What is interval training and what are the best frequency, intensity, and time for performing it?

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Variables improved by high-intensity interval training

Skeletal muscle biopsy
Mitochondrial function in lateral vastusO2 consumption
Fatty acid transporter in the vastus lateralis and FAS (a key lipogenic enzyme)
IR β subunit in skeletal muscle (peripheral insulin sensitivity)Metabolic
Re-uptake of Ca2+ into the salcoplasmic reticulum
Physiological test
Exercise test
Improvement of ventilatory efficiency (increased value of PETCO2)Respiratory function
Oxygen consumption at the first ventilator thresholdCardiac function
Oxygen pulseCardiac function
Parasympathetic activity (HR recovery)Autonomic function
Duration of exercise timeAutonomic function
Distance walked during the 6-min walkWork capacity
Cardiac function
Reversed LV re-modelling (LV end diastolic and systolic volumes)Cardiac function
Diastolic function (e′, E, E/ e′, E/A ratio, higher proportion of e′ > 8 cm/s, E improvement during exercise),
Systolic function after 12 wk at rest and during exercise)
E reduction
Deceleration time increase
Left atrial volume
Reduced-plasma BNP
Endothelial dysfunction (FMD)Vascular function
Coronary plaque necrotic core reduction in defined coronary segmentsVascular function
Laboratory test
High sensitivity CRPInflammation
insulin sensitivity (HOMA index)Metabolic
Clinico-social data
Increased Short Form-36 physical/mental component scores and decreased Minnesota Living with Heart Failure questionnaire scoreQuality of life
Frequency of metabolic syndromeRisk factor

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