Part B Which two pieces of evidence best support the answers to part A that evening sun

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THE LONDON GAZETTE, grappling, stones, &c.—but were unsuccessful in taking it; and it disappeared A grand air of the Magician, for basso, and Nérilha's music, in the last act, are for some fow minutes, when it again exbibited its fin on the other side of the Bay. remarkable pieces.


TOESDAY, Oct. 9. The dull and stupid animal permitted us to place our boat immediately over it, Madame Ugalde's success was immense ; her vocalisation is wonderful.

BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED. and made no effort to escape. The harpoon never having been sharpened, taille, the basso, shared the vocal honours with Madame Ugalde. The opera will

WH BELL, Leeds, woollendraper. glanced off withont effect; but another sailor succeeded in securing it by the no doubt have a great ruin.

BANKRUPTS. tail with a boat-hook, and pissing the bight of a rope behind its fins, we hauled The Italian Opera House will not open before next month. Ronconi is the

R MICHAEL, Bury-street, St Mary Axe, xeneral mercbant. D SLATER. Preston, Ratit on shore, under Salrock House, the residence of General Thompson, who, with director.

landshire, cabinet-makera TIDY, Haree street, Worlarich chceteronger. I BICKERTON, his family, came down to inspect this strange-looking inhabitant of the sea. We M. Meyerbeer has arrived here from Vienna : his “Prophète" will be re

Westbere Canterbury, Kent carpenters. H CLARK, Leicester, cabinet-maker were well soused by the splashing of its fins, ere a dozen hands succeeded in vived shortly at the Grand Opera, with Madame Viardot, Madame Castellan, and

TON. Birmingham, chemist and druggist: 'BIRLEY, Doncaster, Yorkshire, grocer. transporting this heavy creature from its native abode to the shore, where it M Roger.

BRIEN. Bristo1.cabinet-maker. T KNIGHT, Bristol, silversmith and jeweller. I JORES, passively died, giving only an occasional movement of its fins, or uttering a kind Berlioz has just completed & grand religious work.

Liverpool, licensed victualler,


It is rumoured that Meyerbeer's "Camp of Silesia” will be mounted at the This animal, I believe, is a species of the Sun-fish (Orthagoriscus). Opéra Comique, for Madame Ugalde.

P RATTRAY, Glasgow, builder. G FINLAY, Glasgow, wine merchant, MORRISON and

MEWEN, Edinburgh, je vellers. It has no bony skeleton; nor did we, in our rather hasty di-section, discover any osseous structure whatever, except (as we were informed by MUSICAL EVENTS.-The Western Madrigal Society, under the pre

FRIDAY, Oct, 12. one who afterwards inspected it) that there was one which stretched between sidency of J. Evans, Esq., and G. Budd, Esq., hon. secretary, will commence the

WAR-OFFICE, OCT. 12 the large fins. Its jaws also had bony terminations, unbroken into teeth, and season the first Saturday in November (the 3rd). There are several applicants

19th Foot: Iieut CK Skeete to be Captain, vice Brevet-Major Burgs: Ensign F C Asbparrot-like, which, when not in use, are hidden by the envelopement of the gums to join the society. A visit, by the way, t. the National Hall, Holborn, will be

worth to b. Lieut. vice Skeete. 24th: Quartermaster-Sergt T Madden to be Quartermaster, vice The form of the animal is preserved by an entire cartilaginois case, of about interesting to the Madrigalian amateur. Severil members of the chorus of the Price. 36th: Capt H Lecky to b. Captain, vice Baroston

40th: Brev-Major G E Aylmer to three inches thickness, covered by a kind of shagreen skin, so amalgamated with Royal Italian Opera have combined to give concerts every Wednesday in that be Captain, vice Macgowan. 44th: Lieut w lanmer to be Captain, vice Owen: Enrign the cartilage as not to be separated from it. This case is easily penetrable with

White to be Lieutenant, více Henmer. 56th: Ensign Monran to be Lieutenant, vice Ward. locality, at which glees and madrigals may be heard artistically executed by an a knife, and is of pearly whiteness, more resembling cocoa-nut in appearance and

611h: Brev Lieut ColHD Maccanto ba Major, vion Temple: Capt W E Bedford to be Major, effctive choir. It is also worthy of mention, that at the Western Literary

vice M clean. Lieut G W Bligh to be Captain, vice Bedford : Sec-Lieut RW Brooke to be first texture than anything else I can compare it with The interior cavity, containing Institution, Leicester-square, the practice of glee-singing on Monday evenings Lieut, vice Bligh 61st: Cape W H Vicirs to be Major vice Stephens; Lieut W E D Deacon the vital parts, terminates a little behind the large fins, where the cartilage was has commenced. Mr. G. Tedder, a vocalist, gave a concert on Monday even- to be Captain, vico Vicars; Ensign JH Lukis to be Lieutenant, vice Deacon; Ensign t e Gore solid, to its tapered extremity, which is without a caudal fin. Within, and around

don to be Ensign, vice Parke. 79th: Ensign J Webster to be Lieutenant, vice Robertson ing, at the Horns Tavern, Kennington.- -Signor Ronconi will sing at the first the back part, lay the flesh, of a coarse fibrous texture, slightly salmon-coloured.

