List two support services that can be accessed by clients and explain the role of each service.

Have you wondered just exactly what a carer does? We often think caring for a sick or an elderly person is simply a case of providing meals, help with household duties, and maybe helping out with shopping.

Here at Find a Carer, our role is extremely diverse and our work covers so much more than simply domestic duties. Let’s take a look below at the short answer as to what a carer can do for your loved ones.

What does a carer actually do? A support care worker can help with personal care, transport, education and provide access to the community. An aged care worker will help with daily care activities such as bathing, washing, cooking and other domestic duties. A care worker can help your loved ones stay in their own homes.

Now we’ve seen how as a care provider, we’re able to provide a whole of life, person-centred care program specific to the individual. With our experience, let’s take a closer look at some of the ways a support worker is able to help, by looking at some of the ways in which home care services can support the sick, elderly and other vulnerable members of the community.

What do carers do?

Some carers provide 24-hour care to a family member with high care needs. They help with daily needs and activities like feeding, bathing, dressing, toileting, lifting and moving. This even extends to carers who are qualified nurses that have qualifications for administering medications.

Other carers support people who are fairly independent but may need someone to keep an eye on them or help them with tasks like banking, transport, shopping, and housework.

Most carers give comfort, encouragement and reassurance to the person they care for, oversee their health and wellbeing, monitor their safety and help them stay as independent as possible. Carers help the person they care for to have a good quality of life.

Now we’ve had an overview of the number of ways carers can help support you and your loved ones, let’s take a little more of an in-depth look at some of the important ways they can deliver exceptional support.

Supporting people at home

If someone you love has reached the stage in their life where they need care, trying to make sure you find the best care possible, including researching suitable, aged care agencies, arranging all the details can be a daunting experience.

Carers are able to start your journey with you and make sure everything is put into place so your loved ones receive only the best care they deserve, in their own homes.

Having confidence in the character and ability of a carer is crucial to the process of enabling a loved one to stay in their own home, continue to see their friends and family, and maintain the hobbies and interests that make them who they are.

Finding a carer from the Find a Carer platform is a much more affordable option than finding support workers from an agency.

Aged care

It can be very difficult for the elderly and sick if they aren’t able to provide some of their own basic daily functions within their home environment.

By caring for an elderly person’s needs at the critical points they need it, gives them vital support - when they need it most. But also enables them to still carry out the functions they are able to do and want to do.

Here at Find a Carer, we have a range of options that enable our support staff to meet the needs of the elderly, at the times and moments when they’re needed the most. We enable the elderly to continue to enjoy a full life within their own homes.

Personal care

Personal care covers a broad spectrum of activities designed to support people in the comfort of their own homes. Personal care can help with daily activities and tasks such as:

  • Bathing and showering
  • Bed baths
  • Application of creams and lotions as required
  • Dressing
  • Getting ready for bed
  • Helping to prevent bedsores by moving positions in bed and stretching
  • Haircare and support applying makeup
  • Shaving support
  • Oral hygiene
  • Help to use a bedpan and assisting with visits to the toilet
  • Keeping intimate areas clean and changing continence pads
  • Clinical interventions such as changing a stoma or catheter bag
  • Care of the feet, especially important with diabetic patients.

Personal care workers will fit alongside your loved one’s regular routines, making sure of consistent and regular care. Always ensuring that support is tailored to your specific requirements.

It can be very upsetting or even frightening for those in need of care to have different carers every day. It is really important to keep continuity and familiar faces where personal care is concerned so you can always be rest assured any professional home care services will ensure your loved ones will receive continuous support from a friendly well-known face.

Our support workers will offer professional and discreet personal care in the most comfortable and relaxed way.

By clicking this link on our site, you will be able to search for any particular type of care you or your loved ones need, tailoring it specifically to own specific criteria.

“Our support workers will offer professional and

discreet personal care in the most comfortable and relaxed way”.

Disability care

Disability support workers provide care and help people affected by disability, allowing them to live with dignity and independently.

Each disabled person has different challenges and needs, so there will never be a one size fits all approach. The right care will always require careful assessment to establish the level of support that is required, and more importantly, to secure the right person to provide that care.

“Disability support workers provide care and help to people affected

by disability, allowing them to live with dignity and independently”.

Help with transport

For those with a disability, being able to get out and about is a vital way to stay part of the local community and to access many important local amenities such as hospitals, doctor surgeries, stores and even community classes and activities.

Many of our disabled clients benefit from the support and extra assurance of a carer to make sure they can receive the benefits of public transport.

