Koki top musim 5 jamie 2022

  • I think you are 100% right on. Hopefully now someone will start cooking food I would actually consider eating…

  • If they have to make anything sweet or full meal-ish, then Stefan could take it. But if it can just be savory, my money is on Jamie.

  • I think Fabio will make it to the final 3 with Jamie & Stefan and Stefan will win.

  • Leah, Carla, to go next.

    Followed by Jaime or Hoseah

    Top 3 will be Stephan, Fabio and either Jaime or Hoseah.

  • Yeah…Jamie seems to believe she deserves to win every time, but I wonder if Stefan will take it.

  • Jamie will only win if she can escape her scallop addiction. I want her to win though.

  • Jamie will only win if she can escape her scallop addiction. I want her to win though.

  • I actually watch the “current” show one day late (Thursday at 9–I can’t stay up until 11), so I haven’t seen the one that aired last night at 10, but I think if Hoseah can keep his mind on his food, and not on Leah, he might be able to pull it off. I’d love to see Stefan go–he’s annoyingly arrogant. And Jamie has too much of an entitlement complex. I like Leah, but she’s not living up to the expectations she set initially. Carla can go NOW, and Fabio seems only to shine if he does pasta (and skips the pesto!). They’re history soon.

  • I am going with Carla, Hosea, Leah are next in no specific order. I think the final three will be Fabio, Stefan and Jamie. I am hoping Fabio wins for entertainment’s sake, plus the raviolis.

  • How is Carla still on the show? Seriously.

  • I think Stefan will sweep it.

    Final three: Jamie, Fabio and Stefan

    Final two: ahhh I think it will be a twist, I cannot predict but one will be Stefan.

  • I think Stefan will sweep it.

    Final three: Jamie, Fabio and Stefan

    Final two: ahhh I think it will be a twist, I cannot predict but one will be Stefan.

  • I want to see an battle to the death between Hosea and Stefan. While they’re fighting it out, Jamie will just focus on her food and cook something awesome.

    I think the last two will be Jamie and Stefan. Who takes it depends a lot on the ingredients they are given. I think Jamie can do well if she has a variety or a choice of ingredients to pick from and is given the opportunity to construct a well thought out dish/meal. If there is anything random thrown in, then Stefan would have a better chance at taking it.

  • I am going with Carla, Hosea, Leah are next in no specific order. I think the final three will be Fabio, Stefan and Jamie. I am hoping Fabio wins for entertainment’s sake, plus the raviolis.

  • No way, Leah sucks. She’s going down in the next few weeks for sure.

    I love Jamie!

  • I really want Jamie to win but I think Stephan might have more tricks up his sleeve…

  • I agree, it’s going to be Jaime and Stefan in the final two, but as for the others, I have no idea who will go home next.

  • I know Carla will get out soon, but I love her anyways!

  • I think Fabio will win “fan favorite”–but you’re right, for all his charm he is comparatively weak.

    Carla is the prime example of the cheftestant who is “still” here–as sweet as she is, she escaped dismissal by the skin of her teeth a few times, and got lucky a few times. It can’t last forever.

    Jamie isn’t the nicest person but she might be the best chef. Same for Stefan, but more so.

  • I think it’s going to be Hoseah, Stefan and Jamie for the final three. Fabio should have gone aside from Jeff. It seems like he can’t make anything other than pasta and meat…they’re keeping him for his charisma. He’ll probably win the season’s viewers choice though. Deserves it.

    Hoseah’s been pretty good in the past few challenges. Jamie lacks confidence, she needs to get that. Leah needs to go home to her boyfriend.

  • Fabio, Jamie and Stefan in the final three…with Stefan winning!

  • Fabio, Jamie and Stefan in the final three…with Stefan winning!

  • Fabio, Jamie and Stefan in the final three…with Stefan winning!

  • Stefan/Jamie in the final. 60% chance that Jamie has a Blais-ian choke in the finals and Stefan cruises to an easy victory.

