What episode of Charmed do they find out Chris is Pipers Son?

Christopher Halliwell is the second son of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt, born in 2004. He is the younger brother of Wyatt and the older brother of Melinda Halliwell. Like his brother, Chris is a Whitelighter-Witch. He is named after his paternal grandfather, Christopher Wyatt.

The Charmed Ones first met a future version of Chris before his birth, when he traveled to the past to become their Whitelighter and prevent Wyatt from turning evil.


Time Travel and Pre-Birth

Chris' first appearance.

The Charmed Ones first met the Future Chris during the Titans' attack, under the alias Chris Perry. This alternate timeline Chris manipulated events so Leo would become an Elder and he would be appointed as the sisters' new Whitelighter. He then warned them of an evil that was going to harm Wyatt without revealing the entire truth and pushed the sisters to hunt down all suspects. He was eventually forced to reveal that he didn't come to save Wyatt from evil, but to prevent him from becoming evil instead.

Phoebe found out Chris' true identity during a vision quest and confronted him about it. Chris then told her the truth and asked for help in bringing his parents back together in time for him to be born. He was later forced to reveal the truth to Paige as well. When Piper and Leo were banished to the Ghostly Plane by a Darklighter, they grew closer and eventually slept together, resulting in Piper becoming pregnant with Chris. She was later told by her sisters that Chris is her son from the future.

Chris grew closer to his family and even repaired the difficult relationship with his father while they kept searching for the thing that would turn Wyatt evil. Eventually it was revealed the Elder Gideon was responsible. When discovered, Gideon fatally stabbed Chris with a cursed athame to prevent healing and Chris passed away in his father's arms. Around the same time, Piper went into labour and gave birth to baby Christopher. His father later avenged his future son by killing Gideon and saving Wyatt.

Early Life

Chris was born around the time his future counterpart died. Due his his young age, Chris experienced little of his mother and aunt's magical struggles as he was too young to understand. At one point as a toddler, he swallowed a marble. As described by Wyatt, Chris was a huge computer geek in his early teens and took daily hour-long showers, much to his brother's frustration. Chris continued to be somewhat of a geek and was unpopular in high school.

Four Witches and a Funeral

After hearing from the Elders that a Witch had been killed by a Warlock, Chris went to his mother's restaurant to warn his family. He later went to the alley where the murder was committed and met Gretchen, the deceased Witch's Whitelighter. She told him that the warlock had acquired the power of invisibility.

Chris went to the Underworld to search for information about the warlock but failed. He also discovered that another Witch had been killed and that the warlock had stolen from her the power to shapeshift. When he told his mother, she forbade him to hunt down the warlock alone, so he decided to ask Wyatt for help, but since he was busy with school, his mother told him to try one of his aunts, and since Ryan, Melinda's boyfriend, was about to be officially introduced to the family, the issue, and magic overall, would not be talked about that evening.

Discovering that the warlock was targeting Melinda, Chris warned the Elders and the rest of the family. He later attempted to locate the warlock, but was unsuccessful. However, his father managed to identify him as Anders Blackwell. He later learned that he had kidnapped Ryan, and dissuaded his sister from handing herself over to Anders to free him.

Having located Ryan's position thanks to Coop, he went to free her with his mother and sister, and tried in vain to persuade them not to separate. Eventually they managed to free Ryan, and eliminate Anders but not before Piper was killed. Chris was very saddened by his mother's death, but still managed to convince Ryan and Melinda to go to the funeral.


As a young adult, Chris started working as an orderly at a hospital because he liked being able to help people and the hours made it easy to sneak out in case of a demonic emergency. He often worked together with his brother to fight evil, though he was always a bit jealous of his brother for being more powerful, popular and well-liked. This caused a huge fight when the Spirit of Rage Darius infected them both with rage during a memorial dinner for their mother. The fight led to a physical confrontation, but the was quickly broken up. When Darius' manipulation was revealed, the brothers realized that the issues didn't come out of nowhere, but made up nevertheless.

