What teeth can invisalign fix

Protruding teeth are a common issue in children and adults; the upper teeth will frequently jut out over the lower teeth or otherwise sit at odd angles. Also known as an overbite or buck teeth, they are often a very visible issue and can subsequently cause both self-consciousness and difficulties with chewing. There isn’t any one specific reason why this issue occurs with people’s teeth — it can become evident during childhood, develop during adolescence or even emerge as an issue during adulthood. 

But the good news is that it’s an issue that can usually be corrected with relative ease. Invisalign is emerging as an increasingly popular option for correcting protruding teeth, thanks to its discreet appearance and overall efficacy. 

Why do teeth protrude?

Before we get into the ways in which Invisalign can correct protruding teeth, it is helpful to understand what causes protruding teeth. The most common cause of protruding teeth is genetics. Just like other physical features, jaw shape and protruding teeth can be passed down through generations.

Other causes of protruding teeth include bad habits such as thumb sucking or extensive sucking on a dummy as a child. If you suck your thumb or dummy while your permanent teeth are growing, the sucking pressure can cause them to grow at an abnormal angle and cause protruding teeth. 

Can invisible aligners fix protruding teeth?

Many people with protruding teeth wonder if invisible aligners can fix their teeth — and more specifically, if Invisalign can fix protruding teeth. The simple answer is “Yes”. While the most common treatment for protruding teeth is traditional braces, Invisalign has become a highly favoured alternative for its effectiveness and near-invisible aesthetic.

How Invisalign works to correct protruding teeth

Invisalign tends to be most effective in cases where the teeth are protruding due to their angle in the gum. Sometimes,  the cause of protruding teeth is skeletal (often in more severe overbites) and Invisalign might have to be used in conjunction with surgery or another orthodontic treatment. 

To begin your journey with Invisalign, you’ll need to visit a qualified dentist to have your teeth scanned, so your aligners can be custom-made to fit your mouth. Once your aligners are ready, you will wear a specific set of aligners for two weeks at a time while they slowly but surely move your teeth to fit each particular mould. After every two weeks, you will move onto your next set of aligners to make the successive dental movements. This process is repeated until your teeth have been shifted, corrected and are no longer protruding.

Why Invisalign is perfect for protruding teeth

While everybody is different and no two dental cases are exactly the same, the last thing some kids and adults with protruding teeth want is to put additional focus on their teeth through prominent metal braces. Almost invisible, unnoticeable and effective in moving protruding teeth, Invisalign is a desirable solution for fixing dental problems.

Fix your protruding teeth with Invisalign today

If you’re considering Invisalign for your protruding teeth, reach out to us at Smile Team. With more than 50 years in the industry, we offer a wide range of cutting-edge solutions to meet your orthodontic needs. Book your free Invisalign consultation at any of our clinics in New South Wales today. 

For more information about the length of the treatment, costs and the general Invisalign process, our team is known as a Diamond Invisalign provider. We will be happy to help — call us on (02) 4220 5300.


Does Invisalign make teeth perfectly straight?

As long as you are committed to wearing your aligners and caring for your teeth, you can expect to have completely straight teeth by the end of your Invisalign journey. 

How long does it take for Invisalign to fix protruding teeth?

Some cases will take longer than others and may require additional orthodontic treatment. For example, if you have a severe skeletal over or underbite.

How can I fix my protruding teeth without braces?

There are two leading causes of protruding teeth: dental and skeletal. Dental cases of protruding teeth (for example, tongue thrusting, thumb or dummy sucking) do not necessarily affect your bone or jaw structure but the actual angle in which your teeth sit in your gums. In these cases, alternatives to braces such as Invisalign can be highly effective in fixing protruding teeth. 

However, if the cause of your protruding teeth is skeletal, your dentist or orthodontist might suggest alternative treatment such as surgery in conjunction with orthodontic treatments like traditional braces or Invisalign. 

Can you get Invisalign for only the bottom teeth?
While most people are usually concerned with the appearance of their protruding upper teeth, your lower teeth can also protrude. Suitable for both the upper and the lower teeth, Invisalign trays can be made to correct protruding teeth and give you a straighter smile.

What does the surgery to fix protruding teeth entail?

