatives   6,273 (14%)   38,543 (86%) 66 Elementary storage occupations   72,313 (14.18%)   437,618 (85.82%) 67 Metal making and treating process operatives   1,976 (14.35%)   11,796 (85.65%) 68 Assemblers (vehicles and metal goods)   6,226 (14.7%)   36,120 (85.3%) 69 Air traffic controllers   1,285 (14.74%)   7,431 (85.26%) 70 Programmers and software development professionals   43,965 (14.77%)   253,637 (85.23%) 71 Parking and civil enforcement occupations   3,105 (14.93%)   17,696 (85.07%) 72 Vehicle and parts salespersons and advisers   6,194 (15.67%)   33,330 (84.33%) 73 Science, engineering and production technicians n.e.c.   7,646 (15.74%)   40,946 (84.26%) 74 Security guards and related occupations   35,246 (16.5%)   178,323 (83.5%) 75 Undertakers, mortuary and crematorium assistants   4,173 (17.04%)   20,321 (82.96%) 76 IT business analysts, architects and systems designers   21,374 (17.22%)   102,781 (82.78%) 77 Conservation and environmental associate professionals   1,806 (17.37%)   8,594 (82.63%) 78 Farmers   24,990 (17.75%)   115,835 (82.25%) 79 Brokers   9,779 (18.05%)   44,392 (81.95%) 80 Information technology and telecommunications professionals n.e.c.   35,303 (18.22%)   158,410 (81.78%) 81 Driving instructors   8,403 (19.17%)   35,420 (80.83%) 82 Pre-press technicians   1,414 (19.19%)   5,954 (80.81%) 83 Construction project managers and related professionals   17,776 (19.97%)   71,235 (80.03%) 84 Chefs   50,706 (20.38%)   198,132 (79.62%) 85 Elementary security occupations n.e.c.   6,511 (20.93%)   24,603 (79.07%) 86 Chemical scientists   6,983 (21.48%)   25,532 (78.52%) 87 Chief executives and senior officials   18,436 (22.08%)   65,076 (77.92%) 88 Elementary process plant occupations n.e.c.   18,899 (22.39%)   65,507 (77.61%) 89 Roundspersons and van salespersons   4,242 (22.47%)   14,638 (77.53%) 90 Assemblers and routine operatives n.e.c.   8,395 (22.91%)   28,243 (77.09%) 91 Estimators, valuers and assessors   18,580 (23.25%)   61,339 (76.75%) 92 Health and safety officers   12,851 (23.84%)   41,056 (76.16%) 93 Printing machine assistants   3,451 (23.9%)   10,989 (76.1%) 94 IT user support technicians   26,803 (24.48%)   82,688 (75.52%) 95 IT project and programme managers   20,879 (25.16%)   62,120 (74.84%) 96 Photographers, audio-visual and broadcasting equipment operators   26,059 (25.48%)   76,222 (74.52%) 97 Waste disposal and environmental services managers   4,259 (25.95%)   12,152 (74.05%) 98 Physical scientists   7,945 (26.52%)   22,017 (73.48%) 99 Leisure and travel service occupations n.e.c.   8,044 (26.87%)   21,895 (73.13%) 100 IT specialist managers   58,256 (27.42%)   154,173 (72.58%) 101 Routine inspectors and testers   20,064 (27.89%)   51,882 (72.11%) 102 Farm workers   18,026 (28.06%)   46,207 (71.94%) 103 Debt, rent and other cash collectors   7,050 (28.22%)   17,933 (71.78%) 104 Upholsterers   4,457 (28.4%)   11,239 (71.6%) 105 Protective service associate professionals n.e.c.   13,842 (28.41%)   34,887 (71.59%) 106 Web design and development professionals   21,698 (28.86%)   53,494 (71.14%) 107 Town planning officers   8,105 (28.91%)   19,931 (71.09%) 108 Postal workers, mail sorters, messengers and couriers   62,667 (28.93%)   153,950 (71.07%) 109 Other skilled trades n.e.c.   13,314 (29.61%)   31,650 (70.39%) 110 