When the manipulation was revealed, Chris orbed back home, where he was confronted by a mysterious demon who stole the Book of Shadows. He later helped his family vanquish the resurrected demon Shax and confronted the mysterious demon to get the book back, at which the demon was revealed to be The Source of All Evil. Chris later realized his father was still mourning his mother, and to get a fresh start and move on, Leo decided to move to Magic School, leaving the brothers the manor with their cousin Henry Jr. as their new roommate.

His First Charge

While he was working in the hospital, Chris heard a jingle, and he was not happy about it, which meant that a charge needed him and he did not want charges because he preferred to be a Witch compared to being a Whitelighter. Shortly after he was joined by Wyatt, who wanted his help to eliminate a Stinger Demon. After learning that Chris had received his first charge, Wyatt tried to convince him to accept his fate, but he did not want to.

As he continued to receive jingles, Chris went to the Golden Gate Bridge and got into an argument with Odin. Sandra then appeared to calm the situation. Chris explained that he never wanted to be a Whitelighter, though Sandra asked him to help the charge regardless. They agreed that if Chris still refused his destiny after helping his charge, the Elders would respect his choice.

Chris asked for Wyatt's help and the two located the charge Jessie, a Witch who did not know of her magical heritage and recently manifested powers. Soon they were assaulted by the darklighter Jaden, injuring Wyatt before they escaped. The three took refuge in Magic School. Jessie and Chris got into a discussion about accepting their respective destinies and bonded on the fact that neither of them really wanted a destiny forced onto them. Jessie then asked Chris to orb her home, so she could get a shower and a rest.

While at her apartment, Chris waited as she took a shower. Jessie later appeared before Chris in her bathrobe and confronted him about their attraction to each other. Chris told her it was forbidden and worried he would be taking advantage of her, but Jessie replied that he made her feel safe and that she needed him at the moment. She then kissed him and, despite his better judgement, Chris went along with it and slept with her.

Jaden attacked them again, but Chris encouraged Jessie to use her powers to vanquish her. He was wounded in the confrontation and lost consciousness but was orbed away and healed by the Elders, later deciding not to become a Whitelighter. He visited Jessie again and gave her a power binding potion, and they spent another night together. He, his brother, and his cousins then agreed that they had to find a balance between helping each other when needed and not interfering with each other's lives.

Source of All Fear

When Barbas attacked the cousins and preyed on their fears, he leveraged Chris's doubts, and trapped Chris and Wyatt in a dream world, where Wyatt turned into his evil self after giving in to his fear. The two fought until Penny entered their minds and tried to help them. When she read Wyatt's mind, she learned the truth as well and Wyatt attacked her. However, Chris was ultimately able to turn Wyatt good again, defeating Barbas. Wyatt then shared his secret with the rest of the family. Chris confronted Wyatt and admitted that he was not sure if he could ever trust him again. Subsequently he decided it was time to eliminate the Source.

Family Values

To Wyatt's frustration, in the following days, Chris ignored him and devoted himself completely to finding a way to defeat the Source. But his research led nowhere, and he was taken by the Seer in the Underworld, who offered to help defeat the Source. Although he did not trust the Seer, Chris decided to listen to her and eventually adopted the plan to call the Nexus. Needing the Elders for the spell, he decided to ask Noah for help. The Elders decided to give the cousins the spell and Noah brought the news to Chris, telling him not to let his emotions cloud his judgment. Later Chris summoned the cousins to the manor.

When Chris found out his cousin Payton had become a ghost having cast a spell for personal gain, he worried before the consequences of this on his plan, he realized that perhaps he was really obsessed with the defeat of the Source. When Chris explained the plan the cousins were hesitant, but Wyatt admitted that it was an idea to consider. When Payton suggested asking for help from her mother or Paige, Wyatt recalled that Phoebe had returned to the city, but shortly after, thanks to a premonition of Payton, they discovered that Phoebe was in the Underworld with the Source.