83rd : Lieut 'T Spring to be Captain, vice the Hon W Gage; Ensign W Hall to be Lieutenant, of the London Wednesday Concerts, at Exeter Hall, on the 24th inst., of which The liver was such as to fill a common pail, and there was a large quantity of

vice Spring; Ensign E Meurant to be Ensign. vice Hall, 9oth: Capt R Barnston to be CapMr. Stammers is the director. -Malle. Jetty de Treffz is engaged as the vocal

tain, vice Lecky. 93rd: Capt J A Macgowan to be Captain, vice Aylmer. red blood. The nostril, top of the eye, and top of the gill-orifice are in line, as star of Jullien's Promenade Concerts, which will be given at Drury-Lane BREVET.-Captain T Prior to be Major in the Army. represented in the Sketch. The dimensions are as under: Theatre next month.--Mr. Costa is rusticating at the Isle of Wight, prepara

ADMIRALTY, OCT. 9. Eye round, and like that of an ox, 24 inches diameter. Gill-orifice, 4 by tory to the commencement of his arduous labours for the season 1849-50, as The following promotions have this day taken place, consequent on the death, on the 8th 24 inches. Dorsal and anal fins equal, 2 ft. 2 in. long, by 1 ft. 3 in. wide. Pec

instant, of Admiral of the White, Sir Edward William Campbell Rich Owen, GCB:conductor of the Sacred Harmonic Society, the Philharmonic Society, and Royal

Admiral of the Blue, Hugh Downman, to be Admiral of the White. toral fins, 10 in. high by 8 broad. Length of fish, 6 ft. Depth, from the extre- Italian Opera.-Madame Sontag is singing at concerts at Edinburgh and Glas- Vice-Admiral of the Red, Alexander Wilmot Schomberg, to be Admiral of the Blue. mities of the large fins, 7 ft. 4 in. Extreme breadth at the swelling under the gow.--Mr. Balfe is at Frankfort, at which place his opera of the “ Bohemian Vice-Admiral of the White, James Noble, to be Vice-Admiral of the Red. eye, only 20 in. Weight, 6 cwt. 42 lb.

Girl” is to be performed, under his direction. --Malle. Lind, after a sojourn of Vice-Admiral of the Blue, Sir Charles Richardson, KCB, to be Vice-Admiral of the White. I am, &c.,

Rear-Admiral of the Red, Sir John Louis, Bart, to be Vice-Admiral of the Blue. some months at Colone and Ems, has returned to Sweden.Mdme, Castellan

Rear-Admiral of the White, Charles Sibthorp John Hawtayne, to be Rear-Admiral of the Red. Galway, Oct. 4.

GEORGE AUGUSTUS BEDFORD, Commander, R.N. is engaged for the Royal Italian Opera season of 1850; Malle. de Meric, now in St.

R-ar-Admiral of the Blue. John Pasco, to be Rear-Admiral of the White.
Petersburgh, is to be the contralto. -Mr. Lumley has been in Paris, organising Captain Ralph Rand Iph Wormeley to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue.
for the next season's campaign at Her Majesty's Theatre.

The following retired Captains have also been promoted to be retired Rear-Admirals, on the

terms proposed in the London Gazette of the 1st September, 1846, without increase to their THE THEATRES.

pay :-Charles Bertram, George Hills, Henry Fanshawe, Isaac Hawkins Morrison, George

Barne Trollope, CB, Sir Thomas Mansell, KCH, Thomas Groube, Hercules Robinson, William NEW STRAND.



BANKRUPTS. M. Scribe's tragedy, fonnded on the story of the celebrated French actress of

TW BOULTON, Broad-court, Bow-street, Covent-garden, potato salesman. the eighteenth century, Adrienne Lecouvrer, has furnished Mr. Oxenford with

The racing community will have time to recruit themselves, after the fatigues

BOWATER, Warwickshire, factor. J WILBRAHAM, Aldgate, builder. a theme of a new three-act piece, under the title of The Reigning Favourite," of the second October meeting, the week intervening between that and the Prospect-row, Bermondsey, builder. W ROWETT. Liverpool, broker P WATKINS, Waeton,

Herefordshire, tavern-keeper.
Houghton, or "lay and straw" meeting, being "blank.” It is not much to the

G PLANT. Stafford, grocer. which was produced on Tuesday.

Rev TF P HANKINS, clerk, This artiste had, according to history, a love affair with the famous Marshal de Saxe, then a Count, who was similarly related credit of the managers of the Ilsley and Leek races, that they should have selected Hereford, cider-merchant. P ROBERTS, Vauxball-road, Birmingham, dealer and chapman.

