Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD tentang Clothes

Jenis-jenis pakaian dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan kinds of clothes. (Unsplash) - Ada beragam jenis baju. Nah, kalau Adjarian sendiri, baju apa yang sering digunakan?

Baju merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar atau kebutuhan pokok setiap orang.

Dalam bahasa Inggris, baju disebut dengan clothes, apparel, atau clothing.

O iya, bermacam-macam jenis baju bisa dikategorikan dari fungsi maupun kebutuhannya.

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Materi Bahasa Inggris Daily Activities

Misalnya, ada baju musim dingin, baju musim panas, dan sebagainya.

Nah, kali ini kita akan memperdalam materi tentang kinds of clothes denan berlatih mengerjakan contoh soal.

Yuk, simak contoh soal dan jawaban materi bahasa Inggris tentang kinds of clothes berikut ini.

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Jenis-jenis pakaian dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan kinds of clothes. (Unsplash)

Answer the questions below!

1. Name 2 pieces of clothing starting with the letter p.

Answer: Pajamas (pyjama), panties, pants, poncho

2. Which item of clothing has "fingers”?

Answer: Glove or gloves

3. Name a popular hat that is also used in a ball sport.

Answer: Baseball cap

4. Give another name for a woman's shirt.

Answer: Blouse

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Materi Bahasa Inggris Simple Future Tense

5. Name 5 things you could wear to go to the beach.

Answer: Swimsuit, swimming costume, swimming trunks, bikini, shorts, t- shirt, sandals, flip-flops, sunhat, etc.

6. What do you call a glove that has no fingers?

Answer: Mitten

7. Name five things a businessman would wear to work.

Answer: Suit, shirt, tie, socks, shoes, trousers, jacket etc.

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Jenis-jenis pakaian dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan kinds of clothes. (Unsplash)

8. What do you call the "strings" used to tie your shoes?

Answer: Laces or shoelaces

9. You find these on a shirt. They're used to "close" the shirt.

Answer: Buttons

10. I keep you warm. I usually have a zip. I'm short. I'm sometimes made of leather.

Answer: Jacket

11. What is worn by women and is very short?

Answer: Miniskirt

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Materi Bahasa Inggris Is, Am, dan Are

12. Name something made of rubber worn on your feet.

Answer: (Rubber) boots, wellington boots, wellingtons, flip-flops etc.

13. What do you wrap around your neck when it's cold?

Answer: Scarf, shawl

14. Name three pieces of clothing starting with the letter t.

Answer: Trousers, tie, tracksuit, t-shirt, tights

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Jenis-jenis pakaian dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan kinds of clothes. (Unsplash)

15. What do you call the plastic or metal thing you can hang clothes on?

Answer: Clothes hanger, hanger

16. Name 3 pieces of clothing that are often made of leather.

Answer: Shoes, belt, boots, jacket, gloves

17. What do we use to hang clothes on a clothesline?

Answer: Clothespin, clothes peg, peg

18. What is female underwear often called?

Answer: Panties, knickers

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Materi Bahasa Inggris tentang Announcement

19. Shirts can have short or long ones. What are they?

Answer: Sleeves

20. Name 5 items of clothing women wear but men don't.

Answer: Dress, skirt, bra, panties or knickers, blouse, high-heeled shoes, nightdress, wedding gown

Nah, Adjarian, itulah contoh soal dan jawaban materi kinds of clothes dalam bahasa Inggris.

Baik sahabat dan adik – adik SBI yang super, kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh soal bahasa inggris sd kelas 1.  Check this out!

1. Bahasa Inggris Mata, hidung, dan telinga adalah……… a. ears, eyes, cheek    c. eyes, nose, lip

b. nose, lip, ears        d. eyes, nose, ears

2. We have two……… (mata)
a. stomach      b. eyes      c. cheek       d. nose

3. This ……. book (Tunggal)
a. are       b. am       c. is        d. your

4. We have…….. Ears
a. One (1 )    b. Two (2)    c. Three (3)    d. Four (4)

5. I can smell with my……. (hidung)
a. Tongue    b. eyes    c. ears    d. Nose

6. My house number is 765. a. Nine five eight one    c. seven eight one

b. Seven six five             d. two eight one

7. Sendok dan Garpu. In English is………. a. bolster and pillow     c. spoon and fork

b. spoon and plate        d. fork and plate

8. This book on the….. (meja)
a. wardrobe    b. blackboard     c. chair       d. Table

9. I put my clothes in……… (lemari)
a. wardrobe      b. blackboard      c. chair        d. Table

10. I ……. two blankets ( mempunyai )
a. have b. him c. her d. has

11. “Selamat Pagi” dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah………
a. good night     b. good evening     c. good afternoon     d. good morning

12. Guru in English dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah……..
a. students    b. headmaster    c. teacher    d. security

13. Ruang kelas dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah………
a. classroom    b. library    c. canteen    d. Office

14. Seragam sekolah dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah………
a. clothes    b. uniform    c. T-Shirt    d. Trousers

15. Perpustakaan dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah………..
a. office    b. library    c. classroom    d. canteen

I. Answer the following questions! 16. Arrange into correct word Tangan (A – H – D – N) =…………… 17. How many foot do you have………………? (dua) 18. The number after ten =.. 19. The day after Monday is…,

20. My ………… is clean (kamar tidur)

II. Read the text and answer these questions! “My Bedroom”

My name is Julaiha, I have one bedroom, there are many things in my bedroom (benda-benda). I have two pillows. I have one blanket, I have one bolster. I put my clothes in wardrobe. My bedroom is clean (bersih) and beautiful (indah). I love my bedroom.

21. What is the title (judul) on the text ? 22. What is her name ? 23. How many (berapa banyak) things in her bedroom? 24. Mention (sebutkan) things in her bedroom?

25. Her bedroom is ……………. and……………… (bersih dan indah)

Semoga Bermanfaat !!!

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