This convinced the cousins to adopt Chris's plan. When asked the Seer, she said she knew nothing about Phoebe. Eventually Chris admitted to his family that the idea of recalling the Nexus was of the Seer, and Wyatt convinced everyone to proceed since the spell needed was the work of the Elders. Wyatt also wanted Chris to stay at the manor to complete the spell. Prue and Penny used a spell to summon Phoebe and the Source, and Wyatt and Chris trapped him, they also tried to use another spell to eliminate the Source, but were stopped by Phoebe, who revealed that the Source was possessing the son she believed to have lost.

Chris immediately saw Julian as a threat, and said he did not want to welcome him into the family with Penny supporting him. The following afternoon Chris made peace with Wyatt, and promised not to hold any more secrets.

With Mortals Like This

The next morning Chris went to a bar and tried to understand the new hierarchy of power in the Underworld. He met his cousin Penny there, who told him he needed to get distracted, and persuaded him to go to the disco with her. After dancing for a while, the cousins were attacked by mortals, possessed by the essence of the Source. After a short battle, Chris orbited them to the manor.

Chris assumed that Julian was the cause of what was happening. He tried to cheer up Melinda, upset by the fact that Ryan was possessed, and was convinced that it was necessary to stop those who had caused the possession to free the mortals. Shortly after the cousins discovered that they could not teleport, and when the mortals burst into the manor they split into two groups and fled.

Chris, Prue and Penny took refuge in a condominium, and Prue and Penny cast a spell to find Julian. Shortly after the three reached the Turner Mansion, and Julian took advantage of their intrusion to attack the Wraith, which Elizabeth had summoned to extract his soul. Elizabeth easily got the best of the three witches, but Julian's intervention prevented her from killing them. Julian agreed to reverse the spell to free the mortals, but insisted that nothing had changed between him and the Halliwells. Elizabeth escaped with the essence and the Grimoire and Julian told his family members to leave.

Past life

Chris wanted to spend some time in a normal way, but began to have strange dreams about Lancelot, and when he discovered that Wyatt had similar dreams about King Arthur, the two understood that they were their past lives, and cast a spell to relive them. Unknowingly, the spell also affected Henry and Prue.

When the effect of the spell ended, the cousins discovered that Morrigan was reborn, and that her essence was still linked to the Wyatt' soul, meaning if Morrigan was to be vanquished, Wyatt would also die. Chris felt guilty about this, as Guinevere had given Arthur the potion that had bound him to Morrigan, in order to be with Lancelot, but Wyatt convinced him not to be affected by the past.

Penny Dreadful

Chris went to the dinner organized by Wyatt to reveal his relationship to Dylan, immediately after Wyatt gave the announcement, Julian arrived and Chris attacked him, angering Penny and frightening Payton. Julian informed them that a demon had reopened P3, and that the invitations to the reopening were a trap. Left alone with his older brother, Chris became angry that Wyatt had not told him about dating a boy, and was disappointed that he had confided to Prue. Fortunately, after Wyatt explained his reasons, Chris calmed down and advised him to talk to Melinda.

Shortly after, they were assaulted by the servants of Dahlia, but easily defeated them, later discovering that Julian and Penny had gone to face Dahlia alone. Reaching the club, the two brothers eliminated Ryuu, the second in command of Dahlia, who was taken down by Penny through Julian's instructions and her new power. After admitting to have abused it initially, Chris and the others told her that she redeemed herself.

The next morning the cousins gathered to have breakfast, and Penny told him to try to give Julian a chance, Chris eventually promised to do so admitting he still didn't trust him and did not particularly like him. Penny also announced that she wanted to reopen P3, and after learning that she had obtained the necessary funds to do it from Phoebe, Chris supported her cousin.