HF WOOSTER. Britannia-place, Wandsworth road, corn-chandler. & W SAUNDERS, Parkat the time to a lady of quality, who is supposed to have been instigated by the Houghton week for their races, instead of the open one. The coursing

road, Brixton, engineer. R BEARD, Parliament-street, metallic-plate manufacturer. w jealousy to poison her in some mysterious manner. This lady, in the drama, is arrangements include the Calderbridge and Wiltshire Champion, both to com

MAUDE, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, licensed victuallers. J KNIGHT, Stanley, Leek, elevated to a Princess--the Princess Bouil on, a handsome and heartless coquette, mence on Tuesday; the latter will occupy five days, with the certainty of plenty Staffordshire, builder. T OSBORN, Birmingham, swordmaker. H BOLOMON, J SMITH,

and JD GALEY, Dale-end, Birmingham, grocers. with a rake for a husband. of excellent sport. A more favourable spot for enjoying it, and renovating the

G MILSOM, Saint George, Gloucester This worthy pair are indifferent to each others amours, and are thus ready for any intrigue that offers. The instrument of venhealth, cannot be found in her Majesty's dominions. The steeple-chase season

shire, dealer in horses. P WALKER, Manchester, cotton-waste dealer. geance employed by the lady in the play is a poisoned bouquet, which, before it will commence on Thursday, with the Edgeware Trial Meeting.


JT MACFAYDEN, Glasgow, music-seller. J W WALLACE. Dumfries, clothier. G kills, has the power of elevating the mind of the victim into a highly imagina

LUGTON, Swinton, Berwickshire, merchant. J M·LACHLAN, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, tive state of delirium-a scene which is, of course, left for the final effect. The

TATTERSALL'S.-No betting this week.

auctioneer. introductory part of the drama is rather of a comic character --familiar dialogue, with a vein of sentiment running through it. This feeling

NEWMARKET SECOND OCTOBER MEETING.-MONDAY. in the part, confided to Mr. Farren, is connected with senility, and produces

HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES of 50 sovs each.--Lord Clifden's Wallflower (G.
an affecting picture of love in age, embodied admirably by the actor's art. Brown), 1. Mr. Ford's Fuoco (Rodney), 2.
Michamet, the prompter of the Comédie Française, has to struggle with an affec-

CORN EXCHANGE (Friday).-The present week's arrival of English wheat, coastwise, has
SWEEPSTAKES of 50 sovs each.-Mr. Greville's Clarissa (Flatman), 1. Colonel

been confined to 2560 quarters. By land carriage, the receipts of that grain have been ertion for Adrienne which his years make ridiculous. Nevertheless, he sacrifices Peel's Irish Jig (F. Butler), 2.

tremely small; bence, the show of samples here to-day was very limited. Really fine parcels his fortunes to procure her lover's release, adding his store to the produce of her SWEEPSTAKES of 300 sovs each.-Lord Orford's Fire-King (Flatman), 1. Duke of both red and white commanded a moslerate, though by no means active, inquiry, at fully jewels, in order to make up the requisite sum. (The fact of Adrienne thus of Bedford's Quasimodo (F. Butler), 2.

Monday's prices. In the middling and inferior kinds very few transacti no took place, at releasing the Count de Saxe is historical.) Mrs. Stirling was the heroine--an SWEEPSTAKES of 300 sovs each.--Duke of Bedford's Sobraon walked over.

unaltered currencies. Only 4560 quarters of foreign wheat have come to hand. Holders, alambitious rôle indeed, Malle. Rachel having been the original representative

most generally, were firm; but as the atteodance of buyers, both town and country, was SWEEPSTAKES of 1000 sovs each.--Lord Clifden's Surplice walked over.

small, the actual amount of business doing was trifling, at almost stationary prices The of the character on the French stage. She has two powerful scenes--one in the

show of barley was rather limited. Malting parcels were stealy; but all oth r kinds ruled Princess' salon, in which Adrienne recites verses from Racine's “Phèdre," which


dull. The quantity of mali offering was on the increase. All kinds were a dull sale, at barely expose the lady's delinquency in the presence of her guests; and the other when

SWEEPSTAKES of 500 sors each.-Duke of Bedford's Sobraon (F. Butler), I lato rates. From our own coasts vury few oats have reached us; but the supply of foreign expressing the different phases of delirium in language borrowed from CorMr. Payne's Glenlyon (Flatman), 2.

exceeded 21,000 quarters. Good souni cora was staady; other qualities dull, at last week's neille's “Psyche." Mrs. Stirling never appeared to greater advantage than in

CESAREWITCH STAKES of 25 sovs eich, with 300 added.—Lord Stanley's Leger- quotations. In beans, peas, Indian corn, and flour, very few transactions were reported.

ARRIVALS.-English: wheat, 256); barley, 1650; malt, 3.570; oats, 2480 ; flour, 2090. those scenes. The piece was deservedly successful. demain (Hiett), 1. Mr. Meiklam's Raby (Arnold), 2.