Older people who are frail and have mobility problems, or are living in particularly isolated locations with limited or infrequent public transport could be struggling to find the transport they need. Care workers are able to offer transport services, which can assist with:

  • Help to attend GP or hospital appointments 
  • Visiting people and places and maintain an active life
  • Getting to the store, often with an escorted shopping service

And finally…

We hope this article has helped you discover the important work a carer does. We can help the elderly and others to keep living in their own homes by providing important services such as cooking, cleaning and many other services to help support those who need it most.

Many of the Find a Carer registered support workers have worked for the largest healthcare providers and now provide services for the clients on Find a Carer. We work with the carers and service providers on our platform to deliver a person-centred approach to assist in a wide variety of care situations, such as transport, personal care, education, assisting in the workplace and much more!

If you would like more information, or find out more about the services we offer, then please get in touch with one of our friendly, expert and understanding team who will be able to answer any questions you may have concerning the care of your loved ones and family.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Local Areas

Call (02) 4572 5898

Visit website

Blue Mountains Volunteer Home Visitors

The Volunteer Home Visitor Scheme offers social support to frail aged people, as well as people with a disability and their carers, to help them keep living in their homes. The scheme's volunteers:

  • Help with reading and writing letters and other tasks.
  • Take residents shopping and to do errands (such as collecting and returning library books).
  • Telephone residents to say hello, have a chat and make sure that they are okay.
  • Visit residents and provide them with company and support.

The Volunteer Home Visitor Scheme are offered at the following neighbourhood centres. Please click on the links for further details.

Target Audience
Frail aged people and/or people living with a disability or a relative or friend who usually looks after this person and needs a break.

Local Areas
Blue Mountains

Blue Mountains Women's Health and Resource Centre

The Blue Mountains Women's Health and Resource Centre is a health centre for women that provides a range of free and low cost women's health services including:

  • Assessment and referral services
  • Outreach programs
  • Health promotion activities
  • Health education groups
  • Social and recreational groups and
  • A women's violence advocacy service

124 Lurline St, Katoomba NSW 2780

Target Audience
Young women, older women, women from a non-English speaking background, women experiencing emotional ill health, women with a disability or Aboriginal women.

Hours of Operation

Local Areas
Blue Mountains

Call (02) 4782 5133

Visit website

Carer Gateway support service

Carer Gateway is a national support service funded by the Australian Government. It provides free support through a network of regional Carer Gateway Service Providers. Trained workers are available to talk with you and help you find services and support to meet your needs.

Wellways Australia provides the Carer Gateway service in the Nepean Blue Mountains region.

Target Audience
All carers can access this service.

Local Areas
Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Lithgow, Penrith

Additional Information on COVID-19
In-person carer services are likely to be affected. More information is available on the Carer Gateway website. Carers can continue to access online and phone based supports via the website.

Call 1800 422 737

Visit website

Child, Youth & Family Support Services - Hawkesbury Community Outreach Services Inc.

The Child, Youth & Family Support Services offers support to individuals and/or families in the community who are experiencing difficulties. They offer a range of programs and groups that fall into the following categories:

  • Social groups
  • Parenting skills
  • Promoting resilience
  • Healthy Relationship groups
  • Aboriginal drop-in & information
  • Positive health
  • Lifestyle changes

They can also assist you to find information about and assistance with other services such as Centrelink, NSW Housing, debtors, counsellors, domestic violence and health services.

Kurrajong Community Centre, 30 McMahons Park Rd, Kurrajong NSW 2758

Target Audience
Anyone residing/attending education in the Hawkesbury area. Families with dependent children 0-18 years old, supported by Child & Family Support Services. This also includes individuals and/or families with dependent children 12-18 years old.



Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm (hours may vary)

Local Areas

Postal Address
PO Box 220, Kurrajong NSW 2758

Referral by self, school or another service.

Call (02) 4573 2922

Visit website

Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) - Department of Social Services

The CHSP is a program which provides home support for older people who need assistance to keep living independently. It provides planned respite, social support, domestic assistance and social transport. The CHSP benefits frail older people and carers through a standardised national assessment process and entry point through My Aged Care.

Target Audience
Frail aged people and their carers looking for in-home support.

Contact My Aged Care to determine eligibility.



Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm; Sat 10:00am-2:00pm

Call 1800 836 799

Visit website

Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres (CRCCs)

A national network of Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres (CRCCs) facilitate access to information, respite care and other support appropriate to carers needs and circumstances and the needs of the people they care for. Centres can coordinate access to respite services in your local area and work with you to plan approaches to respite and other support needs, as well as help to arrange emergency respite care. The national network of CRCCs provide information about respite care options including access to respite in residential aged care facilities, carers programs, emergency and crisis respite and the young carers project. An individual's nearest centre has information about the following services in your region related to:

  • A range of allied health care (eg. podiatry, physiotherapy etc.)
  • Aged care homes
  • Assessment, including Aged Care Assessment Teams
  • Community Aged Care Packages
  • Continence assistance
  • Day care and therapy centres
  • Disability services
  • Household help
  • Home modification and maintenance
  • Personal, nursing and respite care
  • Special services for dementia
  • Support for carers
  • Support groups
  • Transport and meal services

Target Audience
Carers of someone who is frail aged, has a disability or chronic illness.


Call to book an assessment.

Call 1800 052 222

Visit website

Community Health Centres Central Referral Service

Community Health Centres provide a range of services to children, young people and their families. Services provided include:

  • Assessment and treatment
  • Child and Family Health Nursing including home visits for all new parents
  • Counselling services for children, families and adults
  • Developmental screening
  • Early Childhood Health clinics
  • Health promotion, prevention and early detection
  • Occupational Therapy for children
  • Parenting groups
  • Playgym
  • Speech Pathology for children
  • Support with infant feeding and parenting
  • Women's Health

Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:00pm

Call 1800 222 608

Compeer Friendship Program

Compeer is a community mental health program that aims to improve the quality of life and self-esteem of adults with a mental illness through friendship and social support. This is achieved by matching people living with mental illness (friends) with a volunteer. Volunteers and friends meet together in a public setting and enjoy planned social activities such as grabbing a bite to eat, seeing a movie, visiting a local attraction or going to a Compeer social event.


Postal Address
PO Box 5, Petersham NSW 2049

Local Areas
Blue Mountains, Penrith

Visit website

Dianella Cottage

Dianella Cottage is a harm minimisation service based in the Blue Mountains for women with co-existing drug, alcohol and mental health issues. It provides a number of services including:

  • Emotional Roller Derby - A program explaining the relationship between the stress alert system and drug dependence
  • Wise Woman’s Non-residential Day Treatment Program - An intensive non-residential drug and alcohol treatment program
  • New Directions Transition Program - Skills development program to support recovery
  • CHOICES - A psycho-education program for women transitioning from prison
  • SMART Recovery for Women - A self-help cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) based support group for women
  • Aftercare Programs
  • Individual treatment and support
  • An outreach program
  • Case Management and Referral

The Black Rose Women’s Drug & Alcohol Outreach Program for Lithgow is run each Thursday and includes:

  • Court Assistance – Lithgow Court House – Thursdays, 9:30am - 10:30am (call to book)
  • Women’s SMART Recovery Group – Thursdays, 11:00am - 12:30pm – Red Cross Hall, Lithgow
  • Treatment Planning & Individual Support – on an as required basis – Red Cross Hall, Lithgow

Target Audience
Women over 18 years old at all stages of addressing their drug use. It particularly focuses on women with mental health, drug and alcohol issues, women who are required by the courts to attend a drug and alcohol treatment service and women on opiate treatment programs.

Local Areas
Blue Mountains, Lithgow

Postal Address
PO Box 1009, Katoomba NSW 2780

Referrals can be made by direct contact, or through a referral from General Practitioner (GP) or a support worker from another service. All women will go through an assessment process before they can be accepted into the program. This will consist of a face-to-face interview with Dianella Cottage staff.

Call (02) 4782 3887

Visit website


eFriend is a virtual peer support service and offers befriending sessions to connect you to eFriend Peers via video call or phone call. The service is free and available to anyone feeling down, stressed, lonely, isolated or worried. Visit the link below and click 'Book first session' to start your eFriend journey.

Target Audience
People aged 18 and older who are feeling down, stressed, lonely, isolated or worried.


Local Areas
Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Lithgow, Penrith

Visit website


FriendLine is a support line and online chat service for anyone who needs to reconnect or just wants a chat. All conversations with FriendLine are casual and anonymous. Please note FriendLine is not a crisis service.

Hours of Operation
Support line: 10.00am-8.00pm, 7 days per week
Online chat service: 1.00pm-5.00pm Tuesday to Thursday.


Local Areas
Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Lithgow, Penrith

Call 1800 424 287

Visit website

Great Community Transport

Great Community Transport provides flexible small group transport to eligible disadvantaged people living in the Blue Mountains and Penrith local government area. Trips include transport to local shopping centres, other outings and medical appointments. Great Community Transport are located in the Blue Mountains and Penrith.