  • Carla is hitting her game but she’s one dimensional. Fabio is a personality and will last at least until the final 3-4. Leah is melting down and won’t last long. Hosea is a sleeper with some skill. Stefan and Jaimie are the ones with real talent. I predict we lose Leah, then Carla, then Hosea. Fabio, Stefan, Jamie final three. Stefan wins.

  • I’m with you except that I think it’s 50/50 between Stefan and Jamie.

    As much as I love Fabio, I was surprised about last night’s outcome. Seems like overcooked protein is worse than “too much on the plate”.

  • Fabio, Stefan, and Jamie. I want Jamie to win!

  • I hope Jamie doesn’t win I don’t like her nagging, complaining San Franciscan persona. Although she is really good and makes really edible cuisine, something that top cheffies struggle with under such creative pressure. However mine goes like this and remember I watch a lot of TV:

    Next Two Weeks: Lea and Hoseah

    After That Carla (however she really has kept rising to the challenge)

    Final Three: Jamie, Stefan, Fabio

    Final two: Stefan, Jamie

    Winner: Stefan

    I think your picks could happen too, may the best man win.

  • Aw, I actually like Fabio. It’s a shame he’s doomed. Seriously, how IS Carla still on the show? I’m surprised they let a bird cook and compete on the show in the first place.

  • I really hope its Jamie, she’s been my favorite almost from the start

  • I think you’re right about Jamie an Stefan being the final two. But I don’t think Jamie’s nerves will do her in. So I predict Stefan as the winner.

  • As much as I hate to say it (and considering how much I loath the guy) Stefan will end up taking it.

  • Leah is going down, soon.

    Carla is going down, soon. She looks too much like Beeker from the Muppets and really really freaks me out.

    I think they are the next two out, and I suspect Leah is out first.

    I think Fabio is right behind them.

    Final three are Stefan, Jamie, and Hosea.

    Final two are Stefan and Jamie.

    Stefan is winner.

  • Fabio is my favorite personality wise, hands down! I also like Carla. Not a fan of Jamie and her scallops. I thing Stefan will win!

  • Fabio is my favorite personality wise, hands down! I also like Carla. Not a fan of Jamie and her scallops. I thing Stefan will win!

  • I like Fabio but I know he is not going to win. It will be between Stefan and Jamie. I don’t really care for either but if I had to choose I would go with Stefan. Jamie’s attitude drives me insane. Yes Carla is different but she makes me laugh.


  • I agree for the most part but I’d rather see Fabio in the final 3 than Hosea or Leah. Please let one of them go home next.

  • After Leah and Carla go, Jamie has to leave. She seems to think because she’s gay she can say/do anything to anyone. She is way too full of herself. And what’s with all the scallops? Aren’t they supposed to have range? Stefan’s not my personality favorite, but man can he cook!

  • Noooooooo!! It’s either going to be Hosea or Stefan, and honestly, I want to see Stefan take it. Sure he’s cocky and bossy, but he is a better chef than anyone there. Hung won for the same reason, in spite of his attitude. Miss Top Scallop needs to go – I can’t stand looking at that constant yuck look on her face and her cooking is very limited. Leah will be next to go, then Carla, then Fabio….

  • i think leah is going to go sooner than you predicted, but i agree that the final two will be stefan & jamie, and jamie will win it all. i really hope so, she’s my favorite out of the ones who are left!

  • I’m downright tired of Leah. She bores me, so I hope she goes soon. That doesn’t mean she will.

    I also think Fabio will stick around a bit longer and end up capturing fan fav.

  • I’m downright tired of Leah. She bores me, so I hope she goes soon. That doesn’t mean she will.

    I also think Fabio will stick around a bit longer and end up capturing fan fav.

  • If Leah makes it to the final three, I will be banging my head against a brick wall, repeatedly. Next to go should be Leah, followed by Carla and then Hosea. Final three.. Jamie, Stephan and Fabio. Stephan for the win.

  • If Leah makes it to the final three, I will be banging my head against a brick wall, repeatedly. Next to go should be Leah, followed by Carla and then Hosea. Final three.. Jamie, Stephan and Fabio. Stephan for the win.

