The area of a triangle is 150 cm2 and its sides are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. what is its perimeter?

Full Marks Mathematics 9>Heron's Formula>TEST YOUR SKILLS>Q 20

1. Area of Triangles:

(i) Area of a triangle when its base and height are known is calculated by using the formula: Area of triangle =12×Base×Height

(ii) If b denote the base and p the perpendicular of a right triangle, then the area of the triangle =12bp

(iii) For an isosceles right-angled triangle, each of whose equal side is a, we have the area =a22

(iv) For an equilateral triangle, each of whose side is a, we have the area =34a2

2. Heron's Formula:

If a, b, c denote the lengths of the sides of a triangle, then area =ss-as-bs-c, where s=a+b+c2

3. The area of a quadrilateral can be calculated by dividing the quadrilateral into triangles and using Heron's formula for calculating area of each triangle.

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