Blue Mountains
31 Hay Street, Lawson NSW 2783 - (02) 4759 2403

99 Cox Ave, Kingswood NSW 2750 – (02) 4722 3083

Target Audience
Those amongst the aged population as well as people with disabilities and their carers who can’t drive, use public transport or don’t have anyone else to help with their transport requests.

Call for an assessment to determine eligibility.

Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:00pm

Local Areas
Blue Mountains, Penrith

Postal Address
PO Box 124, Lawson NSW 2783

Visit website

Hawkesbury District Community Centres - Hawkesbury City Council

The Hawkesbury City Council has compiled a detailed description of the 18 community centres and halls in the Hawkesbury. Community centres vary in size and the facilities that they offer, however each centre provides services and activities that appeal to a broad cross-section of the community such as:

  • Casual hire for functions, meetings, and conferences
  • Classes and seminars for adults and children on a range of topics
  • Recreational activities for adults and children
  • Regular hire for clubs and other community groups

Please visit the link provided to explore the community centres in the Hawkesbury.

Local Areas

Visit website

Hawkesbury Neighbour Aid - Richmond Community Services Inc. & Neighbourhood Centre

Hawkesbury Neighbour Aid is a home visiting service for people with a disability, frail aged people and their carers. Volunteers are recruited from the community and visit clients two hours a week on a one to one basis, with the aim to relieve social isolation and to support the person to participate within his or her own community. This can be either within the person’s home environment or while the person is accessing community services or facilities.

Services offered by Hawkesbury Neighbour Aid can include:

  • transport and accompaniment to appointments within the Hawkesbury LGA
  • transport and assistance with shopping
  • one to one support to attend a social activity of the consumer’s choice
  • assistance with banking & bill payments
  • assistance with writing, addressing & posting of mail
  • reading
  • companionship and social support
  • advocacy and support

133 Londonderry Road, Richmond NSW 2753

Target Audience
People with a disability, frail aged people and their carers.


Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 9.00am-4.30pm

Local Areas

Postal Address
PO Box 260, Richmond NSW 2753

Call (02) 4578 3934

Visit website


Heartmoves is a gentle physical activity program suitable for anyone who hasn't done any exercise in a while. You can exercise at your own pace in a friendly atmosphere. Heartmoves is run by accredited exercise professionals specifically trained in managing safe, low to moderate intensity physical activity programs.

The programs are designed to be safe for people who are managing chronic health conditions such as heart problems and diabetes, arthritis, lung and chest conditions, as well as those with risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, overweight, depression, etc.

Heartmoves programs are available at the following locations:

South Penrith Community Centre
3 Trent St, South Penrith NSW 2750 - Mondays 8.30am-9.30am & Fridays 8.00am-9.00am - Call (02) 4721 8520.

Floribunda Community Centre
1 Floribunda Avenue, Glenmore Park – Wednesdays 9.15am-10.15am - Call (02) 4733 1499.

Active8 Gym
Cnr of East Market Street and Francis Street, Richmond NSW 2753 - Mondays 8.30am, Wednesdays 8.30am & 11.30am, Fridays 8.30am. Call (02) 4578 3332.

Springwood Aquatic and Fitness Centre
17 Plateau Road, Springwood NSW 2777 - Mondays & Fridays 8.00am. Call (02) 4757 3867.

Local Areas
Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Penrith


Target Audience
People with stable long-term health conditions.

Visit website

Kincare Community Services

Kincare are in-home care specialists that provide a number of accommodation support services through a flexible combination of:

  • Aids and equipment
  • Assistance with coordination and transition planning
  • Home modifications
  • Individual funding management assistance
  • Personal care and support with everyday life
  • Respite

Kincare provide a number of support services including housekeeping, personal care, nursing, allied health, care coordination, connected technology, carer support, home garden maintenance, meal preparation, social connections, transport, day options, in-home accommodation and supported accommodation.


Hours of Operation
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Call to book an appointment.

Call 1300 733 510 Visit website

Leep in Network

The Leep in Network is a nonprofit organisation that focuses on mentoring and training older people, and people with a disability, in accessing and using technology. They also support other nonprofits and small businesses with their Information Technology (IT) needs including training, consultancy, independent advice, social media strategy and website development. The specialist team delivers:

688 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750

Target Audience
Assists older people and people with a disability in accessing and using technology.


