The Articles of Confederation DBQ answer key

The Founding fathers did not want to create a government with too much power so they created the Articles of Confederation. This government turned out to be a failure. In 1787, the founding fathers met again to create a new framework of government. Most people feared creating a government that was too strong. To create a new government there had to be many compromises, the U.S. Constitution is the result of these compromises reached in Philadelphia in 1787. The Articles of Confederation were too weak and created many problems which led to a stronger National government. Two weaknesses of the Articles of confederation were that Congress did not have the power to tax. Another problem was that the states had most of the power and the National Government had little power. Two decisions made by the…show more content…
The Constitution was a much stronger government. Document #4 shows how the framers made a stronger national government under the constitution. Document #4 shows what the great compromise did. It tells us how the Great compromise created a Congress that was made up of two different branches. One branch is the Senate that has equal representation. This means that every State has two Senators. The other branch which is the House of Representatives has representation based on the population of each state. This means that states with higher population have more Representatives. Document #6 shows Checks and balances. Checks and Balances were set in so that none of the Branches of the Constitution would become too powerful.This document shows how each Branch has the power to check on the others. An example of this is how the Executive Branch is allowed to Veto or refuse signed laws. This means that if a law is passed by Congress then the Executive branch can decide whether to carry it out or to veto the law. Checks and Balances are an example of how the Constitution separated

These resources for Early American History (the early Republic) cover the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, and the presidencies of Washington, Adams, and Jefferson. The power point and activities touch on the main issues in the immediate post-Revolutionary War period including but not limited to relations with Native Americans, constitutional interpretation, the Bill of Rights, the Judiciary Act, the Whiskey Rebellion, the XYZ Affair, Marbury v. Madison, the Louisiana Purchase, and

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This American Revolution bundle for US History has 45+ resources covering the Boston Massacre, Albany Plan of Union, Sons of Liberty, Common Sense, Declaration of Independence, Battle of Lexington and Concord, Boston Tea Party, Patriots versus Loyalists, the causes of the revolution, Articles of Confederation, and MORE! You get an "I have, who has" review for the Bill of Rights and the Revolution, a gallery walk and timeline project for the foundation of the 13 colonies, a power point, 2 editab

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