What is the best reply for I want you?

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Cute and Sweet Responses to "I Love You!"

“I love you!” What a cute and sweet expression! As it is a saccharine mash-up of words, it only deserves responses that are nothing short of cuteness and sweetness. Fortunately, the possibilities for lovely replies are endless!

There’s no need for you to squeeze your brain for quick answers anymore. You only need to trust your heart and let it do the talking. Or perhaps, you could put your trust on this list.

This list holds over a hundred cute and sweet responses to the expression ‘I love you.” You are free to use them on their own or as bases for fresh replies. Whichever the case, love will certainly rain upon the world. Go out there and spread the love!

Sweet Responses to "I Love You"

  • I love you more.
  • Thank you. I am very fond of you.
  • Hearing you say that makes me so happy.
  • Did you know that you make the world a better place?
  • No, I love you!
  • You’re the only person who makes me smile constantly.
  • You’re so wonderful that you made me forget my reply to your “I love you.”
  • I’m so lucky to have you in my life.
  • I’m so happy that we have so much time to be with one another.
  • You embody everything that I am looking for.
  • I love you, and I cannot live without you in this world.
  • I feel the same way, and I will do everything just to prove it to you.
  • Your words are like candies: All very sweet!
  • I love you till infinity.
  • I’m yours, forever.
  • You make my soul sing in glee whenever you utter those words.
  • I love you more and more each day.
  • I would do anything and everything as long as I’m with you.
  • You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
  • I can’t say it enough—I love you more than anything else!
  • I will talk to you all night long and make you feel special.
  • I was just thinking the same about muffins.
  • I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.
  • Everything about you turns me on.
  • I love you the most in this entire universe.
  • I don’t even want to think about what life would be like without you.
  • I’ll give you a kiss. If you don’t like it, you can return it.
  • Can you say that again? I didn’t hear you the first time.
  • You must be a smooth-talking thief. You just stole my heart with those words you just uttered.
  • I’m crazy about you.
  • I’m saving you half of my chocolate just to show you how much I really love you.
  • I love you more!
  • You make me burn with desire.
  • You always make me want to hug you tight.

Thoughtful Responses to "I Love You"

  • Every time you talk to me, I fall in love with you more and more.
  • You complete me.
  • Who, me? This crazy, slightly neurotic me? Well, you have a weird choice.
  • Our forever is going to be spectacular.
  • I am unfathomably, unconditionally, and unequivocally in love with you!
  • You’re the sunshine of my existence.
  • You are my end and my beginning.
  • I can’t believe how hard I’ve fallen for you.
  • Roses are red. Violets are blue. Sugar is sweet. And so are you.
  • I love you a little more than I did a minute ago!
  • You complete me.
  • My heart calls out for you.
  • Every moment that I look at you, I feel love and inspiration.
  • It must be fate’s work that we’re together right now.
  • You are my destiny.
  • Know that when you’re cold, you can use me as a blanket.
  • God, I didn't expect that!
  • Every time I see you, you leave me breathless.
  • Of all your beautiful curves, your smile is my favorite.
  • Sometimes, I feel like my heart would burst with happiness when you say those three words.
  • There’s no need for words. Your smile says it all.
  • I can’t believe how perfectly we were made for each other.
  • If I could say how much I love you in mere words, the words in the dictionary wouldn’t be enough.
  • I used to think I needed the whole world to love me, but it turns out I just needed one person to love me, and that’s you.
  • Awww, you’re so cute!
  • Those are but words. Now it’s time for action.
  • If we could categorize people, you’d be the best kind.
  • I can’t wait until I see you again in my dreams tonight!
  • Sometimes, I can’t stop looking at you because you look too damn good.
  • You are perfect to me.
  • I will choose you over pizza every day of my life.
  • I love you too, three, four, five, six…up to infinity.
  • And you are my one and only sweetheart!