Local Areas
Hawkesbury, Penrith

Postal Address
PO Box 63, Emu Plains NSW 2750

Call (02) 4721 1866 Visit website

Lithgow Community Transport

Lithgow Community Transport provides a number of services depending on personal needs. Destinations for transport may include shopping centres, individual social outings, doctor's and specialist appointments, hospital visits, medical treatments, hairdressers and visits to friends or family. Major services provided include:

  • Individual Transport
  • Social Outings
  • Travel Training
  • Taxi Voucher Project

1/31 Railway Parade, Lithgow NSW 2790

Target Audience
Frail aged (over 65); younger people with a disability and their carers; people who are transport disadvantaged.

Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 8.30am-2.30pm

Local Areas

Postal Address
PO Box 231, Lithgow NSW 2790

Call (02) 6352 2146

Lithgow Information & Neighbourhood Centre (LINC)

Lithgow Information & Neighbourhood Centre (LINC) operates the community cottage that includes a number of services including:

  • A meeting space for community groups and functions
  • A number of disability services
  • Adolescent and family counselling
  • Central West Families NSW
  • No interest loans
  • Overnight respite care
  • Youth groups

1 Padley St, Lithgow NSW 2790

Local Areas

Call (02) 6352 2077

Visit website

Lithgow Women and Children's Crisis Centre (LWCCC) - Lithgow Community Projects

LWCCC provides a range of services aimed at being flexible and based on the individual needs of each family. These services include:

  • Risk assessments and safety planning to stay in your home or if needed emergency and transitional housing or help to find other temporary and safe accommodation.
  • Help with information about domestic violence, relationships, parenting, sexual assault, child abuse, housing, or other difficulties.
  • Referrals and assistance to work with other support agencies.
  • Practical support Eg: improve security in current home, secure independent accommodation, manage debts, access legal services or medical assistance, court support.
  • Emotional support: our staff are here to support you and your children, we have a counsellors on staff who are aware of the trauma resulting form domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual assault.
  • Case Management: we can assist you in making the changes needed to live your life the way you really want to.
  • Groups for children and women such as children's art and music groups, and women's craft and social groups. Contact 6351 2230 for more information.



Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm

Local Areas

Postal Address
PO Box 438, Lithgow NSW 2790

Call 1800 664 996

Visit website

My Aged Care

My Aged Care is a website and contact centre established by the Australian Government to help people navigate the aged care system. My Aged Care helps people find government-funded aged care services for older people in the community. My Aged Care provides information about:

  • Assessment criteria and eligibility for services
  • Costs of your aged care services
  • Different types of aged care services
  • How My Aged Care understands aged care needs and help them find local services

My Aged Care provides a number of services helping older people stay in their own home when transitioning from hospital, when attempting to find a residential aged care home or for carers searching for respite care.

Eligibility criteria to access services are available through the My Aged Care portal.


Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm Sat 10:00am-2:00pm

Call 1800 200 422

Visit website

My Health Connector

My Health Connector is a free online directory that features over 433 local health and lifestyle services. The content has originally been developed for the Hawkesbury and Blue Mountains region.

Health service providers, support groups, and other community organisations who provide services for the community are encouraged to add information about their service to this directory.

Local Areas
Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury

Visit website

National Dementia Helpline - Alzheimer's Australia (NSW)

Alzheimer's Australia is the peak body for people with dementia and their families and carers. They offer a number of services including:

  • A helpline
  • Counselling
  • Education and community awareness
  • Information and resources
  • Recently diagnosed information sessions
  • The living with memory loss program
  • The safely home program
  • Younger onset dementia program

Macquarie Hospital - Building 21, Gibson-Denney Centre, Cnr 120 Coxs & Norton Roads, North Ryde NSW 2113


Call 1800 100 500

Visit website

Neami National

Neami provides community outreach mental health support that enables people to stay connected with their community while taking steps in their recovery journey. They work with people to identify and work on recovery goals based on each person's own personal values, strengths and priorities in life. These goals include areas such as:

  • Reducing stress from symptoms
  • Managing medication and allied services
  • Daily living and self-care skills
  • Social skills and confidence
  • Reconnecting with family and friends
  • Pursuing education and developing new vocational skills
  • Exploring employment and volunteering opportunities
  • Community connections
  • Holistic wellbeing
  • Participating in community activities
  • Improving physical health
  • Gaining a greater level of independence
Address 1/80 Henry St, Penrith NSW 2750 Email Referral Email or call if you have an enquiry or would like to refer someone to the service. Call (02) 8416 1190 Visit website

Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation (NADO) Connect

NADO is a community-based charity that supports people with disabilities, their families and carers. They provide a number of support services including:

  • Accommmodation and respite
  • Carer support and information
  • Day programs
  • Social and recreational support

66 Station Street, Penrith NSW 2750

Target Audience
Adolescents and adults from 12-65 years who have a disability.