Irish : barley, —; oats, 3970. Foreign: wheat, 4560; barley, 3080; oats, 21 550 quarters.
CLEARWELL STAKES of 30 sovs each.--Mr. H. Bradshaw's Clincher (Marlow), anglish. - Wheat, Essex and Kent, red, 395 to 458; ditto, white, 40s to 49s ; Norfolk and SURREY.

1. Captain Delme's Gillyflower (R. Cotton), 2.

Suffolk, red, 39s to 41s; ditto, white, Als to 45s; rye, 245 to 26s; grinding barley, 23s to 258; Sir Bulwer Lytton's play of “Richelieu " has been acted all the week at this

ROYAL STAKES of 200 sovs. each.-Lord Orford's Fire-King (Robinson), 1. distilling ditto, 268 to 286; malting ditto, 278 to 31s: Norfolk and Lincoln malt, Shis to 598;
Colonel Anson's Champion (F. Butler), 2.

brown ditto, 548 to 56s; Kingston and Ware, 588 to 60s; Chevalier, 604 to 618; Yorkshire and theatre, in a manner which reflects great credit on the management. The

Lincolnshire feed oats, 15% to 18s; potato ditto, 18s to 20s; Youghal and Cork, black, 14s to scenery, costumes, and stage groupings are all in good taste. Many passages in

178; ditto, white, 168 to 18s; tick beans, new, 265 to 288; ditto, old, 30s to 32s; _grey peas, WEDNESDAY.

278 to 298; maple, 29s to 319 ; white, 278 to 283 ; boilers, 298 to 31s per quarter. Town-made the text of the play, previously omitted in all representations of it, have been

SWEEPSTAKES of 50 sovs each.-Duke of Richmond's Opcious walked over.

flour, 35s to 10s; Suffolk, 30s to 33s; Stockton and Yorkshire, 30s to 33s, per 230 lb restored, on account of their poetic beauty; and the success of their delivery SWEEPSTAKES of 10 sovs each.-Colonel Peel's f. by Gladiator (G. Brown), Foreign: Danzig red wheat, to-; white, -to, barley,--to-s; oats, -to-; by Mr. Creswick fully justified their introduction. Richelieu is one of this actor's 1. Mr. Merry's Countess (W. Oates), 2.

beans, - to-s; peas, - to-s, per quarter. Flour, American, 228 to 24s per barrel; Baltio, best parts, and he performed it with great and startling effect. At the end of The Town PLATE of £50.- Mr. Death's Antagonist (W. Abdale), 1. Mr.

- to -- per barrel. the fourth act he was recalled before the curtain, such was the impression he Drinkald's Sauter la Coupe (Rodney), 2.

The Seca Market.--For all kinds of soods, the demand has been in a very inactive state

this weck, and prices are with difficulty supported. had made on his audience. Mr. Mead's Baradas was & vigorous performance; HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES of 15 sors each.-Mr. Undummy's Young Bamboo Linseed, English, sowing, 548 to 56s, Baltic, crushing, 585 to 429 ; Mediterranean and and Mr. Shepherd's Count de Mauprat, a pleasing representation of juvenile (Pettit), 1. Sir J. Hawley's Slang (Ten pleman), 2.

Odessa, 408 to 428 ; hempseed, 328 to 368 per quarter ; coriander, 168 to 25s per cwt ; brown ardour. François was entrusted to Miss Dickenson, who supported the part ad- The BEDFORD STAKES of 50 sovs each.-Lord Exeter's Nutshell (Marlow), 1. mustard seed, 8 to lls , white ditto, 89 to 10s 0d ; tares, 58 Od to 6s 0d per bushel ; English mirably. The Julie of Madame Ponisi was exceedingly pleasing. The play Mr. Nevill's f. by Nutwith out of Agnes (Sly), 2.

rapeseed, new, 126 to 128 per last of ten quarters ; linseed cakes, English, 29 Os to 10 0s;

ditto, foreign, £6 Os to £8 0 per 1000; rapeseed cakes, £4 53 to 14 10s per ton; canary, 758 10 was triumphantly reproduced.


858 per quarter.

English clover seed, red, -- to --8; extra, -to-s; white, - to --s;

extra, up to 3. Foreigu, red, - to --,; extra, tos; white, - : to--; extra, -9.
SWEEPSTAKES of 10 sovs each; winner to be sold for £300.--Philosopher, 1. Bread. The prices of whoaten bread in the metropolis are from 6jd to 7d; of household MARYLEBONE. Remnant, 2.

ditto, 50 to 60 per 4lb loaf. Mr. Kemble's play of The Point of Honour” was enacted here on Wednes- SWEEPSTARES of 10 sovs each; winner to be sold for £150.-Blondette, 1. Imperial Weekly Average.-Wheat, 428 4d; barley, 278 7d ; oats, 178 5d ; ryo, 24s 9d ; day; with Mr. Davenport as Dorimel, in which he was successful. General Seidlitz, 2.

beans, 299 0d ; peas, 298 5d.