  • I hope Fabio will make it to the final with Stefan and Jammie. Hopefully Stefan or Fabio will win. Not a big fan of Jammie. Leah seriously needs to go.

  • Just watched it tonite, Stephan got his hat handed to him, he picked the weakest link and the judges realized it. He figured his arrogance would ensure a win! Funny how things workout! Leah is done, she would have gone last week if her team didn’t win!

    Carla saved herself for another week or two, Hosea wasn’t all that impressive but he could be a sleeper. Fabio is charmingly arrogant and I think he did more harm than good by opening up his mouth to the judges! He could be on the next chopping block!

    Right now I ultimately see Stephan and Jamie battling it out. Unless Hosea pulls out the stops and surprises everyone with something sensational! Agree that it could end up being the ingredients that makes the winner!

  • I’ll miss Carla. She has such a perky personality.

    I agree the finals will be a contest between Jamie and Stefan, with my bet being Stefan the


  • I think Leah will be out, and I’m surprised she isn’t already. Some of the stuff she says about food on air gives me pause that she’s even on the show.

    I’m rooting for Jamie, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Stefan won. I think it will come down to those two. Fabio could make it, but I think he’ll shoot himself in the foot before too long.

    I wouldn’t rule out Carla just yet, she seems to be gaining momentum.

  • My predictions for the cheftestants – in order of who will be the next to go:







    We shall see!

  • I think you’re right on the money for the final two and winner!

  • Sorry, but I don’t pay for “feeling the love” on my food when I go to a restaurant…so Carla can go anytime. Same with Fabio (Fabian) who’s too in love with himself to make great food. Jamie is a lot like Stephanie of the last go ’round so you’re probably right that it will come down to Jamie and Stephan. She just might get too rattled to pull it off. I would like to see Hosea win, though.

  • I think you’re spot on though Stefan could be tough (and insufferable) to beat. God, I love that show!

  • I don’t think any of the ladies left have what it takes to be TC, though of the 3 I loooove Carla. I would love to have a meal catered by her and I would definitely want to feel the love!

    Fabio is wonderfully entertaining. I think he hasn’t played to all his strengths yet, and I wonder if he’ll realize that in time.

    Stefan is a jackass, but he does come up with good food more than the others do. I think he deserved to be called out on picking the weakest all-star, but I can’t fault him completely–when immunity is no longer a prize, and you want to make it to final 3.

    Still, his move makes him much less of a top chef than Richard Blais (season 4).

  • I don’t think any of the ladies left have what it takes to be TC, though of the 3 I loooove Carla. I would love to have a meal catered by her and I would definitely want to feel the love!

    Fabio is wonderfully entertaining. I think he hasn’t played to all his strengths yet, and I wonder if he’ll realize that in time.

    Stefan is a jackass, but he does come up with good food more than the others do. I think he deserved to be called out on picking the weakest all-star, but I can’t fault him completely–when immunity is no longer a prize, and you want to make it to final 3.

    Still, his move makes him much less of a top chef than Richard Blais (season 4).

  • There would be a lot of irony if Jamie and Stefan were the final two. Would Stefan throw the competition for his love of Jamie? Probably not, but it’s something to consider.

    I think you’re right up until the winner. That’s where it gets tough. Stefan’s damn good and has won a lot for a reason. However, when it comes to the final it’s possible he could blow it, but not likely. I’m rooting for Jamie just because I like her but I’m pretty sure it’ll be Stefan

  • arrogance will hurt stefan…people who are so sure of their work are doomed to failure, because they are so in awe of themselves. carla is entertaining, but extremely weird. i would love to see leah and hosea in the finals. i see no chance for fabio, who talks a lot but does not appear to have actual game. i’m a chef, so i see this from a different prospective.

  • Yup I agree. The third will prob be hosea. So Hosea, jamie and stefan.

    Gee, I really hope whole foods finally run out of scallops.

    We have yet to see jamie create a dish sans scallop/poultry.

    Carla may surprise all of us.