Local Areas
Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Penrith

Call 1300 738 229

Visit website

Nepean Community Neighbourhood Services (NCNS)

Nepean Community Neighbourhood Services (NCNS) provides quality programs to support disadvantaged and vulnerable members of the local community to enable strength, inclusion and respect. Programs offered at NCNS include:

  • Child and Family Programs
  • Closing the Gap
  • The Koolyangarra Aboriginal Family Centre
  • Casework and Family Support
  • Parenting programs
  • Community Development

The Koolyangarra Aboriginal Family Centre in Cranebrook is the hub for a large range of Aboriginal support and community programs offered by NCNS. Youth, family support and community programs are run through centres at Glenmore Park, South Penrith, Kingswood Park & Cranebrook.


South Penrith
3 Trent Street, South Penrith NSW 2750
(02) 4721 8520

Hosking Street, Cranebrook NSW 2749
(02) 4729 0442

Kingswood Park
66B Illawong Avenue, Penrith NSW 2750
(02) 4721 0507

1 Kington Place, Cranebrook NSW 2749
(02) 4729 3907

71 Henry Lawson Ave, Werrington County NSW 2747
(02) 4702 6488


Postal Address
PO Box 7599, South Penrith NSW 2750

Call (02) 4721 8520

Visit website

Nepean Multicultural Access Inc. (NMA)

Nepean Multicultural Access Inc. is a non-government organisation which provides information and settlement services to migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants during the first 5 years after their arrival in Australia. With outreach work being conducted from Kingswood TAFE, Lawson and Windsor, NMA provides face-to-face services by appointment including:

  • Information and referral services
  • Information sessions and educational programs
  • Migrant advice
  • Supported groups in many langauges

Building 5, St Marys Community and Cultural Precinct, 29 Swanston St, St Marys NSW 2760

Target Audience
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) individuals in Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and Penrith.

Call (02) 9833 2416 Visit website

Nepean Neighbour Aid Service

Nepean Neighbour Aid provides social support for clients in their homes, as well as taking clients out into the community. It aims to assist clients to remain living independently to delay inappropriate residential care.

106/114-116 Henry Street, Penrith NSW 2750

Hours of Operation
Mon-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm

Local Areas

Call (02) 4721 7572

Visit website

Northcott Disability Services

Northcott is a non-profit disability support service provider that helps people with disabilities, their families and carers. Northcott offers different services across the region including accommodation, employment, life skills, recreation, respite, equipment, technology and family support streams. Northcott in the Nepean Blue Mountains can be found in Penrith.

30 Belmore St, Penrith NSW 2750 - (02) 4720 4400
Suite 8 & 9 8-10 Castlereagh Street, Penrith NSW 2750 - (02) 4724 4600

Target Audience
Children and adults with physical, intellectual and rare or lesser known disabilities and their families and carers.

Call 1800 818 286

Visit website

NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS)

An organisation that works with refugees, asylum seekers and people from refugee-like backgrounds who have experienced torture and have suffered traumatic events. They provide a holistic range of services including:

  • Activities for young people
  • Advocacy on refugee issues
  • Community development projects
  • Community liaison and consultation
  • Counselling and therapy
  • Group work
  • Lobbying
  • Referral and case maangement
  • Training
  • Lobbying

They have outreach at:

  • Penrith - Soper Place, Penrith - (02) 4732 9400
  • Katoomba - Counselling and group once a fortnight
  • St Marys - 29 Swanston St, St Marys - (02) 9833 2416

Target Audience
Refugees, asylum seekers and people from refugee-like backgrounds who have experienced torture and have suffered traumatic events.


Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm

Local Areas
Blue Mountains, Penrith

Call (02) 9794 1900

Visit website


PATH Inc. is a community based information, support and advocacy group with a number of funded and unfunded activities for people with disabilities. PATH Inc. provides face-to-face support for persons with disabilities, families and friends through:

  • Carers Dare to Care Support Group
  • Equipment Pool for Children with Disabilities (EPIC)
  • Inclusive recreation
  • PATHWAY newsletter
  • Penrith Valley Autism Support Group
  • Resource library
  • The IT Club

DARE TO CARE is a subcommittee of community members seeking to obtain more opportunities for respite for people with disabilities and their carers.

114 Henry St, Penrith NSW 2750

Target Audience
People with disabilities and their families and carers.


Local Areas

Postal Address
PO Box 1288, Penrith NSW 2751

Call 02 4721 0866

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Penrith Disability Resource Centre Inc.