The Six Weeks' Average.--Wheat, 43. Id ; barley, 278 0d; oats, 18s 3d ; rye, 25s 11d; SWEEPSTAKES of 200 sovs each ; T.Y.C. --The Wren, 1. Cora, 2.

beans, 30s 5d : peas, 29 Jld. MR. VANDENHOFF is about to give Readings from Shakspeare, at the HANDICAP PLATE.-- Wanota, 1. Tarn Wadlin, 2.

Duties on Foreign Corn.- Wheat, 1s 0d; barloy, le 0d ; oats, Is Od; rye, ls 0d; beans, ls Od; Marylebone Literary and Scientific Institution, Portman-square.

The BRETBY STAKES of 100 sovs each.-Lord Chesterfield's f by Don John out of Lampoon (Flatman), 1, Sir J. Hawley's Tingle, 2.

Tea.-In common sound congous the demand continues tolerably steady, at last week's

quotations; viz. from 9d to 90 per lb. In all other teas very few purchases have been FRIDAY.

SWEEPSTAKES of 200 sovs each. AF-Goodwood walked over.

Sugar.-Most kinds of raw sugar have met a very slow inquiry this week. In prices, how

ever. we have no material change to notice. Rofined goods are steady. Brown Jumps, 47s 6d HANDICAP of 20 sovs each. T.Y C.--Fuoco, 1. Bishop of Romford's Cob, 2.

to 488: and good to fair grocery, 488 60 to 50s per cwt. English and foreign crushed, dull. THE LATE HERR STRAUSS. MATCH.-The Wren received forfeit from Sparrowhawk.

Coffee.-Ceylon parcels have given way is to 25 per cwt. Otherwise, the market is very The decease of the eminent composer of dance-music, Herr Strauss, is much

SWEEPSTAKES for two-yr-olds.-Eunuch, 1. Buzz filly, 2.

dull. to be regretted. In the ILLUSTRATED LONDON News of the 5th of last May,

MATCH.-Sicyon beat Goodwood.

Rice. This article is somewhat lower to purchase. Good bold white Bengal, 10s to lls per

cwt. Cleaned qualities are but little songht after. a portrait of Johann Strauss was published. He had a most successful season in

The PRENDERGAST STAKES.-Bolingbroke, 1. Nutshell, 2.

Provisions ---Since our last report, the demand for the best parcels of Dutch butter has ruled London this year, being his second visit to this country, having been here eleven

tolerably steady, at full prices, In all other kinds, very little businngs is doing. Fino

CHALLENGE EXTRAORDINARY.-years previou-ly. He returned to Vienna, and died of scarlet fever, in his forty

(.-The Jockey Club have received,

Friesland. 868 to 888: fino Holland, 70, to 784; and inferior marks, 148 per cwt. The best sixth year, being born at Vienna, the 14th of March, 1804. He was buried at through the medium of the English Consul General in Egypt, & challenge from

Irish butter is firm, at late rates. Carlow and Kilkenny firsts, landed, 704 to 748, Conmel,

703 to 72s; Cork, 689 to 70; Waterford, 613 to 70s: Limerick, 60s to 658; Sligo, 608 ; and Doelling, a village near Vienna, where the remains of Lanner, his rival, are

the Pacha to run a match for £10,000, to come off in Egypt, ten miles, the club Trale, 58s to 60per cwt. There is more business doing for forward delivery. English butter interred. Lanner died about five or six years before Strauss. An immense conto send as many horses and to put up what weight they please.

is selling steadily, at last week's quotations. Fine weekly Dorset. 883 to 92s: miudling ditto, course attended the funeral of the inimitable waltz writer. Strauss was brought

664 to 768 : fine Devon, 80s to 819 per cwt ; fresh, 9s to Ils per dozen ibs. In Irish butter nett

to nothing is doing, and prices have further given way 6g to 8s per cwt. Prime sizeable up as a bookbinder, but at the age of nineteen he was admitted by Lunner, who

Waterford, 52s to Sis; and heavy, 489 to 52. per cwt Other kinds of provisions are very dall.

MONETARY TRANSACTIONS FOR THE WEEK. was only two years his senior in age, into his orchestra. The genius of Strauss

Tallow. -Our market has become somewhat active, and prices have advanced 6d to 9d per was, however so apparent, that his separation from Lanner, and the formation of

(From our City Correspondent.)