Prison service officers (below principal officer)   12,057 (29.64%)   28,621 (70.36%) 111 Textile process operatives   4,007 (29.7%)   9,483 (70.3%) 112 Caretakers   27,611 (29.7%)   65,368 (70.3%) 113 Industrial cleaning process occupations   9,194 (30.31%)   21,144 (69.69%) 114 Quality control and planning engineers   11,948 (30.56%)   27,148 (69.44%) 115 Ambulance staff (excluding paramedics)   7,524 (30.68%)   16,999 (69.32%) 116 Quality assurance technicians   8,556 (30.86%)   19,167 (69.14%) 117 Food, drink and tobacco process operatives   40,698 (30.89%)   91,070 (69.11%) 118 Other elementary services occupations n.e.c.   13,724 (31.73%)   29,528 (68.27%) 119 IT operations technicians   41,970 (31.96%)   89,344 (68.04%) 120 Business sales executives   53,093 (31.99%)   112,896 (68.01%) 121 Architects   21,503 (32.04%)   45,614 (67.96%) 122 Rail travel assistants   6,630 (32.24%)   13,932 (67.76%) 123 Assemblers (electrical and electronic products)   10,808 (32.48%)   22,464 (67.52%) 124 Purchasing managers and directors   21,905 (32.5%)   45,491 (67.5%) 125 Environmental health professionals   4,745 (33%)   9,634 (67%) 126 Managers and proprietors in agriculture and horticulture   9,087 (33.88%)   17,735 (66.12%) 127 Inspectors of standards and regulations   17,464 (34.2%)   33,597 (65.8%) 128 Laboratory technicians   34,704 (35.19%)   63,925 (64.81%) 129 Marketing and sales directors   78,038 (35.24%)   143,412 (64.76%) 130 Police officers (sergeant and below)   60,267 (35.27%)   110,600 (64.73%) 131 Architectural and town planning technicians   9,232 (35.38%)   16,864 (64.62%) 132 Transport and distribution clerks and assistants   25,056 (35.48%)   45,571 (64.52%) 133 Research and development managers   15,821 (36.19%)   27,898 (63.81%) 134 Planning, process and production technicians   11,309 (36.41%)   19,754 (63.59%) 135 Stock control clerks and assistants   39,741 (36.5%)   69,140 (63.5%) 136 Artists   22,773 (36.57%)   39,507 (63.43%) 137 Finance and investment analysts and advisers   78,597 (37.09%)   133,316 (62.91%) 138 Importers and exporters   4,308 (37.58%)   7,157 (62.42%) 139 Packers, bottlers, canners and fillers   56,945 (37.62%)   94,408 (62.38%) 140 Musicians   23,574 (37.9%)   38,632 (62.1%) 141 Graphic designers   38,336 (37.94%)   62,696 (62.06%) 142 Sports coaches, instructors and officials   44,906 (39.24%)   69,525 (60.76%) 143 Print finishing and binding workers   7,620 (39.3%)   11,770 (60.7%) 144 Publicans and managers of licensed premises   16,582 (39.95%)   24,921 (60.05%) 145 Biological scientists and biochemists   42,683 (40.03%)   63,937 (59.97%) 146 Weighers, graders and sorters   6,597 (40.1%)   9,855 (59.9%) 147 Sales accounts and business development managers   201,069 (40.32%)   297,670 (59.68%) 148 Higher education teaching professionals   72,618 (40.51%)   106,627 (59.49%) 149 Fishmongers and poultry dressers   4,115 (40.75%)   5,982 (59.25%) 150 Natural and social science professionals n.e.c.   18,742 (41.59%)   26,323 (58.41%) 151 Launderers, dry cleaners and pressers   17,591 (41.71%)   24,585 (58.29%) 152 Property, housing and estate managers   80,834 (41.81%)   112,501 (58.19%) 153 Management consultants and business analysts   89,739 (41.95%)   124,166 (58.05%) 154 Elected officers and representatives   4,462 (42.01%)   6,159 (57.99%) 155 Business and financial project management professionals   99,603 (42.46%)   134,963 (57.54%) 156 Sports and leisure assistants   31,273 (42.51%)   42,296 (57.49%) 157 Horticultural trades   6,566 (42.62%)   8,840 (57.38%) 158 Estate agents and auctioneers   24,436 (42.95%)   32,459 (57.05%) 159 Restaurant and catering establishment managers and proprietors   56,310 (43.07%)   74,441 (56.93%) 160 Clergy   24,380 (43.24%)   31,997 (56.76%) 161 Managers and proprietors in other services n.e.c.   98,038 (43.8%)   125,806 (56.2%) 162 Financial managers and directors   127,651 (44.18%)   161,284 (55.82%) 163 Travel agency managers and proprietors   5,415 (44.91%)   6,643 (55.09%) 164 Shelf fillers   56,010 (45.55%)   66,967 (54.45%) 165 Police community support officers   8,822 (45.84%)   10,424 (54.16%) 166 Paramedics   14,591 (45.88%)   17,209 (54.12%) 167 Sales supervisors   104,668 (46.18%)   121,977 (53.82%) 168 Leisure and theme park attendants   15,776 (46.3%)   18,299 (53.7%) 169 Actuaries, economists and statisticians   19,153 (46.39%)   22,131 (53.61%) 170 Bakers and flour confectioners   17,768 (46.72%)   20,259 (53.28%) 171 Environment professionals   17,448 (46.83%)   19,809 (53.17%) 172 Journalists, newspaper and periodical editors   42,110 (47.39%)   46,751 (52.61%) 173 Actors, entertainers and presenters   26,399 (47.61%)   29,052 (52.39%) 174 Textiles, garments and related trades n.e.c.   4,228 (47.84%)   4,610 (52.16%) 175 Functional managers and directors n.e.c.   67,500 (47.89%)   73,452 (52.11%) 176 Quality assurance and regulatory professionals   43,964 (47.94%)   47,749 (52.06%) 177 Market and street traders and assistants   11,655 (48.65%)   12,300 (51.35%) 178 Barristers and judges   17,020 (48.8%)   17,859 (51.2%) 179 Conservation professionals   7,475 (49.01%)   7,778 (50.99%) 180 Business, research and administrative professionals n.e.c.   27,194 (49.21%)   28,068 (50.79%) 181 Chartered and certified accountants   117,288 (49.32%)   120,538 (50.68%) 182 Fishing and other elementary agriculture occupations n.e.c.   11,996 (49.68%)   12,151 (50.32%) 183 Catering and bar managers   35,159 (49.76%)   35,501 (50.24%) 184 Pest control officers   5,089 (50.38%)   5,012 (49.62%) 185 Further education teaching professionals   66,542 (50.8%)   64,445 (49.2%) 186 Advertising accounts managers and creative directors   19,170 (50.96%)   18,446 (49.04%) 187 Customer service managers and supervisors   88,085 (51.03%)   84,515 (48.97%) 188 Glass and ceramics makers, decorators and finishers   7,079 (51.43%)   6,685 (48.57%) 189 Elementary cleaning occupations n.e.c.   5,385 (51.73%)   5,025 (48.27%) 190 Telephonists   11,503 (51.96%)   10,637 (48.04%) 191 Bar staff   125,097 (51.98%)   115,579 (48.02%) 192 Vocational and industrial trainers and instructors   92,376 (52.08%)   84,987 (47.92%) 193 Financial and accounting technicians   15,547 (52.31%)   14,175 (47.69%) 194 Taxation experts   20,103 (52.32%)   18,319 (47.68%) 195 Shopkeepers and proprietors – wholesale and retail   78,918 (52.48%)   71,465 (47.52%) 196 Legal professionals n.e.c.   33,858 (52.84%)   30,217 (47.16%) 197 Elementary administration occupations n.e.c.   26,848 (52.92%)   23,882 (47.08%) 198 Hotel and accommodation managers and proprietors   31,349 (53.28%)   