100 game teratas di xbox 2022

(Pocket-lint) - The Xbox One generation is now in its twilight, thanks to the arrival of the Xbox Series X and S - but that only means that there's a huge catalogue of games for the older consoles to enjoy whenever you like.

  • Prefer PlayStation? Best PlayStation 4 and PS4 Pro games every gamer must own

Here, then, are our picks for games you really should check out. Some are enhanced for Xbox One X and many of them are even available on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate - a subscription service to download and play full games as often as you like.

If you're looking for a specific type of game, check out our dedicated lists in the table below.

What are the best Xbox One games ever?

  1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  2. Elden Ring
  3. Red Dead Redemption 2
  4. Halo Infinite
  5. Control
  6. Forza Horizon 5
  7. Hollow Knight
  8. Disco Elysium
  9. Doom
  10. Hitman 3

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


Not just the best game on the Xbox One, The Witcher 3 can lay claim as being one of the best of all time. It is an extraordinary feat in game design, where it seems that every action undertaken in the massive third-person RPG has an effect on the game world. Save a merchant from some bandits in a random encounter, for example, you might meet him again many hours later in a city, where he gives you a massive discount on items he has for sale. The world itself also seems alive and vibrant while the game is also capable of testing your skills so you don’t just blitz through it.

  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt review: The best role-player since Skyrim

Elden Ring


A huge open-world game that takes the combat and exploration of FromSoftware's oeuvre into a bold new genre, Elden Ring is simply a masterpiece. There are so many places to explore and map out, so many enemies to overcome and so much to see.

Everywhere you'll go will offer a new sort of challenge, be it in taut and impressive combat or in figuring out where to go next, and the journey as a whole is one that's almost unmissable.

  • Elden Ring review: Dark Souls goes open-world to stunning effect

Red Dead Redemption 2


Although Red Dead Redemption 2 starts slow, the amount of depth and variety in mission types will soon have you well and truly hooked. It is also massive, so make sure you put aside a month to get through everything it has to offer. And, with the addition of Red Dead Online, you'll have plenty to do even after the single-player story is finished.

  • Red Dead Redemption 2 review: The game of a lifetime?

Halo Infinite


Halo is back - there are a couple of other solid campaigns to check out on Xbox One in the form of Halo 4 and 5, but Infinite blows them out of the water by moving the action onto an open-world setting and giving you the freedom to approach a bunch of optional tasks however you like.

  • Halo Infinite review: A Masterful return to form



If you like third-person shooters then Control offers up one that'll feel quite unlike any you've previously played, thanks to its stratospherically weird paranormal storyline. Both in terms of gameplay and ambience, Control is utterly original, very distinctive and deeply satisfying, thanks to a decent roster of side-missions and challenges beyond the main story.

  • Control review: Gloriously bonkers paranormal action

Forza Horizon 5


Not just the best driving game on the Xbox One, Forza Horizon 5 is one of the best on any games machine. Its Mexican setting works wonderfully for providing great variety in race styles and conditions. It looks unbelievable and has so much content to offer up.

  • Forza Horizon 5 review: Best racing game ever?

Hollow Knight

  • View on the Xbox store

A superb platformer that has a simple art style but nonetheless packs in so much character and so many unique touches, Hollow Knight is a brilliant little game. We say "little" - there's loads of content on offer here, with a huge post-game trove of extra-challenging levels and bosses for the dedicated.

Disco Elysium


An RPG that rips up the rulebook and lets you approach conversations, decisions and even your job in a myriad of ways to leave you feeling totally refreshed by the amount of freedom it affords you. This is a hilarious, poignant and incredibly sharp game that shouldn't be missed.



Whatever Bethesda may believe, and whatever the tastes of millennials, Doom is all about its single-player campaign, which is a blood-smattered brilliant beast of a game. It's extensive, insanely hectic, unbelievably satisfying, gloriously gory to behold, and more than a worthy update of the classic original.

  • Doom review: Redefining the remake

Hitman 3


The Hitman reboot was a great episodic adventure but the newest sequel is even better - possibly the best stealth game ever, in fact. You'll need patience but the sheer number of ways to complete each assassination mission make it a game you will come back to again and again. This game also upgrades the episodes of the first two entries, so you can revisit them too using the new and improved game engine.

  • Hitman 3 review: An utterly sublime stealth game

Assassin's Creed: Valhalla


Assassin's Creed: Odyssey breathed fresh life into the franchise and Valhalla cements its best parts. You take on the role of Eivor, a Viking warrior tasked with settling their people in England, and it's a rip-roaring tale to enjoy. 

  • Assassin's Creed Valhalla review: A bloody good Viking escapade

More about this story

Every game on this list has been tested and played through by our team,  to make sure that it merits inclusion.