PYC, on the spot, is selling at 37s 60 to 378 90 per cwt. the famed Strauss's band, followed speedily. Mrs. Trollope, in her “Vienna and

Hay and Straw.--Meadow hay, 12 108 to 13 13s; clover ditto, £3 0s to £4 12s; and straw, the Austrians,” thus writes of the rivalry of Lanner and Strauss in 1836 :

The uncertainty existing upon the Turkish question, with the small amount of £l 4. to £l 10per load. “ Vienna is, in truth, just now suffering severely from an access of waltzes ; business trar.sacted, has caused dulness to prevail in the English Market during

Wool.--There has been less activity at the public sales held this week. Several parcels havo

been withdrawn, at barely stationary prices. Privately, very little is doing. and rococo Handel, Mozart, Hadyn, and the like are banished from ears polite,'

the past week. Consols have fluctuated daily between 924 and 92 }, closing Potatoes --The supplies offering considerably exceed the demand. Prices rule from £9 15$ while Strauss and Lanner rule the hour. Nevertheless, there is not one to whom

at the lower quotation. The favourable state of the revenue, however, had a to £4 55 per ton. you can speak on the subject, but will utter a very eloquent hymn of praise in

slightly improving effect upon prices on Wednesday-it being coupled with a Coals (Friday). - Hasting's Hartley, 164 6d; Haswell, 194; Lumley, 178 9d; Hilton, 198; honour of their immortal composers. Yet still, Strauss and Lanner write and belief that the Turkish question would be ultimately settled amicably: Consols

Stewart's, 195 to 19s 3:1; South Durham, 175 9d; and Tees, 198 per ton.

Hops (Friday). --Although our market is well supplied with all kinds of new hopa-the play on, while all the world listens and applauds. A pretty waltz, well played, quoted 92 $ for Money, and 924 for Account. The increa ed amount of

quality of which is good--the demand for them is tolerably steady, at full prices. Picking has has great charms; and till now I have always fancied that I had rather an over

money in circulation, arising from the payment of the dividends to-day, been brought to a cloge in the whole of our di-tricts, In yearling and old hops, scarcely any weening liking for this species of composition ; but I am now fain to confess that

which is usually anticipated by the jobbers, who make a price for re- transuctions can be noticed. The duty is called £80,000 to 18.000 I am weary of it, and would much rather have visited Vienna when every garden, investors, has, at present, failed in causing any further advance. Exchequer Bills

New Mid and East Kent pockets. 18 10s to £10 10s; New Weald of Kent ditto, L6 Os to

£8 is : New Sussex ditto, L6 Os to £7 08: Farnhams, £10 10s to £11 118; Yearling Kents, every theatre, and every salon bieathed the rich strains of Mozart.” continue to improve, and India Bonds also daily advance. This is evidence that

£3 108 to £5 Os: Yearling Sussex, £% 168 to 11 10s; Old Hops, £1 Os to £4 0s. Mrs. Trollope's classical taste is unobjectionable ; but she is wrong in the esti

uncertainty with regard to the existence of peace dwells in the public mind; Smithfield (Friday).-Notwithstanding the supply of beasts here to-day was but moderate, mate she formed of the success of Strauss and Lanner. If we are to have dance floating securities, under such circumstances, being the favourite investments the time of year considered, the demand for that description of stock-owing to the increased

supplies offering in the dead markets-was in a sluggish state At least nine-tentbs of the music, secondary as it may be in the opinion of purists, it is desirable that it until confidence is re-established. At the close of the week there was rather

bensts were beneath the middle quality; and really prime Scots, had they becn on show, sho be of the best style. Strauss completely revolutionised the world of dance more animation, prices standing for--Bank Stock, 196 ex d.; Reduced Annuities,

would have realised comparatively high prices. In the general figures for beef, we have no music; and, as an innovator, of extraordinary invention and facility, he merits

911 x. d. ; Consols, 92 ; New Three-and-a-Quar. per Cent. Annuities, 92 ex. d; change to notice. With sheep we were fairly supplied; but the number of goo 1 Downs in the the immortality his compositions will secure. He abandoned the old beaten track

Long Annuities, to expire Jan., 1860, 8 x. d. ; Ditto, 30 years, Jan. 5, 1860, 8%; markets was unusually small, All breeds met a very dull inquiry, at barely Monday's curof wiltz writers, and he raised the standard of taste of the dancing masses, by India Bonds, £1000, 79 p. ; Ditto, under £1000, 82 p. ; Consols for Account, 92);

rencies, at which a total clearance was not effected.' The supply of calves, especially from his fanciful inspirations.

