What value would most likely be associated with a collectivist culture?

1.3.4 - Individualist or Collectivist

Individualist or Collectivist

The way you responded to the Sharing the Rewards exercise tells you something about how you feel regarding individual achievement and reward. Most Americans choose to divide the available pool in a disproportionate way; they do not generally divide the money equally. This tendency to stress either individuality or a more collective response is one of the most widely distributed traits around the world. Not every culture is at one end or the other of the spectrum, but the majority tend to favor one over the other in everyday life. Knowing about the basis of this Collectivism versus Individualism construct will help you to recognize, understand, and anticipate attitudes in different types of cultures.


The individual identifies primarily with self, with the needs of the individual being satisfied before those of the group. Looking after and taking care of oneself, being self-sufficient, guarantees the well-being of the group. Independence and self-reliance are greatly stressed and valued. In general, people tend to distance themselves psychologically and emotionally from each other. One may choose to join groups, but group membership is not essential to one�s identity or success. Individualist characteristics are often associated with men and people in urban settings.


One�s identity is, in large part, a function of one�s membership and role in a group, e.g., the family or work team. The survival and success of the group ensures the well-being of the individual, so that by considering the needs and feelings of others, one protects oneself. Harmony and the interdependence of group members are stressed and valued. Group members are relatively close psychologically and emotionally, but distant toward nongroup members. Collectivist characteristics are often associated with women and people in rural settings.  

Tales from the...

Jogging Alone

Learning from Cultural Encounters !!

Look at the list of characteristics and behaviors given below. If you decide the statement is more likely to apply to people living in an individualist culture, write "I" in the underlined blank space; if you think it is characteristic of a collectivist culture, write "C."

Characteristics and Behaviors

Suggested answers

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1.3.5 - Score Yourself !!

Individualist or Collectivist: Score Yourself!!  

As you can see, the concept of "self" can have almost opposite meanings. Having become familiar with the two poles of this concept in the previous exercise, you now have a chance to think of your own behavior in the context of this important cultural dimension. Before reading further, take a moment to decide whether you think of yourself as more individualist or collectivist.

Let's do the following exercise...

Below are a number of paired statements. Read each pair (a. and b.) and check the one that best describes the action you would take or the way you feel about the particular topic. Please choose one or the other even if you think both are true. Try to be as honest as you can by answering quickly and not analyzing your response.

Keep in mind that this exercise is not scientific. Most of the paired statements are taken out of context; you might select one alternative in one set of circumstances and the opposite in another. The exercise, however, has exposed you to some alternative behaviors and ways of thinking that you might want to consider as you continue your overseas experience.

For more information and exercises which will help you adjust to your host culture, continue to Section 1.4, Whose Fault? Why Values Matter.

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1.4 - Whose Fault? Why Values Matter

Whose Fault? Why Values Matter

Research has shown that individualism, which implies self-sufficiency and self-interest, is most prevalent in the United States, while many other societies put an emphasis on collectivism, being concerned first for the welfare of the group before oneself. Clearly there are many consequences in a society depending upon whether you tend towards the individual or collective model. Among the most obvious is the how being a member of a culture affects your reactions to issues of loyalty and ideas about responsibility. Your beliefs (and those of the host culture) can have ethical, legal, and moral implications regarding your behavior and what might be expected of you. The continuum which measures this kind of cultural choice in terms of social and personal obligations is often termed "Universalism versus Particularism." You can quickly gauge your own tendency by doing the following two exercises beginning with "The Accident."

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1.4.1- An Accident

You are riding in a car driven by a close friend when he hits a pedestrian. There are no other witnesses and the pedestrian is bruised but not badly hurt. The speed limit in this part of town is 20 miles an hour, but you happen to notice that your friend was driving 35. His lawyer tells you that if you will testify under oath that your friend was driving 20, he will suffer no serious consequences. (Adapted from Fons Trompenaars, Riding the Waves of Culture)

Before reading further, check the "Yes" or "No" in answer to this question:

Would you testify that your friend was driving 20 miles an hour?

Yes           No

Percentage of Americans who said they would not: 96%  

Percentage of Venezuelans who said they would not: 34%

What do you think accounts for the great difference between Venezuelan and American percentages?

After writing your answer, click on discussion for a brief comment.

.. Memories..

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1.4.2 - Personal and Societal Obligations

Personal and Societal Obligations: Universalism & Particularism

As was suggested by the preceding activity, people struggle with how to balance obligations to family, friends, and colleagues on the one hand, and obligations to the wider society on the other. In cases where these obligations conflict, the people of different cultures are often on different sides of this dichotomy.

The two sides of this dimension of human experience are known as universalism and particularism. No culture is exclusively universalist or particularist, but cultures do tend to be more one than the other, and while the attitudes of individuals in a given culture will vary, the focus here is on the culture as a whole.


Certain absolutes apply across the board, regardless of circumstances or the particular situation. Wherever possible, you should try to apply the same rules to everyone in like situations. To be fair is to treat everyone alike and not make exceptions for family, friends, or members of your in-group. Where possible, you should lay your personal feelings aside and look at the situation objectively. While life isn�t necessarily fair, we can make it more fair by treating people the same way.


How you behave in a given situation depends on the circumstances. You treat family, friends, and your in-group the best you can, and you let the rest of the world take care of itself. Their in-groups will protect them. There can�t be absolutes because everything depends on whom you�re dealing with. No one expects life to be fair. Exceptions will always be made for certain.

Particularism - Universalism Exercise

While The Accident is a useful and informative single event, the way a culture follows a Particularist model or a Universalist one has much wider implications. If you would like to see how you personally score on this scale, please take the following self-scoring quiz.

In the following exercise, check the statement that does not belong in the group of four, either because it reflects a universalist attitude and all the others are particularist, or vice versa:

Click on Suggested answers

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