In the case that your jaw or bone structure is the cause of your protruding teeth, and you are not growing anymore, you may require surgery. This kind of surgery is known as orthognathic surgery. Usually, it involves moving the upper jaw bones (the maxilla bones) backwards or moving the lower jaw (the mandible) forward to correct an overbite. Once your jaw is fixed, you may still require other orthodontic treatments like braces or Invisalign to correct the angle at which your teeth sit in your gums, to close gaps or better align your teeth for a picture-perfect smile.

In the hands of an experienced Orthodontist, Invisalign treatment can change your smile dramatically. People are often confused about what Invisalign can and cannot fix when they go for orthodontic treatment.

An Orthodontist uses Invisalign clear aligners as a tool to guide your teeth into ideal position for the health of your teeth, gums, and overall bite.

The Invisalign clear aligners are printed to the exact specifications of the doctor prescribing treatment, accurate to the millimeter. There are so many conditions that Invisalign treatment can help correct.

Here Are Examples of Orthodontic Conditions Invisalign Can Correct

Invisalign can treat the following problems in some individuals, depending on how severe they are:

Crooked Teeth

Invisalign is commonly used to treat crooked teeth and straighten smiles in patients. It can align your teeth, giving you a cleaner smile.


When the teeth on top close too far in front of the lower teeth, it is called an overbite. It can cause difficulty in chewing and biting certain food items. Invisalign can move the teeth so that the bottom and top teeth align when an individual closes their mouth.


An underbite is the opposite of an overbite. It is when the bottom line of teeth is in front of the upper line. An underbite can weaken your teeth and lead to speech difficulties. Invisalign can help move back the lower teeth so that they are behind the front teeth. In some cases, dentists will combine braces with Invisalign to treat the condition. Severe cases of underbite, however, cannot typically be treated by only using Invisalign. Meeting with your orthodontist to figure out the best solution for your underbite is the best way to create an action plan.


A crossbite occurs when some of your upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth instead of outside. This condition can cause chipping in your teeth and receding of your gums. Invisalign can, in some cases, position the teeth correctly.

Gaps in Teeth

Gaps in two or more teeth lead to spacing issues. This excess space can cause food to get caught between the gums and teeth, causing gum disease and pain. Invisalign can help close this gap between teeth to create a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile. However, there may be certain limitations depending on how much space requires closing.

Open Bite

When the upper and lower teeth don’t meet, it is called an open bite. Invisalign helps fix an open bite. It moves the two sections of teeth into position so that they close properly.

Crowded Teeth

Your teeth will overlap and twist when there isn’t enough space in your jaw to accommodate all your teeth. This is known as crowding. This reduced space between your teeth causes food to get stuck, tartar, and plaque to build up, ultimately leading to gum disease and tooth decay. Invisalign can be used to treat some cases of crowding. But whether this treatment will be effective will depend on how complex and severe the problem is.

What Can Invisalign Not Fix?

There are many clear aligner challenges a trained and experienced Orthodontist can overcome as Invisalign can help solve a majority of dental issues, however, there are certain conditions that can affect Invisalign’s effectiveness. These are:

Severe Premolar Rotation

Occasionally the angle of rotation of a person’s premolar teeth can make it difficult for Invisalign clear aligners to grip effectively, in which case our doctors are able to use extra attachments or therapies to aid in correct movement. 

Patient Compliance

Invisalign treatment depends on the person wearing the clear aligners to be devoted to wearing them close to 22 hours each day. It is surprisingly easy to adjust to the feeling after getting used to them. Our doctors do not see issues with patient compliance often and believe all ages can be very successful using clear aligner therapy.

Other Tooth Conditions an Experienced Orthodontist Can Overcome

While Invisalign may help solve many dental issues, there are certain problems that it cannot fix. Some of these are:

  • Severe Gaps Between Teeth
  • Issues With Previous Dental Work Done

In Conclusion

With Invisalign coming a long way with technological developments and high experience among orthodontists, limitations are reducing. 

If you want to use Invisalign for your dental problems but are not entirely sure whether they are suited for you, visit //www.schoettger.com for a free in-person or virtual consultation. 

Schoettger Orthodontics offers in-house financing to help with the costs of Invisalign treatment. Our expert orthodontists will explain the Invisalign treatment and help determine the best treatment for you.

Schoettger Orthodontics

8000 South 13th Street 

Lincoln Nebraska 68512 

(402) 423-8000

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