Hospital Haunting

During a night shift, Chris Halliwell met a new nurse Sarah and the two shared a mutual attraction. During the coffee break, a small patient named Kayla asked for help and Chris learned that she was being haunted by a ghost. Chris studied the haunting while trying to keep it hidden from Sarah. Meanwhile, Sarah noted that she and other nurses believed that Chris could be a good nurse.

Sarah saw Chris fight the ghost and he had to explain what was happening. Then the two discovered the ghost's identity, Holly Wilson. Chris reached for Holly in an attempt to help her move on into the afterlife, though Holly refused as she wanted to return to life. Chris realized that Holly had been corrupted by years of loneliness and anger, making her a vengeful spirit, so he told Sarah to stop his heart so he could cast the necessary spell. Sarah accepted reluctantly and stopped her heart. After defeated Holly, Sarah managed to revive Chris with CPR, relieved that it was over and needed time to think.

After a conversation with Wyatt, Chris decided to become a nurse. The following night, Chris met Sarah again, who was happy that Chris decided to become a nurse, and admitted that while the magic frightened her, she could not stop thinking about Chris and kiss him.

Meeting with Bianca

Chris applied enthusiastically to become a nurse and left the magic aside to focus on his studies. He and Sarah decided not to publish their relationship until Chris became a nurse. Having the free manor decided to invite her to stay with him for the night, yet they were interrupted by the arrival of Penny, who brought with her a mortal wounded during a demonic attack, outside the P3. When Penny said that she and Theo had been rescued by a woman who could shimmer, throw energy balls, and that she had the symbol of a bird on her wrist, Chris thought it might be Bianca, the woman he had loved in another time line. Sarah, after making a first dressing at Theo, left, probably believing that she would be more of a hurry than helpful, and Chris felt guilty because the only thing he could think of was Bianca. Shortly thereafter Chris and Penny took stock of the situation and deduced that Theo must have ended up in some supernatural situation because of his father's position. Chris also told Penny the meaning of the brand she had seen on Bianca's wrist. The next morning he went to ask his father for information and he told Chris about the time travel made by his counterpart in the first timeline where Wyatt had become bad, and the relationship he had with Bianca's version of that timeline.

After apologizing for never telling anything about it, Leo noticed that the souls of Chris and Bianca were intertwined as Chris had met her past life at Camelot, and advised his son to be careful, as Bianca was a perfect stranger and not to deal with her alone. Chris, however, did not follow the advice and reversed a spell to summon the phoenix, so as to be transported to where Bianca was.

Chris arrived in time to help Bianca fight demons, but after they got the better of it, she showed him no gratitude and after identifying him as a member of the Halliwell family, she left with disappointment to Chris, who soon after discovered that Victoria Wahlstrom was behind the attack; hearing a call for help from Penny joined her at Henson Holdings. Chris saved his cousin and Theo from Nanta and her demons, but could not avoid the death of John Henson.Chris took the group back home, and after Penny had fallen asleep with hypnosis, Chris scolded her for her recklessness; angrily, Penny demanded to know the truth about Bianca, revealing that she had read Chris's thoughts by accident, so Chris told her about the relationship he had with the Phoenix in the canceled timeline, although he told her only the most important parts of the story. Chris went to the attic to check out the Book of Shadows, where he was joined by Bianca, who demanded information without offering anything in return, so the two had a little fight, and Chris's battle skill persuaded Bianca to establish a truce.

Bianca informed Chris and Penny of Nanta's activities, and reconfirmed that she wanted to kill Victoria, but Chris told her he would not let her. Subsequently Bianca informed the two cousins that Theo had gone, to avenge her father, and Chris prevented Penny from following him, telling her that they had to draw up a plan and prepare a potion to use against Nanta. When the trio arrived at Wahlstrom International, Victoria proposed that they join forces to eliminate Nanta; Penny convinced Chris to accept and he convinced Bianca. However Bianca put K.O. Victoria after she acquitted herself of her task. Her way of doing things greatly annoyed Chris, who let out a few words about the relationship he and the Phoenix had had in the canceled timeline. The three witches succeeded in eliminating Nanta, freeing Theo, and framing Victoria for Henson's murder after she tried to kill them.