Cute Responses to I Love You

  • It means so much that you're opening up to me like this. Thank you, and I love you as well.
  • I can't imagine life without you by my side.
  • You have no idea how much you have made me so happy.
  • I will bring you gifts every day.
  • You make me want to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for you.
  • I want you to be around me always.
  • I think this is the beginning of a beautiful romance.
  • If I were to spell out my favorite thing in the world, it’d be spelled ’Y-O-U’!
  • I'm so happy you told me.
  • Awww! I love you too!
  • I’m not a hoarder, but I want to keep you forever.
  • I cherish you above anything else in my life.
  • I feel such powerful adoration for you and only you.
  • You are the sunshine of my days and the moonlight of my nights.
  • Ah, those are the words I love to hear from you the most.
  • I feel so lucky to be with someone like you.
  • You’re my dream come true.
  • You are my treasure—the most precious thing in my life.
  • My heart melts every time I hear those words from you.
  • You’re my baby, and you know that.
  • Those three magic words never fail to make my day.
  • I've grown fond of you too.
  • Oh, that is so cute. I love it when you say cute things like that.
  • Everything you do in my life adds to my happiness, subtracts from my sadness, and multiplies my joy!
  • I will never love another person with as much intensity as I love you.
  • If this was all a dream, I'd choose not to wake up.
  • I like the way your lips move whenever you say that.
  • For you, I will risk it all.
  • How did you become the utterly amazing person that you are now?
  • I will catch the stars in the sky just to give them to you.
  • My heart’s pieces wouldn’t be complete without you.
  • I’d like to record your voice saying those words so I can listen to them again and again.
  • Every time you say those words, it feels like I’m in heaven.
  • You are the whole galaxy to me.
  • I can’t think straight, even for a second, when you’re not with me.
  • I’ve always thought happiness started with ‘H.’ I now realize that it actually starts with ‘U.’
  • Just say the words, and I will be your partner-in-crime for life.
  • Always remember that my love for you is sweeter than sugar.
  • I think you're pretty awesome too.
  • Say that again! It’s turning me on.

© 2018 Cheeky Kid

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How should you reply when a guy sends you a sweet text that gives you butterflies? Whether he sent you a flirty compliment or a heartfelt message, we’ve put together romantic responses that’ll make him light up. We’ll start off with the sweet responses you can send to any guy you like and finish up with texts that are especially perfect for someone you’ve known longer. Read on for 15 unique ways to respond to a sweet text from a guy!

This article is based on an interview with our professional dating coach, Collette Gee. Check out the full interview here.

  1. Let him know that his texts make you feel amazing. This is a super cute option to respond to a wholesome flirty text or compliment.[1] X Research source Go to source Send one of these in return to make him smile, too:

    • "I must look so silly rn. I’ve got the biggest smile on my face."
    • "Your message made me do this 😄."
    • "Every notification from you just makes me light up."

  1. Use this cute text to make him feel really appreciated. Whether he’s your crush or your boyfriend, try being a little direct to show him that you care. Respond to his sweet text and make him understand that you love his kind, romantic side.[2] X Research source Go to source

    • "Just when I thought I couldn’t like you anymore, you sent another adorable message."
    • "Oh no! If you keep sending texts like that one, I’m gonna fall for you."
    • "So that text just reminded me one of the many reasons I’ve got a HUGE crush on you."

  1. Tell him you like him more than one of your favorite things. This is a fun approach you can take if you’re not a super gushy person and don’t consider yourself super romantic. Try pitting him against your favorite show, favorite restaurant, or something fun you like to do together.

    • "If someone told me I could either see you or get Korean barbeque, I’d pick you–every time."
    • "Hey, since we’re studying inequalities in math, I came up with this: You > puppies."
    • "I like you more than I like Game of Thrones."

  1. Gush a little bit about the message he sent so he knows you appreciate it. He probably spent a lot of time thinking of the right thing to say. He might’ve even been a little nervous about sending something sweet or romantic–especially if you two aren’t together yet or are in the early stages of dating. Reassure him that you love the message and give him credit for being thoughtful.[3] X Research source Go to source

    • "I want to print out that message and frame it. Honestly, it’s so beautiful. Thank you!"
    • "Aw I’m speechless. Your message made me 🥺."
    • "Nothing I could text back would be as amazing as your message."

  1. Send one of these texts if he sends a sweet text before bed. It’s a great alternative to the classic "goodnight" text, and it makes him feel like you value what he has to say. Respond to a sweet text with a reply like this to help build your deeper emotional and mental connection.

    • "Sleep is overrated. I just want to talk to you!"
    • "I know I have to go to bed, but I’d rather text you. I hate saying goodnight to you."[4] X Research source Go to source
    • "I know I’ll probably see you in my dreams tonight, but I want to keep talking you for a little longer."

  1. Saying "thank you" is a casual way to show your guy that you care. Everyone likes to feel appreciated, and a simple "thanks" goes a long way.[5] X Research source Go to source However, you can also use a basic "thank you" as a polite way to signal you’re not that interested and exit the conversation. If you do like him, you can still say "thank you!" but make sure to keep the convo going.[6] X Expert Source

    Collette Gee
    Dating Coach Expert Interview. 20 August 2021. Go to source

    • "Thank you, that’s such a nice message."
    • "I’m so thankful for you."
    • "I really appreciate you!"

  1. Use a cute, sassy response for a flirtier vibe. You can use this tactic to keep things playful and flirty. The trick is to avoid going too far into complimenting him or talking about your feelings. This approach works well to keep him guessing about whether his flirty texts are winning you over or not. You can use these if his sweet text is a compliment:[7] X Research source Go to source

    • "Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself 😉."
    • "Wow, you have excellent taste."
    • "You know how to say exactly the right things."