Essex, was in the inerrase. The veal trade ruled extremely heavy, at a fall in the quotations
He made them sensible of the finesse of ex-
Exchequer Bills, £1000, June, 44 p. ; £500, June, 44 p.; Small, June, 44 p.

of from 20 to, in some instances, 4d per 8lbs. The sale for pigs was slow, at last week's quisite instrumentation-of the exhilirating effects of the syncopated dance,

Business in the Foreign Market has been on the most limited scale ; prices, prices. Milch cows were very dull, at from €14 to £18 each, including their small calf. of which he was the inventor, and of novel rhythm. The melodies of Strauss

notwithstanding, as the week advanced, becoming tolerably firm, without any Per ob to sink the offals:-Coarse and interior beasts, 2s lou to 38 01 ; second quality ditto, were intensely passionate as well as joyful; his music, as Berlioz has justly remarked improvement, except in Peruvian Deferred, which, on Tuesday, im

38 20 to 38 4d; prime large oxen, 36 6d to 3s 80; prime Scots, &c., 38 8d to 3s 100; coarse and marked, was as full of melancholy as of mirth, and provoked alternately tears proved to 19). This price has been since well maintained. Buenos Ayres Stock

inferior sheep, 38 24 to 3s 4d ; second quality ditto, 3s fill to 3s 81 ; prime coarse-woolled ditto:

3s 100 to 4s od : prime South Down ditto, is 0 to 1s 211; large coarse calves, 38 Od to 3s 2d; and smiles. Here in London we know how picturesque was his orchestration,

appears to have recovered the sudden fall of last week. There has not, how- prime small ditto, 35 4d to 38 60; large hogs, 38 20 to 3s tu ; neat small porkers, 3: 80 to and low wonderful was the precision with which he conducted his soul as well as ever, been much doing in it since. The last prices of the other securities dealt 48 2d. Buckling calves, 18 to 25s; and quarter old store pigs, 168 to 215. Total supplies : in are-Brazilian Bonds, 83 ex. div. ; Mexican Five per Cent., 1846, ex. Coupons

Beasts, 691; cows, 112, sheep, 6120: calves, 295: pigs, 240. feet-stirring themes. If there had been no Strauss, we should not have had Mu.

Foreign supplies : Beasts, 240 ; sard or Jullien, Hosts of imitators have sprung up since Strauss, but to him (Account), 26%; Peruvian Bonds, Four per Cent., 53 ex. div. ; Ditto, Deferred,

sheep, 1512; calves, 130. Scolch: Beasts, 20; sheep. 90. will remun the glory of originality, fancy, feeling, and invention. 194; Portuguese Five per Cents, Converted (Account), 29}; Ditto, Four per

leugate and Leadenhall(Friday).--Although the supplies of meat here to-day were con

siderably on the increase, the general demand was steady at our quotations,
Cent., 30; Ditto, Account, 304; Russian Bonds, 106}; Spanish, Three per Cent., Per 816 by the carcago : – Inferior boer, 2s id to 2s 6d; middling (titto, 2s 84 to 28 101 ; prime FOREIGN MUSICAL NEWS.

Account, 34; Venezuela, Deferred, 63; Belgian, Four-and-a-Half per Cent.,

large ditto, 38 01 to 38 20 ; prime snill ditto, 35 4d to 3s 6d; large pork, 3. Id to 38 81; infe87}; Dutch, Two-and-a-Half per Cent., 54; Ditto, Four per Cent. Certificates,

rior mutton, 2s 101 to 38 24 middling ditto, 3s 4d to 3s 61 ; prime ditto, 38 81 to 3s 10d; veal, (Private Correspondence.)

3s Od to 3s 60; small pork, 38 i0u to 48 4d.

ROBT. HERBERT 82) ex. div. PARIS, Wednesday.

Shares were quiet at the opening of the week; but, at the close, great depresThe new three-act opera, by MM. Scribe and Saint-Georges, “La Fée aux sion existed, arising from the continued talling off in the traffic returns. Great

BIRTHS. Roses," the music composed by Halévy, the compeser of "La Juive," “Guido et

Western, Midlands, and North-Westerns suffered the most severely; all the At No 12, Bryanston-square, the Hon Mrs Charles Lennox Peel, of a son.At Rio de Ginevra," "Charles VI," “ L'Eclair," "Les Mousquetaires de la Reine,” “Le lines, however, closing very flatly. Prices of lines last dealt in are-For Aber

Janeiro, the wife of Frederic Hamilton, K.q. Attache to her Majesty's Legation at that Court, Val d' ndorre," &c., has been produced with the greatest success at the Théâtre deen, 16; Buckinghamshire, 15%; Caledonian, 13; Ditto, New, £10 Preference,

of a daughter. --At Plus Draw, Denbighshire, the wife of the Rev Henry Reynolds, BD, National de l'Opéra Comique. The action takes place in Persia, and, as the title 8xi; Chester and Holyhead, I reference, 10%; Eastern Counties, 7 ; Ditto,

rector of Rotherfield Peppard, Oxfordshire, of a daughter. --At Edinburgh, the lady of the

Rev T Coombe Wiliams, of a daughter. At Chew Magna, Somersetshire, the wife of the indicales, it is a fairy piece. Nérilha is the slave of a magician, Atalmuck; and New, Guar, 5 per cent., ild; Eastern Union Scrip, 6 per Cent., 174 ; East Lin- Rev Edward A Ommannoy, of a son. At Barnet, tho wife of the Rev T Tunstall Smith, MA, she is so passionately attached to flowers, particularly roses, that the necro- colnshire, 27} ; Grt. North., 74 ; Do., Half, A, Defrrd., 3); Do., 5 per cent. Pref.,

of a son - At his residence, Chiswick, the lady of Caplain Smart, RN, KH, of a son. mancer creates her Queen of the Flowers, on the condition, however, that, if she 5; Great Western, 55 ; Ditto, Qnarter Shares, 104 , Ditto, Fifths, 101 ; Hull and

