Why is my profile picture blurry on Facebook

Hello beautiful reader, I am glad that you are here again to get some logo design tips. Today I want to tell you how to use your logo on Facebook. If you feel that this is too basic for you, you are free to leave now but you'll never get to know why you have a blurry profile picture.

Make a great first impression

Your cover and profile picture on your Facebook site is a very important marketing element. And I would say that it is a good (actually crucial) thing to keep your profile clean and professional. Don't forget that you only have one attempt to make a great first impression.

Basic facts about Facebook profile pictures

It is a matter of fact that social media platforms (including Facebook) are forever changing the image sizes and formats. Facebook itself says that your page’s profile picture:

  1. displays at 170x170 pixels on your page on computers,
  2. 128x128 pixels on smartphones
  3. and 36x36 pixels on most feature phones.

And Facebook even says that: For profile pictures and cover photos with your logo or text, you may get a better result by using a PNG file. There used to be a huge difference in displaying quality between png and jpg files but I think that it is much better today. But if Facebook itself recommends uploading png I would stick with their advice.

Uploading your profile picture (your logo)

There are several things to think about when you upload your profile picture on Facebook.

The first one is dimensions. Facebook says that your profile picture will be displayed as a 170x170 pixels square. But that doesn't mean that you should upload 170x170 pixels file. You get a blurry and a really bad profile picture if you do so. I recommend to upload a 600x600 pixels file to get a nice and sharp result.

The second one is the file format. Since Facebook admits that you can get better results with png files it is pretty self explanatory that I recommend to upload a png file to get a nice and sharp result. There are online tools that can help you convert your jpg file to png.

The third thing is to keep in mind that you profile picture (logo) needs some breathing space, the bigger doesn't always mean the merrier. It means that your logo needs a safety area around itself to ensure visibility and maximum impact. Open your logo manual to find out what a logo safe area for your logo is (your designer should have sent you that) and set your profile picture accordingly.

Last but not least, don't forget that your profile picture will be displayed in a circle in ads and posts. Just check out if your logo looks good in the circle as well.

Your cover picture

Facebook says that your page's cover photo:

  1. displays at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on your page on computers and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on smartphones,
  2. must be at least 400 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall,
  3. loads fastest as an sRGB JPG file that’s 851 pixels wide, 315 pixels tall and less than 100 kilobytes

For profile pictures and cover photos with your logo or text, you may get a better result by using a PNG file.

Uploading your cover picture

I recommend to upload a picture in png file format at 1702 pixels wide and 630 pixels tall to get better results on retina displays. And I also recommend to:

  1. use a unique image that represents your page,
  2. be creative but keep your design simple
  3. and bear in mind that a cover photo on mobile devices will be cropped (keep all the important information within the mobile safe area).

I hope you find these tips helpful and that you will get the best out of your logo on Facebook. If you want to read some more logo tips feel free to jump into the article dealing with logo design essentials.

Thank you for taking your time to read my article. I hope that you find it useful. I am looking forward to see your thoughts in the comment section below.


Whether you are advertising your business on Facebook, or simply want your event photos to look their best, maintaining the integrity of your photos requires an understanding of Facebook's photo dimensions and the ability to edit your photos prior to uploading them to Facebook. Cover photos, profile pictures and gallery uploads each have their own size specifications. Editing your photo to comply with Facebook's image standards will prevent your photos from looking grainy, blurry or distorted.

Why Your Photos Look Funny on Facebook

  1. The primary reason your photos look distorted on Facebook is that Facebook resizes photos to fit within the pre-determined boundaries of their profiles, business pages and galleries. If your high-resolution photo is larger than this boundary, it may be compressed, resulting in a grainy image, whereas if it is smaller than this boundary, it may be enlarged and stretched to fit within the designated dimensions.

Choosing the Right Type -- File Type, That Is

  1. The size and resolution of your photos are not the only contributing factors for getting great-looking Facebook photos. While some professional cameras give photographers the option to save images in RAW format, these highly-detailed images are too large to be uploaded to Facebook. Many consumer-model cameras and digital image editors produce images in smaller, more user-friendly file formats such as JPEG and PNG files. Facebook suggests uploading JPEG files, if your photo does not include text, or PNG files for photos that do include text.

Taking Control of Your Photos

  1. Using a digital image editor, such as Adobe Photoshop, Serif Photo Plus or Picasa, you can resize your photos yourself, rather than rely on Facebook to alter your image on their back end. Facebook cover photos are 851-pixels long by 315-pixels tall, with a 160-pixel-wide gap for your profile photo. Your profile photo displays at 160- by 160-pixels, but the smallest file that you can upload is 180- by 180-pixels. Photos posted to your timeline will display at 403- by 403-pixels, while you can upload photos to your gallery that are as large as 2048- by 2048-pixels.

In-Site Editing

  1. Facebook enables users to have limited control over photos once they are uploaded. The "Scale to Fit" option will stretch or compress a photo to fit within the established boundaries for that photo type, but may result in your photo looking distorted. You may also rotate photos left or right, or reposition a cover photo along its longest dimension.

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