  1. Talk about his best qualities to turn the focus back on him. If you feel awkward accepting compliments, use this strategy. One of the best ways to respond to a sweet compliment text from a guy is to send a compliment back. If he compliments you on your looks, send a compliment back about his appearance. If he sends a compliment about your personality, send one about his.[8] X Expert Source

    Collette Gee
    Dating Coach Expert Interview. 20 August 2021. Go to source

    • "Hey, you’re super handsome 😍."
    • "Has anyone ever told you that you look like Zac Efron?"
    • "You’re one of the most caring people I know."

  1. Use a text like this if you haven’t seen him in a bit. Talk about how much you enjoy his company to show that you like him even more IRL. Try to mention the next time you’ll see him so that you both have something to look forward to. This approach adds a bit of energy, anticipation, and excitement into the conversation, so it’s a great tactic if you’ve just started dating.[9] X Research source Go to source

    • "I love being around you. Looking forward to Friday!"
    • "Texting you is 😊. But spending time with you is 🥰."
    • "Your text is so sweet, but it just makes me want to see you again!"

  1. Try starting the response with "you" to make him feel appreciated. Show a little love back as you let him know that his message matters to you. Then, you can start talking about the specific personality traits and moments you’ve shared that make you appreciate him.[10] X Expert Source

    Collette Gee
    Dating Coach Expert Interview. 20 August 2021. Go to source The more specific you can get, the more he’ll feel valued and loved.[11] X Trustworthy Source Harvard Business Review Online and print journal covering topics related to business management practices Go to source Start with one of these texts and add a few more sentences about what makes your guy amazing:

    • "Your texts always make me blush."
    • "You make me feel like I’m the luckiest person in the world."
    • "Your message made my day!"

  1. Go for the virtual equivalent of a hug if you won’t see each other soon. He could be sending you a cute text to show you he misses you. Let him know that you wish he was there with you! You could even pair this text with a cute GIF of people (or animals) hugging. After all, studies show that when you watch hugs, your brain gets a rush of feel-good hormones.[12] X Research source Go to source

    • "I wish I were there with you."
    • "One of your amazing hugs sounds really great right now."
    • "Sending you a 🤗 since I can’t be there."

  1. Talk about how it feels when he’s not around, especially if you’re long-distance. When you tell him you miss him, you’re really saying that you enjoy spending time with him. Use this text for a guy you’re dating already, since it might come on a little strong for a crush.[13] X Research source Go to source

    • "Your message just made me miss you even more."
    • "I miss you and your cute dimples. Can’t wait to see you soon!"
    • "Aw, I’ve missed hearing you say sweet things like that in person."

  1. Tell him what sets him apart from other people. Does he have the best sense of humor? Is he the only one who shares a weird hobby with you? Saying that he’s the only one who makes you feel a certain way is a huge compliment, and a compliment is a tried-and-true strategy for sweet texts.[14] X Expert Source

    Collette Gee
    Dating Coach Expert Interview. 20 August 2021. Go to source Check out these texts to make him feel special:

    • "You’re the only one who appreciates my goofy side."
    • "🥰 You get me better than anyone else."
    • "You’re the only one who gives me 🦋."

  1. Send a text about how much he matters to you. When a guy sends you a sweet or romantic text, it shows he really likes you. Show him you feel the same way with an equally sweet text.[15] X Research source Go to source

    • "Has anyone ever told you that you make the world a better place?"
    • "You’re my everything."
    • "You matter so much to me."

  1. Try a text like this for a guy you’ve known for a while. Describe the deeper impact your guy has on your life. Talk about how he inspires you and how knowing him has changed you. For an even sweeter touch, add in compliments about his character and personality.[16] X Expert Source

    Collette Gee
    Dating Coach Expert Interview. 20 August 2021. Go to source Use this one for a really romantic text rather than just a flirty one-liner. In fact, if he sends you a long sweet text, try to match the length of his message when you respond.

    • "Before I met you, I really didn’t know what love meant."
    • "You inspire me to be a stronger, kinder, hard-working person."
    • "You’ve changed the way I see the world."

Written by:

Relationship Coach & Certified Violence Prevention Specialist

This article was written by Collette Gee and by wikiHow staff writer, Kira Jan. Collette Gee is a Relationship Coach, Certified Violence Prevention Specialist, the Author of "Finding Happily… No Rules, No Frogs, No Pretending." Focusing on creating meaningful romantic relationships, Collette uses her experience having worked in the mental health industry as a psych nurse to conduct relationship coaching, online courses, and workshops to help women and men find lasting love. Prior to Collette's coaching business, she worked in the mental health field as a psych nurse which has helped inform her practice to create and sustain happy, healthy meaningful romantic relationships. Her work has been featured on TLC, London Live, the Huffington Post, and CNN. This article has been viewed 120,973 times.

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Updated: May 28, 2022

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