    Gayle needs to come back. Toby’s op-eds belong on paper not on film. Is it me or is this season lackluster?

    Hate the whole Hosea/Leah debacle.

  • Yup I agree. The third will prob be hosea. So Hosea, jamie and stefan.

    Gee, I really hope whole foods finally run out of scallops.

    We have yet to see jamie create a dish sans scallop/poultry.

    Carla may surprise all of us.

    Gayle needs to come back. Toby’s op-eds belong on paper not on film. Is it me or is this season lackluster?

    Hate the whole Hosea/Leah debacle.

  • How can anyone like Jamie? She is the worst. So annoying. Stefan will win. By the way, Fabio should DEFINITELY not be in the top 3. The only reason anyone would put him in there is that he or she is charmed by him. What has he made that has been any good in the last 4-5 episodes?

  • It’s a battle between Jamie & Stephan. But I think it’ll be Jamie!!!

  • Leah should have been last week, or the week before. She will go soon. I think Stefan will win for sure.

  • It’s going to come down to Jamie vs Stefan, but then Jamie will choke to death on a peach pit and Stefan will win.

    Or he’ll just beat her by being a way, way, way better chef than she is.

    Fabio is fan favorite, hands down.

  • As much as I’d prefer Jamie to win, I think it will be Stefan. Fabio seemed like he had some chops early in the season, but they deserted him ages ago. I think Carla goes next, then Fabio, then Leah.

  • While I think Stefan is a jerk, he is clearly the better chef. He is the most consistent.

  • None of the contestants this season have seemed up to previous seasons, but I’m definitely pulling for Jamie. They’ve been making it look all along as if Carla will be at least in the final by frequently putting the camera on her for comments. I know it has nothing to do with cooking skill, but her bug eyes and wide open mouth are making me want to throw something at the screen. The sooner she goes, the better.

  • I think Stefan has made dishes I would consider eating as well as Jeff who has made mistakes too. That pumpkin whatever was barfaric looking. I think others have made the goods as well. The armchair quarterbacks are probably the same people who would be winning like a baby if they had their food crushed by the general public so I just ignore them. Anyway, I want to say that poster Jennefer has nailed it unless Jeff is more consistent and rises to the occassion more often as a result. But otherwise I think that Stefan is the Odds on favorite because he is the most consistent and I feel like people such as Stewart didn’t vote for him to win because he is a man. Also Stephan’s bark is worse… he s teasing people and having fun with them and their egos cause them not to get this. Maybe he is trying to help them not take things so seriously. And he might be forceful- which you are supposed to be in the cooking world btw- but his reasoning is sound. Contestants whined and pounded on him about say the Sorbet- was it for the Bridal deal? But aside from the fact that it was a real sweet cliche- he was deal-on about it melting and he did tell them he had encountered that problem in his line of work several times already. So you what can I or rather more can he say? People you will do better as Chefs when you let go of your ego and the emotions that go with it. Then when you have break downs like Carla you will not be so focused on poor me and have your feelings out of the way so you can do something else other than the desserts. There are some major rock stars in the Chef world. Anyway, he was cool about it- I warned them and it’s not my problem now- the judges will know I did the right thing attitude. Of course the creators might be trying to get us annoyed with how women get away with stuff through Leah- Top Chief’s version of Christina from Hell’s Kitchen 4. And I’ll be mad I wasted my time watching the show if she wins as a result. But who knows? Anyway if she continues as usual, Leah won’t be enabled to rely on going under the radar so you know… Oh and I thought Carla’s deal of why are you all hating on me about the deserts was the same cliche I’ve been hearing so much all ready.