Two days later Bianca showed up at Chris's house, and demanded to know why he behaved as if he knew her. Chris told her that they had been romantically involved, in a reset timeline; at that point, after enjoying herself provoking him, Bianca told him to stay out of her business and left. Irate with himself for being attracted to such a person, Chris went to Sarah and told her he wanted to make their relationship public, determined not to think of Bianca anymore.

Trip to Camelot

After a long day at work, Chris just wanted to relax, but found that most of the family had gathered in the mansion, and plans for Melinda and Ryan's bachelorette parties would be discussed the next day. Chris was a little surprised to be invited to Ryan's party, as he had never been very close to his sister's boyfriend, and that Laura would go to Melinda's, but he had bigger concerns when it occurred to him that Morrigan would never let their family enjoy a happy event like a wedding and that he could take advantage of it to launch an attack on them, so he said he wanted to go to bed and then check the Book of Shadows for a match way to free Wyatt's soul from bonding with Morrigan's essence.

But there was nothing useful in the book, and after looking for a solution all night, the boy fell asleep exhausted. The next morning he ran into his older brother, and confided to him his fears and that his research had been useless. Wyatt suggested that they try to ask Julian for help, as he tried to help him, but Chris didn't trust him, nor his lover the Seer who should have given them the spell to break the bond. Exhausted the other options Chris decided to ask Laura for help, but Wyatt convinced him to sleep a few hours earlier.

A few hours later, Chris orbited P3 and asked his cousin for information and after learning that Merlin had been in love with Morrigan he decided to ask him evoking his spirit, but Laura told him that no one had ever succeeded and that the wizard, presumably he had reincarnated, so Chris decided to swap places with his past life to question him. Laura thought it was a risky plan but Chris said he was determined not to lose any family members, which saddened Laura as her twin sister Grace had recently become a warlcok. Chris apologized to Laura for not even asking her how she was after it happened but she replied that she didn't want to talk about it and asked him not to be stupid. Chris promised and left, but their dialogue prompted Laura to drink a potion that would put her in a good mood. As he had done with his father, Chris still decided to ignore his cousin's suggestion, certain that his plan was necessary.

Wyatt saw him as he was about to cast the necessary spell, and tried to get him to postpone, but Chris replied that otherwise he would not have been able to feel comfortable at the wedding and that he was trying to save his life, convincing Wyatt to cooperate by keeping an eye on Lancelot who he would find himself in his body, after which he cast the spell.

Chris awoke in Lancelot's body, and when he asked Ser Percival where Merlin was, he found that the wizard had gone to live in a forest. Soon after, King Arthur entrusted him with the task of escorting his betrothed to Camelot. While going in search of Merlin, Chris came across some witch hunters and discovered that they were attacking a witch named Nimue, he decided to follow them to protect the witch and maybe get useful information from her. Chris then discovered to his surprise that Nimue was identical to Laura and Grace and the two together got the better of the hunters, after which the witch agreed to accompany him to Merlin.

On the way Nimue and Chris were again attacked by the witch hunters, but were saved by Merlin. The wizard quickly realized that something was different about Lancelot and Chris explained the truth to him and the witch. Merlin, however, had no idea how to break the bond between Wyatt and Morrigan, so Chris understood that he would be forced to seek help from the demon-witch and his beloved. Despite this Merlin gave Chris good advice on how to deal with Morrigan and when Excalibur was mentioned, the wizard said that his fellows could repair her.

The sorceress had spied on them and so Chris ended up causing the very problem he had been trying to solve.

During the fight Merlin managed to banish Morrigan, but the latter mortally wounded him. After saying goodbye to Nimue, Chris returned to the present and found that Lancelot had broken his leg while he was in his body and that he could not be healed, as he had been hospitalized and a magical healing would expose the magic. Plus Chris and Sarah decided to break up because she couldn't tolerate the magic, while he admitted he had feelings for Bianca. The two then ended their relationship amicably.