A regional organisation of, and for, people with a diverse range of disabilities living in Penrith and the surrounding local government areas. Services include providing information, referral & advocacy for people with all kinds of disabilities.

114-116 Henry St, Penrith NSW 2751


Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:00pm

Local Areas

Postal Address
PO Box 185, Penrith NSW 2750

Call (02) 4732 2363

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Penrith Women's Health Centre

The Penrith Women's Health Centre provides health services that address all aspects of women's lives. In an attempt to enhance a woman's existing strengths and skills, the Women's Health Centre provides:

  • Counselling
  • Group activities
  • Refugee and migrant programs
  • Domestic violence programs
  • Massage
  • Access to health practitioners

Cnr Station and Henry St, Penrith NSW 2750

Target Audience
All women in the Penrith LGA.

Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 9.30am to 4.00pm

Local Areas

Call (02) 4721 8749

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Peppercorn Community Transport

Peppercorn Community Transport provides transport for frail older people and others in need, as well as people who live in geographically isolated areas with no access to transport. Services include:

  • Shopping Trips: Passengers are taken to local shopping centres for 2-3 hours of shopping. Bus drivers help with shopping bags and parcels (Mon,Tues,Thurs)
  • Shuttle Bus: Provides transport to a variety of local destinations including hardware stores, hairdressers, libraries, Centrelink and nursing home visits (Fri)
  • Social Access: Provides transport to attend social groups and activities including the Hawkesbury Seniors Leisure & Learning Centre.

All services are door to door and include wheelchair access.

320 George Street, Windsor NSW 2756

Target Audience
Frail older people, younger people with a disability and their carers, transport disadvantaged.

Eligibility criteria applies.


Local Areas

Phone the office to book an assessment.

Call (02) 4587 0222 Visit website

QLife Australia

QLife is a nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI). QLife provides nationwide:

  • Early intervention
  • Peer supported telephone
  • Web based services

Target Audience
People who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI) experiencing poor mental health, psychological distress, social isolation, discrimination, experiences of being misgendered and/or other social determinants that impact on their health and wellbeing.



Hours of Operation
7 days a week 3:00pm-12:00am

Call 1800 184 527 Visit website

Richmond Community Services Inc. & Neighbourhood Centre

Richmond Community Services Inc. is a community hub that offers a number of services to the Hawkesbury Community including:

  • Family support: support for families under stress or crisis with dependent children
  • General support for the community
  • Neighbour aid: home visits for the frail, aged, people with a disability and their carers

20 West Market St, Richmond NSW 2753

Local Areas

Postal Address
PO Box 260, Richmond NSW 2753

Call (02) 4588 3555

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Social Connection Hub - Aftercare

The Aftercare Social Connection Hub is a great place to access information, have a chat, a cuppa and discover what's on in the community and access information on other support services and the NDIS.

The Hub is a safe place to build self-esteem, new interests, hobbies, friendships and connections to community.

40 Main St, Lithgow NSW 2790

Opening Hours
Tuesdays from 10:00am-2:00pm

Call (02) 6350 0100

Specialist Mental Health Services for Older People (SMHSOP)

SMHSOP provides assistance to clients over 65 with mental health problems who require assessment and treatment. All referrals to SMHSOP are made through the central access line.

Level 1, Mental Health Centre, Nepean Hospital, Corner Parker and Derby St, Penrith NSW 2750

Target Audience
People with mental health problems who are aged 65 years or older.


Hours of Operation
24 hours, 7 days a week

Local Areas
Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Lithgow, Penrith

All referrals strictly through the mental health access line.

Call 1800 011 511 Visit website

Springwood Drop-In Centre

The Springwood Drop-In Centre provides individual, children’s and family counselling as well as financial and problem gambling counselling free of charge.

Financial counsellors provide information, options, support and advocacy to people experiencing financial difficulties and assist them to take control of their financial situation.  All counselling staff hold professional qualifications, uphold privacy and confidentiality, do not judge and do not dictate what clients should do.

They also have meeting space available for community groups to use in the evening and office space during the day. There are opportunities for volunteering to work on reception and community projects.

Shop 3, 163 Macquarie Rd, Springwood NSW 2777

Target Audience

No eligibility criteria



Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday 10am-4pm

Local Areas
Blue Mountains

Call (02) 8843 2545

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StandBy - Support After Suicide

StandBy provides support to anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide including individuals, families, friends, witnesses and first responders.

