PPT ke Word i love PDF

Convert PPT to DOC - online and free

How to convert a PPT to a DOC file?

  1. Choose the PPT file that you want to convert.
  2. Select DOC as the the format you want to convert your PPT file to.
  3. Click "Convert" to convert your PPT file.

Zamzar Pro Tip: If you have a Mac you can open PPT files in Keynote as well as Microsoft Powerpoint.

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PPT (Document)

File extension .ppt
Category Document File
Description Originally developed by Forethought, who Microsoft bought out, PPT is the worlds most popular presentation file format. It is a very powerful tool that you can use to create presentations that include pictures, graphs, text and many other objects. Many businesses and students that have to present something will almost always do their presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • PPT Converter
  • View other document file formats
Technical Details A large part of any presentation is how the text enters, appears and exits the screen. Entrance, emphasis, and exit of elements on a slide itself are controlled by what PowerPoint calls Custom Animations Transitions. These can be animated in a variety of ways. For example you can customise the animation to create small story boards by animating pictures to enter, exit or move. With different type of callouts, speech bubbles with edited text can be sent on and off to create speech. The overall design of a presentation can dictate how all the other slides appear and operate, this is called a master slide. Everything from design to the text on the slide can be edited using a primitive outliner.
Associated programs
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Apple Keynote
  • OpenOffice
Developed by Microsoft
MIME type
  • application/mspowerpoint
  • application/powerpoint
  • application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
  • application/x-mspowerpoint
Useful links
  • More detail on Microsoft Powerpoint
  • 10 Great Powerpoint Tips
  • Microsoft Office binary file format specifications

DOC (Document)

File extension .doc
Category Document File
Description Doc (an abbreviation of document) is a file extension for word processing documents; it is associated mainly with Microsoft and their Microsoft Word application. Historically, it was used for documentation in plain-text format, particularly of programs or computer hardware, on a wide range of operating systems. Almost everyone would have used the doc file format, whenever you write a letter, do some work or generally write on your PC you will use the doc file format. It was in the 1990s that Microsoft chose the doc extension for their proprietary Microsoft Word processing formats. As PC technology has grown the original uses for the extension have become less important and have largely disappeared from the PC world.
  • DOC Converter
  • View other document file formats
Technical Details Early versions of the doc file format contained mostly formatted text, however development of the format has allowed doc files to contain a wide variety of embedded objects such as charts and tables from other applications as well as media such as videos, images, sounds and diagrams. doc files can also contain mail merge information, which allows a word-processed template to be used in conjunction with a spreadsheet or database.
Associated programs
  • Microsoft Word
  • Apple Pages
  • AppleWorks
  • StarOffice
  • AbiWord
  • KWord
Developed by Microsoft
MIME type
  • application/msword
Useful links
  • More detailed information on doc files
  • Free alternatives to Microsoft to open doc files
  • Microsoft Office binary file format specifications

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Apakah PPT bisa di ubah ke Word?

Pertama, silakan membuka dokumen PowerPoint (.ppt) lalu klik file dan pilih Export. Selanjutnya, pilih Create Handouts. Langkah berikutnya klik Create Handouts in Microsoft Word. Dalam ubah PPT ke Word, langkah selanjutnya adalah menentukan layout dokumen Word sesuai dengan yang diinginkan.

Bisakah PPT diubah ke PDF?

Pilih File > Ekspor. Klik Buat dokumen PDF/XPS, lalu klik Buat PDF/XPS. Dalam kotak dialog Terbitkan sebagai PDF atau XPS, pilih lokasi untuk menyimpan file.

Apa perbedaan PPT dan PDF?

PDF (Portable Document Format) adalah sebuah format yang cukup umum digunakan untuk sebuah dokumen, sedangkat PPT adalah jenis file dari aplikasi Office PowerPoint yang digunakan untuk membuat file presentasi.

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