Sept. 30th, at Sonuing, Mrs. Charles G. Weller, ot's daughter. —Op'thu bt. instant, the wife should fall in love, and d sclose her passion to the favoured object, she is to be Selby, 93 ; Ditto, Half Shares, 45}; Lancaster and Carlisle. 48} ; Ditro, Thirds,

of Captain Dunbar Dunbar, 21st Fusiloers, or sea Park, Morayshire, of # son.-October 1th,

at the Rectory, Cranoe, the wife of the Rev JH Hill, or a daughter. transfrmed into an old decrepid woman. Nérilha, of course, disobeys the pro

9; Ditto, New, Guaranteed 6 per cent., 121; London, Brighton, and South viso, by luve-making with a Prince of Delhi, and she pays the penalty by be- Coast, 70; Ditto, New, £5 Guaranteed 6 per cent., 1233; London and North

MARRIAGES. coming a very nly old fairy; but, ultimately, her youth and beauty are Western, lil; Ditto, New Quarters, 12} ; Ditto. Fifths, 85; Ditto, £10

At Baugur, Captain Clutterbuck, 38th Regiment of MNI, to Elizabeth Caroline, daughter of

the late Augustus T Watson, Lieutenant-Colonel on the Bengal Establishment. Mr William restored, by the influence of what may be terined counter-irritation-a kiss from

(M. and B.), C, 21; London and South-Western, 32 ; Ditto, New £50, 25; D Taylor, of North end, Croydon, 19 Esther, unly daughter of George White, Esq, of Arthurthe young Sultan, through tali: madic agency, being the medium of winter being Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, New £10 Preference, 10%; Midland,

street, London-bridge, and Ashley Roure. Eps m. - At Warreuder Lolge. Edinburgh, Alesagain superseded by spring. The librettists have ingeniously interwoven with 484; Ditto, Consolidated Preference, £50 Shares, 95 ; Ditto, Birmingham and

ander Gibson Bowie, third son of Robert Bowie. Esq. of the General Roxiter House, Edinthe above plot another incident of the love of the Princess Gulnare, affianced to Derby, 26; North British, 10% ex d.; Ditto, Quarter Shares, 21; North

burgh, to livorgina St Clair, third daughter of Archibald Millar. Esq. Medical Staff, British the Sultan, but who is attached to one of his Ministers, and thus enables the Staffordshire, 9}; Scottish Central, 18; Shrewsbury and Birmingham, Keymer, William Hales Carroll, Esq., of Harcourt-stree, Dublin, to Charlotte ann. elder reigning Sovereign to marry Nérilha

New, Guaranteed, 91; Shropshire Union, 2; South Staffordshire, 34; Sonth- daughter of James Row, Esq, of Oxford-square, Hyde Park, and Tottenham, Middleser. Halévy has composed charning music for this new work; and, as may be Eastern, No. 2, 124 x. d.; Sheffield, Rotherham, and Goole (N. Div.), Guaran

DEATHS. imagine, it is beautifully scored. There is a clever overture, in the symphonic teed 5 per cent., 12); York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 184, Ditto, Newcastle

At Margate, 27th ult, Mr w C Foord, nged 30 - On the 10th instant, after a lingering ill. form. The air of Nérilha, with clarionet obligato, in the first act, was excellently Extension, 114; Ditto, G. N. E. Preference, 31; York and North Midland, Pre- ness, Jane, the wife of Mr Thomas Eveаden, of Oxford-street, aged 55 — At his residence sung by Madame Ugalde. There is also an adinimble trio. The concerted finale ference, 41: Namur and Liege, 5; Paris and Strasbourg, 44.

Brookland, St Helier's, Jorsey, Captain llenry Fazo Bolson, PR In Jersey, Catherine to the fairy chun es is fuil of spirit. Toe air of the timor (the Sultan) in the SATURDAY MORNING.-Consols sourcely fluctuated yesterday, the current quo

Hale, relict of Menry Deciu, Exq, youngest daughter of the late Bir Grorge Beeston Prescott, secoud aci was much adiuired; and Neritha has a delightful cavatina. A dra- tations being 92 for Money and Account. The Foreign Market was quiet,

Bart, of Theobald s-park, Klerts" —At Ardwell, NB,

John Bell, Ouly son of Sir John M Tag

Kurt, Bart, M P. _At East Shoun, after a long-protracted illness, Clarissa, the wire of Capmatic quintet is also in this act, and a buffo duo, between Gulnare and the Vizier. with little doing; and Shares continued very flat.

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