We've played through their campaigns, sunk hours into their multiplayer offerings, and carefully compared them to direct competitors to make sure that they represent the most satisfying and rewarding options out there on their platform.

We aren’t interested in pointless number crunching or extraneous details - we just want to provide an easy to understand review that gives you an idea of what it's going to be like to play. And don’t for a second think that the games aren't tested fully because the reviews are concise.

We’ve been covering tech and games since 2003, and, in many cases, have not only reviewed the game in question, but the previous generations, too - right back to the first release on the market. There are also plenty of titles we've considered that didn't make the cut in each of our buyer's guides.

Writing by Max Freeman-Mills.

Berikut adalah 20 Xbox Series S dan Xbox Series X Game di seluruh dunia, yang diperingkat oleh Bulanan Pengguna Aktif (MAU). Jelajahi game Xbox Series S | X paling populer di tahun 2022 oleh jumlah pemain unik yang memainkannya setiap bulan.

Game Xbox apa yang orang mainkan sekarang?

Mencari lebih banyak & nbsp; metrik dan data & nbsp; tentang game Xbox paling populer? & Nbsp; lihat & nbsp; ahli newzoo, yang membanggakan & nbsp; game & nbsp; mau, daus, tingkat pertumbuhan, churn, dan retensi per negara. Kami juga membahas pendapatan game, demografi, pemirsa, keterlibatan Reddit, dan banyak lagi.

*Agregat dari 37 pasar, tidak. Cina

Tren video game di platform lain

Setiap bulan, kami menerbitkan peringkat baru dari game Xbox Series S teratas dan game Xbox Series X teratas di halaman ini. Pastikan Anda menandai dan kembali bulan depan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perubahan pada peringkat Xbox Games teratas!new ranking of the top Xbox Series S games and the top Xbox Series X games on this page. Make sure you bookmark it and come back next month to discover to see if there are any changes to the top Xbox games ranking!

Daftar ini secara eksklusif mencakup game komputer paling populer di Xbox Series S dan Xbox Series X. Ini tidak termasuk game seluler dan PC, atau kinerja game komputer multiplatform di ponsel dan PC.

Ingin tampilan gambar yang lebih besar? Lihat daftar kami dari game PlayStation 5 teratas dan daftar game PC teratas.

Buka kunci akses ke semua data PC, konsol, dan game mobile

Jika Anda ingin akses ke tampilan penuh kinerja game di semua perangkat-serta DAU tingkat permainan, MAU, pendapatan, dan demografi, lihat Newzoo Expert! Platform data game kami mencakup lebih dari 10.000 game di PC, konsol, dan seluler.

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Penafian: Tidak ada 'resmi' tentang daftar ini. Mereka disusun oleh 'editor' menggunakan kriteria yang dinyatakan, dan direvisi dengan mempertimbangkan saran yang kompeten dari pengunjung ke situs web ini saja.
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Kebijakan pribadi

Apa 10 game terbaik di Xbox?

Jadi bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami membawa Anda melalui pilihan game Xbox One terbaik kami ...
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. (Kredit Gambar: CD ProJekt Red).
Red Dead Redemption 2. (Kredit Gambar: Rockstar) ....
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. (Kredit Gambar: Konami) ....
Legenda puncak. ....
Assassin's Creed Odyssey. ....
Minecraft. ....
Grand Theft Auto 5. ....
Gears 5. ....

Game apa yang paling populer di Xbox?

Game Xbox teratas oleh pengguna aktif bulanan - Global..
Fortnite.Game Epik.....
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare/Warzone.Penerbitan Activision.....
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022) Activision Publishing.....
Grand Theft Auto V. Rockstar Games.....
Minecraft.Studio Mojang.....
Legenda puncak.Seni Elektronik.....
Musim gugur.Game Epik.....
Roblox.ROBLOX Corporation ..

Game apa yang harus saya mainkan di Xbox One saya?

Apa game Xbox One terbaik yang pernah ada?.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ..
Ring Elden ..
Red Dead Redemption 2 ..
Halo Infinite ..
Forza Horizon 5 ..
Ksatria Hollow ..
Disco Elysium ..

Apakah Xbox lebih baik dari PS4?

Xbox One vs PS4: Kinerja dan Grafik Namun terlepas dari spesifikasi ini, PS4 sebenarnya lebih baik dalam meletakkan kekuatannya daripada Xbox One.Itu karena konsol game Microsoft menggunakan beberapa sumber dayanya untuk memberi daya pada sistem operasi, yang berarti ia memiliki lebih sedikit gerutuan untuk dibawa ke dalam game.the PS4 is actually better at putting down its power than the Xbox One. That's because Microsoft's games console uses some of its resources to power the operating system, meaning it has less grunt to bring to bear on games.

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