What model depicts the variables of ability role perceptions motivation and situations to directly influence a persons voluntary behavior and performance?

The conceptual anchor that suggest that OB should be studied using evidence

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  • Motivation

    Motivation can be described as internal forces that impact the direction, intensity, and endurance of a person’s voluntary choice of behavior. It consists of −

    • Direction − focused by goals.

    • Intensity − bulk of effort allocated.

    • Persistence − amount of time taken for the effort to be exerted.

    For example − A team leader encourages team members to work efficiently.


    Ability is the natural tendency and learned capabilities needed to complete a task successfully. It has four different parts namely −

    • Aptitudes − natural talent that helps people learn more efficiently and perform effectively.

    • Learned capabilities − accomplished skills and knowledge.

    • Competencies − abilities, individual values, personality traits and other features of people that result in superior performance.

    • Person-job fit − there are three ways to match people with jobs

      • selecting qualified people
      • developing employee abilities through training
      • redesigning job to fit person's existing abilities

    For example − Rohan completes a task in 4 days while the time allotted was 6 days. He has the ability to complete it before the required time frame.

    Role Perceptions

    They are the beliefs about what behavior is necessary to achieve the desired results, and have a check that everyone is clear regarding their part. It is of four types −

    • Understanding the tasks to be performed.
    • Understanding associated importance of tasks allotted.
    • Understanding preferred behaviors to complete respective tasks.
    • Clarifying role perceptions

    For example − Every member in a group is clear regarding the part allotted to them. For instance, the programmer writes the code and the tester checks it.

    Situational Factors

    They are the environmental conditions like given time bound, team members, budget, and work facilities that limits or facilitates behavior. Factors that are beyond the individual’s control in the short run.

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