Why was FNAF Security Breach so bad

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The level design is horrible, the bots can literally teleport every time you pass a doorway. It's super buggy too.

I'm still mystified why anyone thought it was going to be good to begin with.

Does it blow me out of the water, no. I thought it was pretty decent minus the bugs obviously. My only real complaints is I wish the story was longer and that only the relavent security cameras/ map would appear. Personally I would have made the cameras section oriented. If I’m on the first floor I don’t need to see the cameras of upper floors, or if I’m in the basement dock section I don’t need to see the camera’s before the kitchen.

The example that comes to mind, during the part you’re trapped in the prize counter security room. Despite being in the security room the cameras wouldn’t appear but I could see the ones with all the sourvionrs/prizes. Made that part harder than it needed to be.

Moon-GPS helping you reach your destination

I’ve heard it’s way worse on PS4 (don’t know if they meant just the original or PS4 Pro) with lighting issues and other glitches.

Yea, every version it’s on seems to have issues

TheVector posted...

I’ve heard it’s way worse on PS4 (don’t know if they meant just the original or PS4 Pro) with lighting issues and other glitches.

Yea, every version it’s on seems to have issues

Bugs are a problem, but the overall gameplay is just so boring and not thought out. Seriously, it's trying to be a Metroidvania game with all the dumb keycards/passes and backtracking and then its trying to be Outlast with all the chases and sneaking past enemies and then its trying to be Bioshock with Freddy being Mr. Bubbles.

It feels unfinished. The March release date for the physical copy probably should have been the actual release date for the game. I heard an ending is even locked out because you have to push an enter key that doesn't exist in the console version.

"When a black moon shines, Light and Dark break apart, the King of Darkness howls"

It looks unfinished, poor level design, and extremely buggy.

Gaming Enthusiast | Positivity | Twitter: //twitter.com/ItsFrenzy_

And now to get into an area I need to get into Freddy and it won't let me. If I force it by gettingin via a charging station, I can't get out. Was this version of the game even playtested? WTF

"When a black moon shines, Light and Dark break apart, the King of Darkness howls"

I was actually thinking of trying this.

why is security breach SO BAD?? from fivenightsatfreddys

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