The following supports are offered by StandBy:

  • Face to face, phone and online support for individuals and families
  • Support with processes after a suicide such as coroners, funerals and media
  • Specialised post-suicide counselling
  • Information resources
  • Support to access other local services
  • One-on-one connections and support groups with other people bereaved by suicide
  • Training and workshops for communities and workplaces to build skills to respond to a suicide



Local Areas
Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Lithgow, Penrith

Thrive Services (Blue Mountains Family Support Service)

Thrive Services (Blue Mountains Family Support Service) offers support to families and individuals in the Blue Mountains community who are experiencing difficulties. They offer a range of programs and groups that fall into the following categories:

  • Advice and case maanagement
  • Parenting support and information
  • Information, advocacy and referral
  • Playgroup, school holiday activities, children and parenting groups
  • Utility bill assistance
  • Emergency relief food cards
  • Fresh fruit, vegetables and bread

2 Station St, Katoomba NSW 2780

Target Audience
Families and individuals living in the Blue Mountains.

Families and individuals living in the Blue Mountains experiencing financial difficulties or family/parenting issues.



Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 10:00am-4:00pm

Local Areas
Blue Mountains

Referral through giving a call, speaking with workers or by email.

Call (02) 4782 1555

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Thrive Services (Blue Mountains Family Support Service) Lithgow

Thrive Services (Blue Mountains Family Support Service) offers support to families with dependent children aged 0-18 years in the Lithgow community who are experiencing family/parenting difficulties. They offer a range of 0-18 years in the Lithgow community who are experiencing family/parenting difficulties. They offer a range of programs and groups that fall into the following categories:

  • Advice and case management
  • Parenting support and information
  • Information, advocacy and referral
  • School holiday activities, children and parenting groups

261 Main Street, Lithgow NSW 2790

Target Audience
Families with dependant children aged 0-18 years living in the Lithgow area.

Families living in the Lithgow area experiencing family/parenting issues



Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 10:00am-4:00pm

Local Areas

Referrals can be made by giving a call, speaking with workers or by email.

Call (02) 6351 4055

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Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS)

A Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) for people who do not speak English. The operator connects a person to an interpreter who speaks in their langauge and explains one's enquiry. They provide:

  • ATIS Voice automated voice-prompted immediate phone interpreting
  • Illegal Maritime Arrival (IMA) interpreting
  • Immediate phone interpreting
  • On-site interpreting
  • Pre-booked phone interpreting

Twenty10 Incorporating GLSC NSW

Twenty10 is a community-based, non-profit, state-wide organisation, working with and supporting people of diverse genders, sexes and sexualities, their families and communities. They provide:

  • Accommodation
  • Information, referrals, support & advocacy
  • Case management
  • Community education and school support
  • Counselling
  • Drop in
  • Family support services
  • Groups and projects
  • Regional & rural support
  • Specialised training and support for service providers
  • Telephone support

Level 1, 45 Chippen Street, Chippendale NSW 2008

Target Audience
People of diverse genders, sexes and sexualities, their families and communities.


Postal Address
PO Box 78, Strawberry Hills NSW 2013

Call (02) 8594 9550

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Wendy's Home Care

Wendy's Home Care provides professional carers for in-home care. Their carers can help with personal care, domestic assistance, respite and social support, aged and disability care, transport and also hospital to home support.


Local Areas

Postal Address
PO Box 90, Windsor NSW 2756

Call (02) 4587 5999

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The Women's Cottage

The Women's Cottage is a community based support and resource centre run by women, for women and their children, who live in the Hawkesbury LGA. They run a number of groups and activities including a drumming circle and a number of groups focusing on women's issues, particularly those who have experienced domestic violence or sexual abuse as children. The Women’s Cottage offers specialist, experienced and skills support for women who have experienced violence and abuse as well as a range of other support services including:

  • Crisis support and advocacy
  • Case management and referrals
  • Low-cost or free counselling services
  • Health relationship information
  • Safety plans for leaving or living with abuse
  • Support and preparation for court
  • Therapeutic, social and interest groups
  • A children’s play room
  • Activities, courses and information for women and children

The Women’s Cottage keeps a range of information on a variety of topics including domestic violence, sexual assault, advocacy services, children’s services, courses and groups, women’s health information (including mental health) as well as information on local and regional services.

They provide a drop-in service as well as access to a women's advocacy violence emergency (WAVE) support worker. 

22 Bosworth St, Richmond NSW 2753

Target Audience
Women and their children, particularly when they have experienced an abusive/violent intimate partner relationships, were sexually abused as a child, or who are dealing with difficult life issues.

Women and children must live in the Hawkesbury LGA or surrounding areas.

Local Areas

Call (02) 4578 4190

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