    Why didn’t she just say that she was at fault because when the freezer didn’t work she decided she didn’t have enough time to change desserts and she accepts full responsibilty for handling the situation poorly. If she really didn’t have the time she would look good and the production people bad. I could accept that victim mentality from a say 18-28 year old or so but a 43 year old woman?- lame. Even worse was the Indian girl saying she was too much of a giver. RIght, don’t get me started this is already too long. She gave Carla a get out of jail free card. So far Stephan is easily the one who deserves to win and his food usually looks delicious to me. I hate that he smokes but his comments are hilarious and he is cool. He let the color tattoo chick know that he had no hard feelings during the wars and it was not personal and to not be so defensive with him and think he is after her. That was cool. I’m not saying he’s a God or anything but he’s not like he is described on the show either. Stephan is my odds-on favorite at this point if he doesn’t die of the cancer sticks first. He seems to struggle with American food and Martha Stewart was going for the Lesbian because you know Lesbian Twins activate- but otherwise he is the man and our fastest apple peeler for Season 5 as well…

  • I think Stefan has made dishes I would consider eating as well as Jeff who has made mistakes too. That pumpkin whatever was barfaric looking. I think others have made the goods as well. The armchair quarterbacks are probably the same people who would be winning like a baby if they had their food crushed by the general public so I just ignore them. Anyway, I want to say that poster Jennefer has nailed it unless Jeff is more consistent and rises to the occassion more often as a result. But otherwise I think that Stefan is the Odds on favorite because he is the most consistent and I feel like people such as Stewart didn’t vote for him to win because he is a man. Also Stephan’s bark is worse… he s teasing people and having fun with them and their egos cause them not to get this. Maybe he is trying to help them not take things so seriously. And he might be forceful- which you are supposed to be in the cooking world btw- but his reasoning is sound. Contestants whined and pounded on him about say the Sorbet- was it for the Bridal deal? But aside from the fact that it was a real sweet cliche- he was deal-on about it melting and he did tell them he had encountered that problem in his line of work several times already. So you what can I or rather more can he say? People you will do better as Chefs when you let go of your ego and the emotions that go with it. Then when you have break downs like Carla you will not be so focused on poor me and have your feelings out of the way so you can do something else other than the desserts. There are some major rock stars in the Chef world. Anyway, he was cool about it- I warned them and it’s not my problem now- the judges will know I did the right thing attitude. Of course the creators might be trying to get us annoyed with how women get away with stuff through Leah- Top Chief’s version of Christina from Hell’s Kitchen 4. And I’ll be mad I wasted my time watching the show if she wins as a result. But who knows? Anyway if she continues as usual, Leah won’t be enabled to rely on going under the radar so you know… Oh and I thought Carla’s deal of why are you all hating on me about the deserts was the same cliche I’ve been hearing so much all ready.

    Why didn’t she just say that she was at fault because when the freezer didn’t work she decided she didn’t have enough time to change desserts and she accepts full responsibilty for handling the situation poorly. If she really didn’t have the time she would look good and the production people bad. I could accept that victim mentality from a say 18-28 year old or so but a 43 year old woman?- lame. Even worse was the Indian girl saying she was too much of a giver. RIght, don’t get me started this is already too long. She gave Carla a get out of jail free card. So far Stephan is easily the one who deserves to win and his food usually looks delicious to me. I hate that he smokes but his comments are hilarious and he is cool. He let the color tattoo chick know that he had no hard feelings during the wars and it was not personal and to not be so defensive with him and think he is after her. That was cool. I’m not saying he’s a God or anything but he’s not like he is described on the show either. Stephan is my odds-on favorite at this point if he doesn’t die of the cancer sticks first. He seems to struggle with American food and Martha Stewart was going for the Lesbian because you know Lesbian Twins activate- but otherwise he is the man and our fastest apple peeler for Season 5 as well…