27,484 (46.72%) 199 Business and related associate professionals n.e.c.   87,017 (54.19%)   73,558 (45.81%) 200 Footwear and leather working trades   4,542 (54.36%)   3,813 (45.64%) 201 Dispensing opticians   3,472 (54.42%)   2,908 (45.58%) 202 Advertising and public relations directors   17,466 (54.51%)   14,575 (45.49%) 203 Office supervisors   24,000 (54.54%)   20,002 (45.46%) 204 Medical practitioners   165,645 (54.75%)   136,882 (45.25%) 205 Buyers and procurement officers   45,631 (54.81%)   37,623 (45.19%) 206 Archivists and curators   8,943 (55.13%)   7,280 (44.87%) 207 Leisure and sports managers   32,469 (55.45%)   26,082 (44.55%) 208 Call and contact centre occupations   80,836 (55.57%)   64,629 (44.43%) 209 Human resources and industrial relations officers   89,368 (55.65%)   71,218 (44.35%) 210 Communication operators   23,502 (55.9%)   18,543 (44.1%) 211 Weavers and knitters   2,771 (56.2%)   2,160 (43.8%) 212 Managers and proprietors in forestry, fishing and related services   7,712 (56.95%)   5,829 (43.05%) 213 Elementary sales occupations n.e.c.   18,939 (57.27%)   14,130 (42.73%) 214 Financial accounts managers   87,707 (57.52%)   64,762 (42.48%) 215 Care escorts   12,122 (57.53%)   8,949 (42.47%) 216 Arts officers, producers and directors   53,049 (57.55%)   39,130 (42.45%) 217 Collector salespersons and credit agents   12,850 (57.9%)   9,343 (42.1%) 218 Kitchen and catering assistants   315,815 (58.38%)   225,143 (41.62%) 219 Secondary education teaching professionals   283,446 (58.6%)   200,265 (41.4%) 220 Authors, writers and translators   56,441 (59.09%)   39,080 (40.91%) 221 Tailors and dressmakers   8,625 (59.61%)   5,845 (40.39%) 222 Solicitors   84,825 (59.82%)   56,969 (40.18%) 223 Dental practitioners   34,690 (59.98%)   23,145 (40.02%) 224 Sales related occupations n.e.c.   42,868 (60.14%)   28,416 (39.86%) 225 Veterinarians   15,644 (60.35%)   10,277 (39.65%) 226 Health care practice managers   14,730 (60.78%)   9,504 (39.22%) 227 Public services associate professionals   72,892 (61.01%)   46,583 (38.99%) 228 Librarians   19,282 (61.53%)   12,054 (38.47%) 229 Public relations professionals   33,434 (61.6%)   20,840 (38.4%) 230 Sales and retail assistants   807,172 (61.83%)   498,236 (38.17%) 231 Insurance underwriters   21,527 (62.12%)   13,125 (37.88%) 232 Medical and dental technicians   34,644 (62.23%)   21,023 (37.77%) 233 Product, clothing and related designers   53,247 (62.83%)   31,496 (37.17%) 234 Conference and exhibition managers and organisers   46,352 (62.85%)   27,403 (37.15%) 235 Health professionals n.e.c.   36,409 (62.95%)   21,427 (37.05%) 236 Market research interviewers   13,252 (63.67%)   7,563 (36.33%) 237 Marketing associate professionals   126,562 (63.75%)   71,975 (36.25%) 238 Fitness instructors   42,526 (63.77%)   24,158 (36.23%) 239 Hairdressing and beauty salon managers and proprietors   20,588 (64.11%)   11,527 (35.89%) 240 Customer service occupations n.e.c.   214,300 (64.2%)   119,488 (35.8%) 241 Human resource managers and directors   109,264 (64.36%)   60,513 (35.64%) 242 Air travel assistants   33,978 (64.5%)   18,700 (35.5%) 243 Business and related research professionals   29,276 (64.62%)   16,029 (35.38%) 244 Telephone salespersons   28,904 (64.77%)   15,721 (35.23%) 245 Legal associate