Chris later came up with a plan that he exposed to his family that called for Wyatt's soul to be freed, Excalibur repaired, and for Peyton to counter Morrigan's precognitive powers. Given Julian and the Seer 's relationship with their family, it was far from obvious that they would decide to help them, and Chris entrusted Prue and Penny with the task of convincing the young Turner. When the former pointed out that they should also convince the Seer, Chris replied that they would think about it later and that he would ask his father to contact the wizards of Atlantis who had separated from the magical community for more than twenty years.

Infiltration of Atlantis

Much to Chris's frustration, the Atlanteans ignored Leo's requests for help via Magic School teacher Arthur Cobbs and Atlantean ambassador, so Chris and Henry were able to persuade Leo to let them go to the island themselves.

On the island the two cousins were lucky enough to run into Liam Cobbs the son of Arthur, who agreed to take them to his house to let them talk to his father. After Chris explained the reason for their visit to Arthur, he agreed to take them to Dagna, the blacksmith of the royal family, to repair Excalibur. Dagna agreed, but she demanded that Morrigan eliminated the sword be returned to the wizards and Chris accepted.

It took all night to repair the sword and when the job was completed, the king of Atlantis sensed his power and showed up at the forge, claiming ownership of the sword. Eventually it was decided that Excalibur herself would decide who should wield it, and the weapon chose Chris and Emyr at which point opened a portal to marriage. Thanks to the sword and the fact that Julian had freed Wyatt's soul, Wyatt and Julian were able to eliminate Morrigan, but not before she killed Prue.

Facing Rhea

Chris spent the last three months focused on his career since demonic activity was relatively quiet. Thinking he needed time off to rest and take care of himself, the head nurse, Barbara, sent Chris home. At the manor, Chris ran into Wyatt's one night stands and chastised Wyatt for bringing so many strangers to the manor. Henry later advised Chris to back off and let Wyatt deal with his grief his own way, who then told Henry in return not to avoid it either, whilst also lamenting that he needed a hobby.

When Payton called for a family meeting at the manor, Chris joined. As the cousins discussed Penny refusing to deal with her grief, they were joined by Noah, who informed them that the Titaness Rhea, had broken free from her prison and that in order to defeat her, the cousins had to be transformed into Gods. With the divine essence, Chris became the God of Light. Driven by his newfound power and his ability to heal, Chris left for the hospital.

Once he arrived, he began to heal the patients and be worshipped by them. Shortly thereafter he was joined by Rhea and her Furies who had sworn allegiance to her, and later Wyatt who came to help him fight them. Chris, however, did not want his help from him, because he desired the glory of defeating Rhea alone, but in the end the two managed to work together and decided to retreat after seeing how powerful Rhea is. Penny arrived shortly after and Rhea was able to persuade her to join her side. Chris and Wyatt tried to stop Penny but she used her powers to turn the brothers against each other. As the two brothers fought, Henry, Laura and Noah joined them and snapped them out of their influence.

Deciding to regroup at the manor, Wyatt and the others find the entire street turned into a sanctuary by Payton. After Payton was talked down by Wyatt, Chris and the others went to the Golden Elysium Hotel to fight Rhea and her Furies and try to get through to Penny. During the fight, Henry and the others were subdued by Rhea. Believing Penny would kill them, Penny double-crossed Rhea and vanquished her in order to gain real power, and left her cousins. After reconvening at the manor and telling Noah what happened, Chris joined Laura in rewriting the Empathy Spell to use on Penny.

Through Henry's powers, Wyatt and the others were able to surround Penny and cast the spell on her. The spell allowed Penny to express her grief, after which the cousins including Wyatt forgave Penny for her actions. Noah then extracted the divine essence from the cousins.


