What is the most important factor influencing international hrm?

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...HRM in an MNE BUS 325 There are multiple similarities between the international and domestic human resource practices. With areas like; planning and staffing, recruitment and selection, rewards, along with appraisal and development HRM can intertwine with each other and no one would know there is a difference between the two. However, there are two ways to tell them apart. The first one would be the difficulties of working in another country, where you have to adapt your policy and procedures to address their customs and laws. The second one would be the fact of having to hire multiple nationalities in order to facilitate the operation to make sure there are employees that are already accustom to the laws and customs of that region. Working globally has increased the level of work and the challenges and complexity of managing new networks of individuals as well as new companies. When looking at IHRM from this point of view the company must make sure that they are creating an even balance within the organization as well as in the regional location they are operating within. Adapting to the local environment is a major part of being successful within the region. A company must fully understand how sensitive a situation like this can be and must make every effort to succeed. Without adaptation to the region, the company will be sure to fail. International and domestic HRM are......

Words: 1660 - Pages: 7

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...CURRICULUM VITAE [pic] [pic] P.O. BOX 62000 - 00200, NAIROBI KENYA e-mail: PHONE: +254-722-593525 PERSONAL INFORMATION Sex: Male Date of birth: 11th.May.1975 Nationality: Kenyan ID No. 12754448 Marital Status: Married Religion: Muslim CAREER OBJECTIVE To work in a challenging and dynamic position in an area of Professional Human Resources training, development and Knowledge management, with a view of integrating creativity, team work and research to provide practical way forward that will map comprehensive strategies for human capacity development PERSONAL PROFILE • Good communication and interpersonal skills with ability to relate to people at all levels. • Ready to learn and take instructions. • Strong team leadership character, trustworthy and reliable personality. • Excellent endurance and ability to work under pressure and dead lines. • Able to mix and socialize quickly with people of diverse cultures and background. • Strong ambitions for success with equally focused determination and stamina to achieve. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Date Institution/Award 2007 – 2012 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, School for Human Resource Development. Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management 2005 – 2007 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture......

Words: 2494 - Pages: 10

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...STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Sandeep Krishnan Personnel and Industrial Relations Area D-18, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: Tel: ++91-79-26327816 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 Manjari Singh Personnel and Industrial Relations Area Wing 12-D, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: Tel: ++91-79-26324914 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 1 Abstract: A three-stage model for the process of strategic human resource management is developed in this paper. The three stages cover strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. The inter-linkages in this dynamic model have been explored. The organisational factors that have enabling or deterring influence on the success of each of these three stages have been discussed. The paper highlights the key role played by HR professionals in these three stages. 2 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Organisations are increasingly looking at human resources as a unique asset that can provide sustained competitive advantage. The changes in the business environment with increasing globalisation, changing demographics of the workforce, increased focus on profitability through growth, technological changes, intellectual capital and the never-ending changes that organisations......

Words: 9227 - Pages: 37

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...Chapter 3: 1. What type of HR organization best fits with global, multinational, international and transnational organizations? There are many types of HR organization just like there are many types of organizations. Some types of organizations are global, multinational, international and transnational. To understand which HR organization best fits each type of organization you must know what each organization does. What they are made up of and what is the purpose and goal of each type of organization. The definition of a global organization from our text is an organization that operates on a global scale(Thomas, D.C. and Lazarova, M.B. 2014.) An example of a global organization is the World Health Organization. Which an organization which is in charge of directing health authority within countries that are part of the United Nations. The World Health Organization is an organization that operates globally and has a goal of getting aid and medical assistance to all who need it. The organization has a large number of employees that come from all over the world and also help people of many cultures. A multinational organization is one that has to do business in multiple environments and they all need to be controlled(Thomas, D.C. and Lazarova, M.B. 2014.) This usually means the organization has many subsidiaries in multiple countries. An example of a multinational organization is Coca-Cola which is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia but has many bottling plants and...

Words: 1341 - Pages: 6

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...Changing HRM Landscape Changing HRM Landscape Table of Contents 1) Introduction2 2) The theoretical and changing HRM landscape2 Insight of HRM history for modern practitioners 3 3) Significance of HR best practices and organisational behaviour (OB) tools within a MNC 3 4) Assumptions underpinning the way in which HR best practices are being propagated within a MNC, particularly in different cross-cultural environments. 5 5) The influence of culture on HR best practices………………………………………………………. 5 6) Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 7) References…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 Introduction Human Resource Management (HRM) has brought profound change and debate to how employees are seen within an organisation. A review of HRM history with a look at relevant theories being propagated today for a better understanding of the HRM context with insights to the HR Practitioner moving forward. This is followed by a breakdown of the HR best practice, recruitment and selection and its challenges for MNCs. The accompanying OB tools are reviewed to see how MNCs would be able to best address talent acquisition. Assumptions are then looked at underpinning the way in which HR best practices are being propagated within a MNC, particularly in different cross-cultural environments with focus on MNC originating from emerging economies. Finally the influence of culture on HR Best Practice with OB solutions is reviewed. ...