  • I think Stefan has made dishes I would consider eating as well as Jeff who has made mistakes too. That pumpkin whatever was barfaric looking. I think others have made the goods as well. The armchair quarterbacks are probably the same people who would be winning like a baby if they had their food crushed by the general public so I just ignore them. Anyway, I want to say that poster Jennefer has nailed it unless Jeff is more consistent and rises to the occassion more often as a result. But otherwise I think that Stefan is the Odds on favorite because he is the most consistent and I feel like people such as Stewart didn’t vote for him to win because he is a man. Also Stephan’s bark is worse… he s teasing people and having fun with them and their egos cause them not to get this. Maybe he is trying to help them not take things so seriously. And he might be forceful- which you are supposed to be in the cooking world btw- but his reasoning is sound. Contestants whined and pounded on him about say the Sorbet- was it for the Bridal deal? But aside from the fact that it was a real sweet cliche- he was deal-on about it melting and he did tell them he had encountered that problem in his line of work several times already. So you what can I or rather more can he say? People you will do better as Chefs when you let go of your ego and the emotions that go with it. Then when you have break downs like Carla you will not be so focused on poor me and have your feelings out of the way so you can do something else other than the desserts. There are some major rock stars in the Chef world. Anyway, he was cool about it- I warned them and it’s not my problem now- the judges will know I did the right thing attitude. Of course the creators might be trying to get us annoyed with how women get away with stuff through Leah- Top Chief’s version of Christina from Hell’s Kitchen 4. And I’ll be mad I wasted my time watching the show if she wins as a result. But who knows? Anyway if she continues as usual, Leah won’t be enabled to rely on going under the radar so you know… Oh and I thought Carla’s deal of why are you all hating on me about the deserts was the same cliche I’ve been hearing so much all ready.

    Why didn’t she just say that she was at fault because when the freezer didn’t work she decided she didn’t have enough time to change desserts and she accepts full responsibilty for handling the situation poorly. If she really didn’t have the time she would look good and the production people bad. I could accept that victim mentality from a say 18-28 year old or so but a 43 year old woman?- lame. Even worse was the Indian girl saying she was too much of a giver. RIght, don’t get me started this is already too long. She gave Carla a get out of jail free card. So far Stephan is easily the one who deserves to win and his food usually looks delicious to me. I hate that he smokes but his comments are hilarious and he is cool. He let the color tattoo chick know that he had no hard feelings during the wars and it was not personal and to not be so defensive with him and think he is after her. That was cool. I’m not saying he’s a God or anything but he’s not like he is described on the show either. Stephan is my odds-on favorite at this point if he doesn’t die of the cancer sticks first. He seems to struggle with American food and Martha Stewart was going for the Lesbian because you know Lesbian Twins activate- but otherwise he is the man and our fastest apple peeler for Season 5 as well…

  • I think Stefan has made dishes I would consider eating as well as Jeff who has made mistakes too. That pumpkin whatever was barfaric looking. I think others have made the goods as well. The armchair quarterbacks are probably the same people who would be winning like a baby if they had their food crushed by the general public so I just ignore them. Anyway, I want to say that poster Jennefer has nailed it unless Jeff is more consistent and rises to the occassion more often as a result. But otherwise I think that Stefan is the Odds on favorite because he is the most consistent and I feel like people such as Stewart didn’t vote for him to win because he is a man. Also Stephan’s bark is worse… he s teasing people and having fun with them and their egos cause them not to get this. Maybe he is trying to help them not take things so seriously. And he might be forceful- which you are supposed to be in the cooking world btw- but his reasoning is sound. Contestants whined and pounded on him about say the Sorbet- was it for the Bridal deal? But aside from the fact that it was a real sweet cliche- he was deal-on about it melting and he did tell them he had encountered that problem in his line of work several times already. So you what can I or rather more can he say? People you will do better as Chefs when you let go of your ego and the emotions that go with it. Then when you have break downs like Carla you will not be so focused on poor me and have your feelings out of the way so you can do something else other than the desserts. There are some major rock stars in the Chef world. Anyway, he was cool about it- I warned them and it’s not my problem now- the judges will know I did the right thing attitude. Of course the creators might be trying to get us annoyed with how women get away with stuff through Leah- Top Chief’s version of Christina from Hell’s Kitchen 4. And I’ll be mad I wasted my time watching the show if she wins as a result. But who knows? Anyway if she continues as usual, Leah won’t be enabled to rely on going under the radar so you know… Oh and I thought Carla’s deal of why are you all hating on me about the deserts was the same cliche I’ve been hearing so much all ready.

