What does floating mean in Tableau?

As you make your way through Practical Tableau, see me present, or attend one of my Tableau trainings, there is one functionality that you will hear about over and over: parameters. Parameters are the solution to several of the handiest tricks in Tableau because of their flexibility. Other than filters, parameters are also one of the most powerful tactics in Tableau for transferring control from the author to the end user. As an added benefit, providing this type of user interaction not only improves the engagement with your dashboards, but it improves the retention of insights and improves the likelihood that they will be shared.

This post will use a simple formula to illustrate how to create a parameter, how to allow end users to control the parameter you’ve created, and how parameters work.

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An introduction to parameters in Tableau

For this tutorial, imagine that you want to set up a simple formula for 2 multiplied by X, where X is the parameter, and the end user gets to choose the value of X. Tableau will then display the answer of 2 multiplied by X based on the parameter selection.

For this introduction, it does not matter what dataset you are following along with, but for consistency with most of my Tableau tutorials, I will be building a parameter in the Sample – Superstore dataset. There are several ways to create a new parameter in Tableau including (1) Clicking the down arrow in the top-right corner of the Dimensions Shelf and choosing “Create parameter…” or (2) Right-clicking in a blank space on the Dimensions, Measures, Sets, or Parameters Shelf and choosing “Create parameter…”. Once you have done this, you will be presented with a dialog box where you can design the parameter:

Instead of “Parameter 3”, named that by default in the Sample – Superstore dataset because there are already two other parameters, I will change the name to “Algebra Parameter”. By default, the data type for a new parameter is float, which means any number including decimals, but there are five additional data types to choose from:

Integer: Any whole number (i.e. no decimals)
String: Text
Boolean: True or false
Date: Date without a timestamp
Date & Time: Date with a timestamp

The data type you choose for the parameter depends on your use case. For this 2 multiplied by X example, let’s say that we eventually want the parameter to include only whole numbers, so I will change the data type from Float to Integer.

Within the parameter creation dialog box, you also have the ability to designate the allowable values for the parameter. The entries that you choose at this step will eventually determine what choices you and the end users have for the parameter in the final product. The choices are all or any integer, a specific list of integers, or a range of integers. I will choose range so that I can set a minimum and maximum number as well as a step size, or multiple, for the parameter. After setting up the parameter to have a range of 1 to 20 with a step size of 1, my parameter looks like this and is ready to be saved by clicking the “OK” button:

In order to use a parameter, you must provide Tableau instructions on how to use the parameter. This is accomplished through Tableau calculated fields. Being that the equation for our use case is 2 multiplied by X, or our algebra parameter, your first instinct may be to create a calculated field that says:

2*[Algebra Parameter]

Being that the current value of the parameter is 1, we would expect the answer to be 2*1 = 2. However, this calculation will be computed for every row in the data, which would not provide the answer we are looking for. Should we add this calculated field to the view, we would get an answer of 19,988, which is 2 multiplied by 1, multiplied by the number of records in the dataset (9,994 for the Sample – Superstore dataset).

To alleviate this, add an aggregation of MIN to the 2 so the Algebra Parameter is guaranteed to be multiplied by 2:

Now if I add my newly created Algebra Equation calculated field to the Text Marks Card to display the answer on a view, I see the answer I am looking for, MIN(2) multiplied by 1 equals 2:

Finally, to provide the power of selecting the value of X in our algebra example to the end user, you must provide access to the parameter. To do this, right-click on the newly created Algebra Parameter and choose “Show parameter control”.  A new selector will appear in the top-right corner of the view that allows the user to choose from the allowable values that were set up when the parameter was created. Notice that the current value is 1, the maximum value is 20, and the numbers can be selected in multiples of 1, just like we set up. Here’s what my final view looks like when I’ve shown the parameter control, moved the parameter control from its default location to below the Marks Cards, and changed the selection from 1 to 7:

In this example, the end user has chosen the number 7, which powered the underlying calculation of 2*7, to produce the answer of 14. Imagine all of the power that can be put into the hands of your end users through the use of parameters!