Chris became increasingly frustrated at having to live with two other people and complained to his friend Jared, who told him that his sister is moving from an apartment near the hospital and that he could go and live there. Chris began to consider the idea, but shortly thereafter he had to save a cat from a demon. Taking the feline to the manor, he discovered that the house was full of animals, which Wyatt assumed were familiars the demon was hunting. Chris then had to go back to the hospital to be replaced, and there he runs into Bianca. After a brief discussion the latter left, telling him that the demon was a famous bounty hunter known as the jackal.

Chris came home just in time to save his brother and cousin from the Jackal, but not to stop him from taking two more familiars away. Discovering that his relatives had tried to trap the bounty hunter, Chris became angry, he and Wyatt quarreled and decided to hunt the demon separately. Determined to get help from Bianca, Chris tried to summon her, but instead another phoenix appeared, who understood who was attacking him, and was then stopped by Bianca. Eventually the latter sent the other killer away and agreed to help Chris as long as he never looked for her again and Leo's second son accepted. The two obtained information from a demonic contact of Bianca, thus discovering that the Jackal had been hired by Berith, an alchemist who had lost much of her power.

At that point Chris and Bianca went to the manor to look for information on Berith, in the Book of Shadows. There they ran into Wyatt and Henry and the four worked together to eliminate the two demons. The Jackal was brought down thanks to excellent teamwork, but Bianca then went her own way by eliminating Berith, although she knew well that as an alchemist, she would be resurrected with her powers to the fullest.

This led to an argument between Chris and Bianca, after which Bianca left. The next morning, Katrina, the ex-familiar of his mother and his aunts brought him the cat familiar that Chris had rescued, Luna, who chose him as his first charge and soon after Chris announced that he was going to live alone.

Alternates Timelines

In the alternate timeline where Wyatt had turned evil, Chris led the resistance against him in the hope of trying to prevent him from becoming evil in the first place. In this future, he was engaged to Bianca, one of The Phoenix, who once worked for his brother but had changed sides out of love.

Another alternate timeline version of Chris appeared in "The Once and Future Evil", where Wyatt had turned evil despite everything that was done to prevent this from happening. Much like his counterpart, this Chris also refused to give up on his brother and got the same idea to travel back in time to prevent his brother from becoming evil. However, he was forced to allow himself to be captured so his sister and cousin could go instead of him.

The Wyatt of his timeline eventually took Chris to the past as well to stop their efforts and Chris rejoined his family. They learned that Wyatt becoming evil was inevitable because his powers would eventually corrupt him. He later assisted his mother reclaimed Excalibur, which was used to strip Wyatt of his powers van vanquish his future evil counterpart. The Angel of Destiny then sent Chris and Melinda back to future, unknowing what they would find in their altered timeline.

Powers and Abilities

Basic Powers

  • Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals.
  • Potion Making: The ability to brew magical potions.
  • Scrying: The ability to locate beings or objects with a crystal and a map.

Active Powers

  • Orbing: The ability to teleport through the use of orbs.
  • Telekinesis: The ability to move objects and beings with the mind. Chris is highly skilled in using this power and can use it to redirect magical energies.
  • Telekinetic Orbing: The ability to transport objects and beings with the mind through use of orbs.
  • Sensing: The ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them.

Passive Powers

  • High Resistance: The ability to be highly resistant to physical and magical harm.

Temporary Powers

Main article: Temporary Powers


Notes and Trivia

  • Although Chris loves magic, his biggest fear is that magic will destroy his family, much like how it killed his mother, and that he is not strong enough to stop it.
  • Much like his mother, Chris was unpopular in high school and somewhat of a geek.
  • It has been hinted many times that Chris is jealous of Wyatt, as he feels like he is always standing in his brother's shadow.
  • His past life was Sir Lancelot.
    • His favorite stories as a kid were about King Arthur and his knights.
  • Chris is the only member of the Halliwell family to have a his own Familiar, Luna.



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