Words: 3171 - Pages: 13

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...STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Sandeep Krishnan Personnel and Industrial Relations Area D-18, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: Tel: ++91-79-26327816 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 Manjari Singh Personnel and Industrial Relations Area Wing 12-D, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: Tel: ++91-79-26324914 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 1 Abstract: A three-stage model for the process of strategic human resource management is developed in this paper. The three stages cover strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. The inter-linkages in this dynamic model have been explored. The organisational factors that have enabling or deterring influence on the success of each of these three stages have been discussed. The paper highlights the key role played by HR professionals in these three stages. 2 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Organisations are increasingly looking at human resources as a unique asset that can provide sustained competitive advantage. The changes in the business environment with increasing globalisation, changing demographics of the workforce, increased focus on profitability through growth, technological changes, intellectual capital and the never-ending changes that organisations......

Words: 9211 - Pages: 37

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...Discuss the potential influence of an organization’s culture on the ability of organizations to obtain positive HRM outcomes in the area of employee motivation and engagement and consider how such outcomes may be potentially improved. Name Institution Date Executive summary Organizational culture is increasing becoming important in achieving positive outcomes in the HRM function and particularly in the areas of employee motivation and engagement. The organizations are coming to the realization that the organizational culture and the HRM functions cannot be taken in isolations as the culture plays a big role when it comes to the implementation of the Human resource management policies. This paper discusses the potential influences of the organization’s culture on the ability of the organization to obtain HRM outcomes drawing on theoretical and practical examples of the contemporary organizations (Gerhart & Fang, 2005). The paper discusses how these outcomes can be potentially improved by the organization through ensuring they adopt the organizational culture that engages employees and motivates them in undertaking their duties and responsibilities. Introduction The human resource management functions is one of the most important in the organization as it is tasked with attracting, retaining, motivating developing as well as using human capital in a company. Of the many functions of the HR the employee motivation and engagement are important as they can determine how......

Words: 2016 - Pages: 9

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... | |International HRM | | | | | |3/21/2011 | | | CONTENTS Terms of references 3 Methods of investigation 3 Findings 3 Conclusions 17 Recommendations 17 Reference 18 Bibliography 18 Words: 3517 1.0 Terms of reference In order to complete International HRM unit task, a formal report has been requested. The task is to carry out an investigation and undertake a role of Management Consultant to look into the issues influencing movement of new plant to other locations and consider HR strategy for Haelec. Following subjects: cultural differences...

Words: 3480 - Pages: 14

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...Module: MGT 3000 Human Resources and Entrepreneurship Title: “Owner-managers of SMEs can determine the employment relationships within their own business.” Considering both the internal and external influencing factors, draw on relevant literature to discuss this statement critically Word Count: 2162 (excluding references) Employment relationship is a legitimate concept commonly adopted around the globe refering to the link between employees, or workers, and employer, which employees are performing work or services under certain conditions in return for remunerations. It has been a paramount concept of a ‘industrial relations perspective ’ on contemporary employment and management over the past two decades (Trevor and Mike, 2010: 7). When considering employment relationships in small and medium-sized entreprises (SMEs), we are mentioning largely about how these firms recruit, supervise, train, reward, manage disputes with and separate from employees as well as the more extensive relationship between employers and employees (Ram, 1999: 604). Being the main vehicle that employees gain access to their employment rights and benefits associated with social security and labour law, as well as the determinant of the scope and structure of employers’ authorities towards their employees (ILO, 2011), obligations and reciprocal rights between employee and employer are constructed via employment relationships. Looking into this fast-growing economy with ever......

Words: 2499 - Pages: 10

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...1. Introduction The discussion between promoters of best practice and best fit approaches has sparked widespread controversy in the human resource management (HRM) area. The topic has gained much scholarly attention because it not only addresses a theoretical controversy but also possesses a high degree of practical managerial significance. The essay has the aim to analyse best practice and best fit approaches in HRM of a multinational enterprise. The reader receives insight into Lincoln Electric's organization through a case-study analysis of practical HR approaches serving as a basis for developing practical managerial implications in the last part of the paper. 2. Critical evaluation of "best practice" and "best fit" practices in HRM 2.1 Best practice approach The best practice approach claims that certain bundles of HR activities exist which universally support companies in reaching a competitive advantage regardless of the organizational setting or industry (Redman and Wilkinson 2009). Best practice models imply a close connection between HR practices and organizational performance and are often associated with high commitment management (Paauwe & Boselie 2003). Empirical research in the best-practice field shows similar groups of HR polices which are especially suitable for maximizing performance irrespective of market and product strategies (Peffer 1998, Guest 2000). Best practice bundles of activities are characterized as mutually compatible HR......