professionals   48,806 (64.82%)   26,486 (35.18%) 246 Financial administrative occupations n.e.c.   122,477 (64.88%)   66,303 (35.12%) 247 Retail cashiers and check-out operators   174,875 (65.1%)   93,757 (34.9%) 248 Finance officers   28,536 (65.64%)   14,937 (34.36%) 249 Cooks   66,940 (65.74%)   34,878 (34.26%) 250 Social and humanities scientists   11,086 (66.09%)   5,687 (33.91%) 251 Pensions and insurance clerks and assistants   55,306 (66.91%)   27,346 (33.09%) 252 Credit controllers   26,917 (67.11%)   13,193 (32.89%) 253 Animal care services occupations n.e.c.   50,583 (67.19%)   24,701 (32.81%) 254 Typists and related keyboard occupations   26,241 (68.84%)   11,876 (31.16%) 255 Senior professionals of educational establishments   83,105 (68.98%)   37,365 (31.02%) 256 National government administrative occupations   170,851 (69.71%)   74,254 (30.29%) 257 Records clerks and assistants   94,533 (70.65%)   39,263 (29.35%) 258 Book-keepers, payroll managers and wages clerks   330,246 (70.99%)   134,939 (29.01%) 259 Education advisers and school inspectors   28,010 (71.35%)   11,248 (28.65%) 260 Bank and post office clerks   110,681 (71.66%)   43,762 (28.34%) 261 Merchandisers and window dressers   22,181 (71.71%)   8,751 (28.29%) 262 Waiters and waitresses   219,589 (71.9%)   85,808 (28.1%) 263 Office managers   134,320 (72.22%)   51,667 (27.78%) 264 Welfare and housing associate professionals n.e.c.   105,565 (72.72%)   39,596 (27.28%) 265 Teaching and other educational professionals n.e.c.   168,341 (72.9%)   62,587 (27.1%) 266 Hairdressers and barbers   167,828 (73.68%)   59,937 (26.32%) 267 Human resources administrative occupations   35,189 (73.82%)   12,479 (26.18%) 268 Pharmacists   48,913 (73.85%)   17,324 (26.15%) 269 Health associate professionals n.e.c.   47,007 (73.96%)   16,553 (26.04%) 270 Youth and community workers   66,815 (74.31%)   23,098 (25.69%) 271 Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors   46,716 (74.32%)   16,143 (25.68%) 272 Company secretaries   23,596 (74.39%)   8,125 (25.61%) 273 Medical radiographers   23,356 (75.01%)   7,783 (24.99%) 274 Occupational therapists   35,674 (75.05%)   11,857 (24.95%) 275 Other administrative occupations n.e.c.   520,117 (75.72%)   166,777 (24.28%) 276 Careers advisers and vocational guidance specialists   28,359 (75.83%)   9,040 (24.17%) 277 Housing officers   45,318 (76.05%)   14,272 (23.95%) 278 Library clerks and assistants   22,807 (76.06%)   7,179 (23.94%) 279 Ophthalmic opticians   17,540 (76.4%)   5,418 (23.6%) 280 Local government administrative occupations   120,546 (77.03%)   35,937 (22.97%) 281 Sales administrators   60,497 (77.34%)   17,729 (22.66%) 282 Houseparents and residential wardens   39,937 (78.27%)   11,089 (21.73%) 283 Sewing machinists   23,184 (78.35%)   6,405 (21.65%) 284 Cleaning and housekeeping managers and supervisors   58,769 (78.55%)   16,047 (21.45%) 285 Counsellors   29,107 (79.75%)   7,392 (20.25%) 286 Officers of non-governmental organisations   53,279 (80.28%)   13,091 (19.72%) 287 Special needs education teaching professionals   68,050 (80.6%)   16,380 (19.4%) 288 Social workers   96,128 (80.61%)   23,130 (19.39%) 289 Cleaners and domestics   584,571 (81.63%)   131,557 (18.37%) 290 Senior care workers   79,469 (81.64%)   17,866 (18.36%) 291 Welfare