    Why didn’t she just say that she was at fault because when the freezer didn’t work she decided she didn’t have enough time to change desserts and she accepts full responsibilty for handling the situation poorly. If she really didn’t have the time she would look good and the production people bad. I could accept that victim mentality from a say 18-28 year old or so but a 43 year old woman?- lame. Even worse was the Indian girl saying she was too much of a giver. RIght, don’t get me started this is already too long. She gave Carla a get out of jail free card. So far Stephan is easily the one who deserves to win and his food usually looks delicious to me. I hate that he smokes but his comments are hilarious and he is cool. He let the color tattoo chick know that he had no hard feelings during the wars and it was not personal and to not be so defensive with him and think he is after her. That was cool. I’m not saying he’s a God or anything but he’s not like he is described on the show either. Stephan is my odds-on favorite at this point if he doesn’t die of the cancer sticks first. He seems to struggle with American food and Martha Stewart was going for the Lesbian because you know Lesbian Twins activate- but otherwise he is the man and our fastest apple peeler for Season 5 as well…

  • I think Stefan has made dishes I would consider eating as well as Jeff who has made mistakes too. That pumpkin whatever was barfaric looking. I think others have made the goods as well. The armchair quarterbacks are probably the same people who would be winning like a baby if they had their food crushed by the general public so I just ignore them. Anyway, I want to say that poster Jennefer has nailed it unless Jeff is more consistent and rises to the occassion more often as a result. But otherwise I think that Stefan is the Odds on favorite because he is the most consistent and I feel like people such as Stewart didn’t vote for him to win because he is a man. Also Stephan’s bark is worse… he s teasing people and having fun with them and their egos cause them not to get this. Maybe he is trying to help them not take things so seriously. And he might be forceful- which you are supposed to be in the cooking world btw- but his reasoning is sound. Contestants whined and pounded on him about say the Sorbet- was it for the Bridal deal? But aside from the fact that it was a real sweet cliche- he was deal-on about it melting and he did tell them he had encountered that problem in his line of work several times already. So you what can I or rather more can he say? People you will do better as Chefs when you let go of your ego and the emotions that go with it. Then when you have break downs like Carla you will not be so focused on poor me and have your feelings out of the way so you can do something else other than the desserts. There are some major rock stars in the Chef world. Anyway, he was cool about it- I warned them and it’s not my problem now- the judges will know I did the right thing attitude. Of course the creators might be trying to get us annoyed with how women get away with stuff through Leah- Top Chief’s version of Christina from Hell’s Kitchen 4. And I’ll be mad I wasted my time watching the show if she wins as a result. But who knows? Anyway if she continues as usual, Leah won’t be enabled to rely on going under the radar so you know… Oh and I thought Carla’s deal of why are you all hating on me about the deserts was the same cliche I’ve been hearing so much all ready.

    Why didn’t she just say that she was at fault because when the freezer didn’t work she decided she didn’t have enough time to change desserts and she accepts full responsibilty for handling the situation poorly. If she really didn’t have the time she would look good and the production people bad. I could accept that victim mentality from a say 18-28 year old or so but a 43 year old woman?- lame. Even worse was the Indian girl saying she was too much of a giver. RIght, don’t get me started this is already too long. She gave Carla a get out of jail free card. So far Stephan is easily the one who deserves to win and his food usually looks delicious to me. I hate that he smokes but his comments are hilarious and he is cool. He let the color tattoo chick know that he had no hard feelings during the wars and it was not personal and to not be so defensive with him and think he is after her. That was cool. I’m not saying he’s a God or anything but he’s not like he is described on the show either. Stephan is my odds-on favorite at this point if he doesn’t die of the cancer sticks first. He seems to struggle with American food and Martha Stewart was going for the Lesbian because you know Lesbian Twins activate- but otherwise he is the man and our fastest apple peeler for Season 5 as well…

  • Oh my GOD, this blog is unreadable!!!!!!! Donny, why did you post the same damn post so many damn times…. AHHHHHHH

  • Obviously you are a tool.

    Stefan will win because he is light years better than any of the other chef’s there, and he knows it. Sorry America.

