State the name and type of force which is responsible for holding the solar system together

Science & Exploration

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There are four forces of nature. Two are familiar to everyone; two are less so.

First, gravity is the force that pulls us to the surface of the Earth, keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun and causes the formation of planets, stars and galaxies.

Second, electromagnetism is the force responsible for the way matter generates and responds to electricity and magnetism. We make ample use of it in almost all our household appliances.

Next come the less familiar forces. Both act only inside the nuclei of atoms. The Strong Nuclear Force binds the nucleus of an atom together. The Weak Nuclear Force is responsible for certain kinds of radioactive decay. For example, the kind of decay measured by archaeologists when they perform radiocarbon dating.

All the forces except gravity are explained using quantum theory. This means that the forces are carried by tiny particles. In fact, electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force have been shown to be different facets of the same fundamental force, and many scientists believe that the strong force can be unified with this electroweak force, too. But, what about gravity?

Gravity is best explained using Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, which is not a quantum theory. Instead, it imagines that gravity is generated when matter distorts space, like a heavy object would stretch a rubber sheet. Smaller objects then 'roll' downwards, towards the larger object.

Many scientists are working to formulate a quantum theory of gravity, in which gravity is carried by small particles called 'gravitons'. One approach is known as M-theory, which treats particles as if they were tiny knots or vibrations in pieces of minuscule 'string'. This work shows the most promise for one day finding a theory that can explain all the Universe's forces at once. Experiments in space are crucial for providing the theorists with high-quality data.

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The gravitational force of earth is responsible for holding the atmosphere above the earth. It is also the gravitational force of earth which keeps us firmly on the ground. Various objects attract each other due to gravity only. This article deals what is gravitational force and how this force holds the Solar System together.

As we know that force is necessary to produce motion in a body. If any object falls from some height towards the earth, therefore a force must be acting on it. This force is due to the attraction between the earth and the object which is known as Gravitational Force of earth or gravity of earth. Similarly, a leaf falls down from a tree due to gravity of earth. In fact earth attracts or pulls all the objects towards its centre. The gravitational force of the earth is responsible for holding the atmosphere above the earth; for the rain falling to the earth; and for the flow of water in the rivers. It is also the gravitational force of earth, which keeps us firmly on the ground. Though the various objects on this earth attract one another constantly, they do not cause any motion because the gravitational force of attraction between them is very small. When two bodies or objects are very big, having large masses, then the gravitational force of attraction between them becomes extremely large. For example the sun, the moon and the earth have extremely large masses, therefore, the gravitational force of attraction between the sun and the earth or other planets or between the earth and the moon, is extremely large. Through this article we will discuss how gravitational force holds the solar system together.

First it is necessary to understand that every object in the Universe attracts every other object


Do you know why Saturn have rings and how they are formed?We know that when we drop a ball from a certain height, it falls towards the earth. This means that the earth attracts the various objects towards its centre. According to Newton, it is not only the earth, which attracts the objects, in fact, every object attracts every other object with a certain force. The force with which two objects attract each other is called gravitational force or gravity. The gravitational force between two objects, acts even if the two objects are not connected by any means. But if the masses of the objects are small, then the gravitational force between them is very small which cannot be detected easily. For example, two stones lying on the ground attract each other, but since their masses are small, the gravitational force of attraction between them is small and hence we do not see one stone moving towards the other stone. If, however, one of the objects is very big having a large mass, then the gravitational force becomes very large and its effect can be seen easily.

How gravitational force holds the solar system together?

In the Solar System, planets move in circular orbits around the sun; and satellites move in circular orbits around the planets. A centripetal force is needed to make an object move in a circular orbit or circular path. Now,the question arises what is centripetal force?

A centripetal force is not a fundamental force, but a net force which causes an object to move in a circular path. It is directed towards the centre around which the body is moving. In the case of planets moving around the sun, the centripetal force is provided by the gravitational force of the sun. And in the case of satellites moving around the planets, the centripetal force is provided by the gravitational force of the planets.
In the case of ‘the sun and the earth’ Since the masses of the sun and the earth are very, very large, they exert very large force on one another. It is the gravitational force between the sun and the earth, which keeps the earth in uniform circular motion around the sun.

In the case of ‘the earth and the moon’

It is the gravitational force between the earth and the moon that makes the moon revolve at uniform speed around the earth. Thus, the gravitational force is responsible for the existence of our solar system. Due to this force motion of planets around the sun; motion of the moon around the earth; formation of tides in the sea etc. took place or can be explained.

From the above article it is clear that what is gravitational force, centripetal force, how gravitational force holds the solar system together.

Do you know that our moon is made up of 20 smaller moonlets?

Which force is responsible for holding the solar system together ?

Gravitational force of the sun is responsible for holding the solar system together.

Concept: Mass and Weight of an Object

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Hint: The force which is responsible for holding the solar system together, is too weak to be observed due to the very long distance of separation in most of the cases. And also it is a force that attracts any two objects with masses such as heavenly bodies also.

Complete answer:

Gravitational force of planets in the solar system is responsible for holding the solar system together.The atmosphere is held above the earth by the gravitational attraction of the planet. The earth's gravitational force also keeps us firmly planted on the ground. Various items are only attracted to each other by gravity. Force is required to induce motion in a body, as we all know. When an object falls from a great height to the ground, a force must be operating on it. This force is caused by the gravitational pull between the earth and the item, which is known as the Earth's Gravitational Force or gravity. Similarly, the earth's gravity causes a leaf to fall off a tree. The earth, in fact, attracts or pulls all objects to its centre.The earth's gravitational pull is responsible for keeping the atmosphere above the surface, for rain falling on the surface, and for the flow of water in rivers. It is also the earth's gravitational force that keeps us securely planted on the ground. Despite the fact that the numerous objects on this planet are continually attracted to one another, they do not move since the gravitational force of attraction between them is so modest. When two bodies or objects are exceedingly huge and have large masses, the gravitational attraction between them is quite strong. The sun, the moon, and the earth, for example, have enormously huge masses, therefore the gravitational pull between the sun and the earth, other planets, or the earth and the moon is enormous.


The sun is the solar system's biggest body. It holds more than $99\% $ of the solar system's mass. With its dominant mass, the sun exerts the largest gravitational force in the solar system, holding all other objects in orbit and controlling their motion. Ellipses are the pathways or orbits that the planets take around the sun.

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