For just a few other possibilities, see the following posts:

– How to Change Date Aggregation Using Parameters
– How to Make a What-If Analysis Using Parameters
– How to Create and Compare Segments
– Allow Users to Choose Measures and Dimensions

Thanks for reading,
– Ryan

This content is excerpted from my book Practical Tableau: 100 Tips, Tutorials, and Strategies from a Tableau Zen Master published by O’Reilly Media Inc., 2018, ISBN: 978-1491977316. Get the book at Amazon.

From the course: Creating Interactive Tableau Dashboards

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Floating vs. tiles layout

From the course: Creating Interactive Tableau Dashboards

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Floating vs. tiles layout

- [Narrator] One thing to consider when you're building your dashboard layout is are you going to go for a tiled or a floating layout. Now this is one of the biggest debates in the Tableau world. Do you go for tiled or do you go for floating? Now there are two main options for our layout. Do we want to go for all tiled layout, where all of our elements are arranged in a grid? Or do you want to have a free-flowing dashboard where all of the elements are floating and can be positioned anywhere in the dashboard? So what is the advantage of going for 100% tiled layout? Firstly, it's going to use a grid layout. Now generally, this works pretty well for a standard dashboard. It allows quick, easy alignment and fairly rigid structure. Now the downside to that is sometimes it can be hard to place objects exactly where you want them. But for standard grid layout, tiled is a really good choice. Now the benefit of the 100% floating layout is there's no grid. That means that any element can be…

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  • Introduction Introduction

    • Design dashboards in Tableau


    • What you should know

      1m 2s

  • 1. Elements of a Good Dashboard 1. Elements of a Good Dashboard

    • The four questions for every dashboard

      3m 38s

    • Who is the dashboard for?

      5m 38s

    • Where is the dashboard viewed?

      4m 6s

    • Why are you making the dashboard?

      4m 5s

    • What question do you want to answer?

      3m 34s

  • 2. Dashboard Structure 2. Dashboard Structure

    • Create a basic dashboard

      5m 39s

    • Size your dashboard

      3m 24s

    • Floating vs. tiles layout

      4m 51s

    • How to use layout containers

      8m 15s

    • Titles on your dashboard

      4m 8s

    • Challenge: Create a basic dashboard


    • Solution: Create a basic dashboard

      5m 5s

  • 3. Dashboard Components 3. Dashboard Components

    • Apply filters across sheets

      4m 59s

    • Highlight data with annotations

      4m 39s

    • Additional information and help

      5m 8s

    • Collapsible containers to show or hide elements

      4m 50s

    • Challenge: Modifying dashboards


    • Solution: Modifying dashboards

      5m 4s

  • 4. Dashboard Design Elements 4. Dashboard Design Elements

    • Dashboard colors

      5m 26s

    • Remove chart junk

      5m 22s

    • Visually group elements with borders

      4m 25s

    • Challenge: Dashboard design


    • Solution: Dashboard design

      5m 35s

  • 5. Interaction with Dashboard Actions 5. Interaction with Dashboard Actions

    • Add interaction with actions

      6m 36s

    • Filter actions

      5m 3s

    • Highlight actions

      5m 19s

    • URL actions

      6m 10s

    • Go to Sheet

      5m 8s

    • Proportional brushing using set actions

      5m 4s

    • Asymmetric drill down using set actions


    • Highlight with parameter actions

      5m 29s

    • Challenge: Dashboard actions


    • Solution: Dashboard actions

      5m 45s

  • 6. Using Stories to Make Dashboards 6. Using Stories to Make Dashboards

    • Data viz vs. data stories

      4m 9s

    • Narrative structure

      3m 34s

    • Big stories

      4m 55s

    • Small stories

      4m 23s

    • Challenge: Dashboard stories


    • Solution: Dashboard stories

      4m 30s

  • 7. One Dataset: Five Dashboards 7. One Dataset: Five Dashboards

    • Build an exploratory dashboard

      5m 58s

    • Build an informative dashboard

      5m 38s

    • Build a data story

      5m 32s

    • Build a KPI dashboard

      6m 12s

    • Design for tablets and mobile

      5m 11s

    • Challenge: Dashboard styles


    • Solution: Dashboard styles

      5m 27s

  • Conclusion Conclusion

    • Next steps


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