What is an advantage of magazine advertising

Magazines or periodicals issued at varying intervals also constitute a powerful medium of advertising. Magazines are published monthly or quarterly or bi-annually or annually. They contain articles and news of current interest.

benefits and limitations of magazine advertising

Magazines enjoy a longer life than newspapers. They are read at leisure hours.

Different types of magazines are published for different types of customers.

They have attractive advertisements with color and glaze.

Magazines may be of general nature, home and fashion magazines, specialized magazines, women magazines, etc.

Benefits of Magazine Advertising

Following are the advantages of magazine advertising:

1. Longer Life

Magazines have a longer life as compared to newspapers.

People read magazines much slower than newspaper advertising.

It gives ample time to think over the advertisement.

2. Visual Display

Due to the high quality of paper, excellent printing, detailed figures, drawings, graphics and good colours combinations, magazine advertisements have a lovelier and lasting impact.

Related: 11 Different Types of Outdoor Advertising (With Examples).

3. Selective in Approach

People with specific interests can usually find magazines to serve their interests.

Thus, an advertiser can reach a particular group of customers he needs.

4. Loyalty and Prestige

Magazines generally have an aura of prestige, expertise, and credibility.

Thus, advertisements attract more customers.

5. Geographic Flexibility

Magazines may be closely correlated to the advertiser’s market.

Related: 17 Essential Principles of Effective Advertising.

6. Attract Readership

Magazines have the secondary and further readership or pass-along readership.

This increases the number of customers.

7. Wide Coverage

Since most magazines have nationwide circulation, advertisements are widely read and seen.

Limitations of Magazines Advertising

Following are the disadvantages of magazine advertising:

advantages and disadvantages of magazine advertising
  1. Magazines are limited to literate and rich persons only.
  2. Magazines have limited circulation in comparison to newspapers. Hence, magazine advertisements have limited appeal to readers.
  3. Due to quality paper, color printing and the use of advanced technology, it is costlier to advertise in magazines.
  4. This advertising is not suitable for new products where repetitive advertising is essential.
  5. As magazines are published weekly, monthly or quarterly, the advertiser cannot communicate his message frequently and quickly.
  6. It is also quite difficult to select a proper magazine for the purpose of advertisement.

Thus, now you know the advantages and disadvantages of magazine advertising.


Magazines and Journals may be weekly fortnightly, monthly or quarterly publications. Trade and Technical journals are published for the professional use of auditors, company secretaries, doctors, bankers, teachers, lawyers etc. Special magazines for women and children are also published. Special issues are made during festivals. Magazines like India Today, Business India, Business World, etc., are some of the popular magazines in India. Besides, there are several other regional magazines also.

Advantages of advertising in magazines

i) The most important advantage is the length of life. The advertisement may be seen several times.

ii) Better reproduction of advertisements than newspapers.

iii) Proper magazine if selected, reaches the right type of target audience.

iv) More circulation and more readers and so the advertisement cost per reader is much less.

v) It creates prestige, reputation and an image of quality.

Disadvantages of advertising in magazines

i) Changes in the copy of the magazine cannot be effected quickly.

ii) Preparation of cost of the magazine is higher and hence advertising cost also would be higher.

iii) The coverage of the magazine and the coverage of the distribution of goods may not synchronise i.e., inelasticity.

iv) The advertisements cannot be brought out in time as needed by the advertiser.

Also read: Advantages and Disadvantages of Newspaper Advertising

By Charndré Emma Kippie

Magazines are here to stay! It is true that the Digital Age is here to stay, and has become profoundly integrated into our daily lives. Whether we’re working, communicating internationally, or ready in our freetime,  it’s all done electronically. Thus, we’ve seen many magazine publishers take advantage of the online space, making their publications even more accessible to their readers. 

What we cannot deny, however, is the loss of the tactile feeling of magazines. Many ‘purists’ enjoy physically holding and paging through their favourite monthly or biannual reads. With magazines being converted into ‘digi-mags’, it is this very tactile quality that is highly missed by traditionalists.

All is not lost, though. Statista predicted that in 2021 there would be around 40 million consumers of e-magazines. And this interest in digi mags continues to grow year after year. This interest comes as no surprise since seeing that e-publications allow for loads more content engagement (audio and video content may be embedded) and eliminates the hassle of carrying around multiple magazines at a time. Access your favourite reads from any device, on-demand, at any time! 

For example, Topco Media was forced to pivot as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. With the help of tech tools and digital platforms, the company was able to adopt a digitally savvy approach so that its premium publications offered a wider reach – catching the eye of key decision-makers in national, local and provincial government, as well as corporate South Africa. 

With this case study in mind, know that there are many ways in which your company could benefit from magazine features and advertisements. 

Enlighten the Public 

Digi-mags present a plethora of valuable information all in one place, inspiring readers and making them aware of new possibilities. Knowledge passed down to readers, through e-publications, boosts curiosity and compels readers to search for more, whether it be product specs or highly detailed service packages – they want to know more. Through magazine advertising, your business or organisation gains more public visibility, which will in turn boost your product/service awareness. 

A Targeted Audience 

e-Publications are compiled to meet the needs of a specific, target niche audience, which depends on a particular theme or mission. As a result, all advertisements featured within spreads must be relevant to the actual contents of the publication. This means your company’s ads or interviews will be front and centre to a target audience that is seeking out products and services that are directly related to your business offering. 

Gain Credibility 

Magazine readers are loyal, as they trust and have confidence in their preferred publications, and always go back for more on a monthly or biannual basis. Being featured in a well-known publication (whether print or digital, or both) means your business leverages off of the existing reputation of the publication. Thus, readers will spend time reading through your advertisement and are more likely to trust the credibility of your business. This behaviour is also what motivates the purchase decisions of readers ie. consumers.

Increase Measurability 

Using your marketing and PR budget on a magazine feature or advertisement means knowing exactly when your advertisement will appear and where. This way you’re able to measure the response and engagement. By inserting a clear, specific call to action in your feature, your team will see exactly how effective the advertisement has been.

Make An Impression That Lasts 

By choosing to feature in a local magazine that has been around for some time and carries some weight in the publication community, readers will see the high quality of your ad and recognise its value. Committing to a long-term campaign or relationship with the publication helps to build recognition over time and leave a lasting impression. 

In essence, e-magazines sell and their advertisements undoubtedly enhance ROI for featured companies and organisations. With so many digital benefits, it is a no brainer that this marketing stream works wonders. Stay relevant and in-demand – get your business featured TODAY! 

*For more, check out our bumper 16th edition of the Standard Bank Top Women Leaders publication on Issuu – Digital Publishing Platform – here. 

*Stay up to date with all the latest on Top Women in SA, by signing up to the Standard Bank Top Women newsletter – here. 

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