Wo ist der home button bei android

Instead of a physical button, newer phones have an on-screen Home button that’s always available. Treat this Home button just like any other physical one: simply press it! If you are having trouble unlocking your phone or if the Home button is too sensitive, don't worry. We’ll show you how to adjust it, and just how adaptable your phone's Home button can be.

Note: With the Pie OS update, the Show and Hide option for the Home button is no longer available. Available screens and settings may vary by wireless service provider, software version, and phone model.

The Navigation bar isn't set in stone - you can actually change the order of the buttons, like the Back and Recent buttons!

To do this, navigate to Settings, tap Display, and then tap Navigation bar. Make sure Buttons is selected at the top of the screen, and then you can choose your desired button setup at the bottom of the screen. You can keep the Navigation bar the traditional way (Recents, Home, Back), or swap the order (Back, Home, Recents). The Home button will always stay in the middle; it cannot be adjusted.

Additionally, you can also change the Navigation bar to use Swipe gestures instead of regular buttons. Check out our full guide on the Navigation bar to learn more.

Stop accidentally waking up your phone. Make it a heavy sleeper by setting the amount of pressure needed to activate the Home button.

From Settings, tap Display. Swipe to and tap Navigation bar, and then tap Hard press Home button. You can adjust the slider from Lighter to Stronger, depending on your sensitivity preference.

Note: This feature is only available on Galaxy S8, S9, Note8, and Note9.

Pressing a button to unlock your phone is so boring. Try using the Fingerprint Reader. All you have to do is place your finger on the scanner.

From Settings, swipe to and tap Lock screen, and then tap Screen lock type. Tap Fingerprints, and then follow the on-screen prompts to use your fingerprint to unlock your phone. No Home button required.

Note: This feature is not available on all phone models.

The Assistant menu is designed for individuals with motor control or other difficulties. If you have trouble using the regular Home button and Navigation bar, you can turn on the Assistant menu so it's easier to navigate your phone's interface.

  1. From Settings, tap Accessibility.

  2. Tap Interaction and dexterity, and then tap Assistant menu. Tap the switch to turn it on, and then tap Allow.

  3. A floating icon will appear at the bottom right corner of the screen. Touch and hold the icon to move it around the screen.

  4. Tap the floating icon to access the Assistant menu; you can open the Home or Recent apps screens, go back to the previous screen, adjust the volume, power off your phone, and much more.

  5. Finally, tap the screen anywhere outside of the menu to close it.

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Was viele nicht wissen: Wenn man bei einem Android Smartphone den Homebutton lange gedrückt hält, öffnet sich eine versteckte Funktion. Bei Samsung Geräten ist dies in der Regel der Google Assistant. Doch was ist, wenn Sie den Google Assistant nicht nutzen möchten und die Home-Taste lieber mit einer neuen Funktion belegen möchten? Ganz einfach: Dann können Sie den Samsung Homebutton einfach neu belegen. Denn wer ein aktuelles Samsung Handy mit Homebutton besitzt, beispielsweise das Galaxy S8 oder das Galaxy S9, kann den Android Homebutton mit nur wenigen Handgriffen abändern. Je nachdem welches Gerät Sie besitzen, ist dies sogar komplett ohne Drittanbieter-App möglich. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie bei einem Samsung Handy den Homebutton ändern können und für welche Geräte eine App notwendig ist, um den Android Homebutton neu zu belegen.

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