Words: 2675 - Pages: 11

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...INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Definitions of IHRM: Scullion (2005) tracked the evolution of definitions of IHRM. He observed that although there has been little consensus, definitions have broadly concentrated on examining the HRM issues, problems, strategies, policies and practices which firms pursue in relation to the internationalization of their business. Schuler et al (2009) similarly recently positioned the different views that have existed about the nature of IHRM. IHRM encompasses: ‘. . . the worldwide management of people in the multinational enterprise’ (Poole, 1990; p1) ‘. . . human resource management in an international environment . . . problems created in an MNC performing business in more than one country, rather than those posed by working for a foreign firm at home or by employing foreign employees in the local firm’ (Briscoe and Schuler, 2004; p1) ‘. . .how MNCs manage their geographically dispersed workforce in order to leverage their HR resources for both local and global competitive advantage’ (Scullion, 2005; p5) ‘. . . a branch of management studies that investigates the design of and effects of organizational human resource practices in cross-cultural contexts’ (Peltonen, 2006; p523) ‘. . . all issues related to the management of people in an international context [including] human resource issues facing MNCs in different parts of their organizations [and] comparative analyses of HRM in different countries’ (Stahl and......

Words: 11695 - Pages: 47

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...leading in the organisation in any way; there is no need of selection process for them. Recruitment process is done for achieving the ideas and characteristics of the organisation. Leadership process is the qualities that an individual person holds inside them. It influences them in a way they lead in the organisation. Leadership is the influencing procedure for achieving the objectives of the organisation. Good leaders are those that create change in the organisation. They should include administration, interpersonal as well as concept objects. TASK 1 1A: IMPORTANT STEPS IN RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION The rapidly growing organization was leading to increase the necessity for the persons who will work in the management sections at the international level. Actually they are fulfilling the needs of the organizations as well as of themselves also. One of the important facts for HR members are to select & recruit qualifies people that fulfil the ideas of the companies. The success of the organisation depends on the employees abilities and on the behalf of it they require the best quality staff members. It is because those working in the international level will be included on more than one working system....

Words: 4099 - Pages: 17

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...INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6, JULY 2012 ISSN 2277-8616 The Emerging Challenges in HRM Mrs. Ekta Srivastava, Dr. Nisha Agarwal Abstract This paper analysis the various challenges which are emerging in the field of HRM.The managers today face a whole new array of changes like globalization, technological advances and changes in political and legal environment. changes in Information technology. This has lead to a paradigm shift in the of roles professional personnel. The great challenge of HRM is to attract, retain and nurture talented employees. This paper also analysis how to overcome with these challenges. These challenges can overcome through cross cultural training, technological and informational training of HR people and motivation of employees through various techniques Objective of paper To study the details of emerging challenges To find out the various methods and techniques through which HR can overcome the challenges of present business scenario Methodology – The analysis of this paper is totally depend upon secondary data like journal, books and various website from internet Introduction HR managers are facing many challenges in present business scenario like Globalization workforce diversity, technological advances and changes in political and legal environment change in information technology. All these challenges increase the pressure on HR managers to attract, retain and nurture talented......

Words: 1669 - Pages: 7

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...خطة المقرر Syllabus | اسم المقرر | International Business | Course Title | رقم المقرر | 301723 | Course Number | المتطلب السابق | - | Prerequisite Course | Course Objectives | This course aims to highlight the role and functions of multinational / global corporations and governments in international business. This is achieved through helping students be able to: * Define globalization and international business and show how they affect each other * Understand why companies engage in international business and why international business growth has accelerated * Discuss behavioral factors influencing countries’ business practices * Discuss the philosophy and practices of the legal system * Describe trends in contemporary legal systems * Profile the characteristics of the types of economic systems * Examine corporate responses to globalization in the form of codes of conduct, among other things * Understand why production factors, especially labor and capital, move internationally * Grasp company strategies for sequencing the penetration of countries * Discern the major opportunity and risk variables a company should consider when deciding whether and where to expand abroad * Understand the major motives that guide managers when choosing a collaborative arrangement for international business | International Business is an authoritative and engaging voice on conducting business in international markets. The...

Words: 1197 - Pages: 5

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...Week 7 Assignment Gayla Jenkins: Student ID # A00551485 Program: Ph.D. MGMT - Human Resource Management Introduction From small to large organizations, the functions of a human resource department are an essential piece in helping organize and manage the personnel that helps to keep an organization running. A Human resource department performs functions that encompass a variety of activities. Significantly influencing all areas of an organization such as Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, and Selection, conducting job analyses to establish the specific requirements of individual jobs within the organization, and forecasting the human resource requirements the organization needs to achieve its objectives just to name a few. In just recruiting alone the human resources department has a duty to also look at retention rates, complaints and terminations of employees which allow them to analyze as to what programs work and what do not. Human Resource Research utilizing human resource information database are able to conduct surveys, utilize questionnaires with direct and indirect control questions, or just take a show of hands to determined. If current systems work, what the employees want verses what the employer needs, and establish a system that will benefit not only the employer but also the employees. The examination of eight various articles will look at the various research methods that are used to manage human capital, how they work......

Words: 1955 - Pages: 8

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