professionals n.e.c.   20,598 (81.89%)   4,555 (18.11%) 292 Probation officers   11,554 (82.07%)   2,525 (17.93%) 293 Nursing auxiliaries and assistants   320,237 (82.19%)   69,379 (17.81%) 294 Child and early years officers   31,853 (82.71%)   6,658 (17.29%) 295 Veterinary nurses   13,416 (83.1%)   2,729 (16.9%) 296 Playworkers   33,833 (83.14%)   6,860 (16.86%) 297 Physiotherapists   56,063 (83.17%)   11,343 (16.83%) 298 Care workers and home carers   788,330 (83.78%)   152,568 (16.22%) 299 Nurses   639,442 (84.26%)   119,469 (15.74%) 300 Beauticians and related occupations   87,557 (84.87%)   15,611 (15.13%) 301 Podiatrists   16,646 (85.77%)   2,761 (14.23%) 302 Travel agents   36,103 (85.8%)   5,974 (14.2%) 303 Pharmaceutical technicians   30,703 (86.43%)   4,822 (13.57%) 304 Primary and nursery education teaching professionals   430,707 (86.45%)   67,487 (13.55%) 305 School midday and crossing patrol occupations   105,464 (87.01%)   15,742 (12.99%) 306 Psychologists   42,091 (87.74%)   5,884 (12.26%) 307 Educational support assistants   147,627 (88.68%)   18,852 (11.32%) 308 Pharmacy and other dispensing assistants   76,166 (88.81%)   9,595 (11.19%) 309 Receptionists   172,480 (89.21%)   20,852 (10.79%) 310 Dancers and choreographers   16,742 (89.3%)   2,007 (10.7%) 311 Housekeepers and related occupations   41,708 (89.55%)   4,865 (10.45%) 312 Therapy professionals n.e.c.   43,760 (89.62%)   5,066 (10.38%) 313 Teaching assistants   398,107 (90.68%)   40,930 (9.32%) 314 School secretaries   50,358 (91.08%)   4,933 (8.92%) 315 Personal assistants and other secretaries   173,686 (94.87%)   9,387 (5.13%) 316 Childminders and related occupations   150,240 (94.98%)   7,940 (5.02%) 317 Medical secretaries   56,579 (95.25%)   2,822 (4.75%) 318 Legal secretaries   35,032 (96.04%)   1,446 (3.96%) 319 Nursery nurses and assistants   215,561 (97.77%)   4,912 (2.23%)

Apa karier terbaik untuk pria?

Pilihan karier teratas untuk pria..
Guru Sekolah Dasar. Selalu ada kekurangan guru sekolah dasar pria, tetapi lebih banyak pria memasuki lapangan mencari pekerjaan yang bermakna dan stres yang lebih rendah. ....
Hygenist gigi. Karier ahli kesehatan gigi semakin populer di kalangan pria. ....
Apoteker ritel. ....
Pengembang perangkat lunak..

Apa pekerjaan paling bahagia #1?

Pekerja konstruksi adalah pekerjaan paling bahagia #1 karena suatu alasan - mereka melakukan apa yang dibangun manusia!Mereka merencanakan, memindahkan dan menggunakan tubuh mereka, dan melihat karya -karya kreatif mereka menjadi hidup. are the #1 happiest job for a reason—they do what humans are built for! They plan, move and use their bodies, and get to see their creative works come to life.

Apa pekerjaan terbaik #1?

Berikut adalah pekerjaan terbaik tahun 2022:..
Analis keamanan informasi ..
Praktisi keperawatan..
Asisten Dokter ..
Manajer Layanan Medis dan Kesehatan ..
Pengembang perangkat lunak..
Ilmuwan Data ..
Manajer keuangan..

Pekerjaan mana yang biasanya untuk pria?

Mengapa 13 industri yang didominasi pria ini baik untuk karier wanita..
Keuangan.Industri jasa keuangan terkenal karena diperintah oleh laki -laki, dan terutama peran kepemimpinan dalam keuangan.....
IT dan pengembangan perangkat lunak.....
Pipa saluran air.....
Teknik Mesin.....

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