    Great predictions on Jamie too… NOT! hahaha

    P.S. Carla is a fucking turtle and I hate staring at her giant neck.

  • Aww that sucks, you were wrong! Poor Jamie I can’t believe they cut her so early. It so should have been Leah, you can tell she doesn’t even want to be there anymore. My predictions are that it will come down to Stefan and Hosea but Stefan will win.

  • I hope FABIO takes it all.

  • I hope FABIO takes it all.

  • I was sad to see Jamie go. She obviously has a lot of talent, her food seemed interesting, she had skill and she was a good strong foil for the ego boys. She obviously blew the challenge. The reality is that you need to get out of — and I’m sorry for using this cliche — you comfort zone to win Top Chef. She was never able to transcend her own ambivalence about braised celery. Also I’m not really sure what she meant by Ripert’s food boring her. Is it so different then the dishes she has produced? All the food seemed lovely but not at the end of the day something a trained professional chef could have come up with. It was modern restaurant fare, dishes that could and were made in a few hours. Did Jamie think this was too fancy for her or too grand?

    In any case Carla has my heart. She is having fun and showing courage. Leah is out of her depth and so lucky to still be there. Hosea is a whiner whose food always seems so-so. Fabio (though quite charming) always seems to have an excuse for why his food is not quite right. Stephan despite his ego or because of it can cook. I’m hoping for a Carla, Fabio and Stephan final with Stephan winning.

    That said like Adam I’m sure to be proven wrong next week.

  • Jamie had such a BAD attitude. I was glad to see her go. She was ugly toward’s Chef Ripert’s food and didn’t appreciate what so many chefs would pay to be able to do.

    In any case, here are my predicitions in order of the next to leave:

    Leah (She gets on my nerves, COOK instead of trying to flirt your way out of things)

    Hosea (His lack of formal training is showing, so I think Fabio will squeak by him–but that’s a close call for me)

    Top 3:

    Carla, Fabio & Stefan

    As a previous poster stated(probably a Euro), Stefan is “light years” above the rest. And, I don’t think he’s as bad as he’s being made out to be. Hey, when he was at the bottom, he even called himself a “douche bag.”

    I love both Fabio and Carlo—they are both hilarious in their own ways…..which of the two will I vote for for fan favorite? Hummm, I don’t know.

  • Holey Haggis..i can’t believe Jamie’s gone. AND on this episode of all episodes. I would have loved to see Chef Ripert rip into her…cussing in french….

    As of late, have you noticed the tv time Chef Eric Ripert has been getting? (insert blatant ad for his new PBS series coming later this year) love the whole, “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” mentality in show business…

  • Top Chefat Tabel Anda

    Bertemu koki

    "Jamie Lynch adalah apa yang terjadi ketika bakat langka bersinggungan dengan cerewet. Gaya memasaknya menunjukkan bahwa rasa sederhana bekerja karena pertimbangan mendalam."

    - Patrick Whalen & NBSP;

    CEO dari 5th Street Group

    Acara Mendatang

    Jalur kuliner Louisiana

    Bergabunglah dengan kami untuk kolaborasi koki gaya Louisiana dengan koki Jamie dan koki Lyle Broussard pada hari Kamis, 3 November

    Cu chs 7 tahun
    7 YEAR

    Bergabunglah dengan kami untuk makan malam atau pesta bersama kami saat kami merayakan ulang tahun 7 tahun kami dari Gereja dan Union Charleston

    Makan malam Thanksgiving

    Bergabung dengan kami untuk makan malam Thanksgiving

    di Tempest. Reservasi dapat dipesan di bawah ini

    Pertanyaan Acara Pribadi

    Ceritakan sedikit tentang acara Anda & nbsp; jadi saya bisa memulai proses penciptaan


    Terima kasih telah mengirimkan!

    Jika orang -orang di Bravo berpikir untuk mengundang Jamie Lauren kembali untuk putaran koki top lainnya, mereka mungkin tidak boleh membuang waktu mereka.

    Jamie bukan kemping yang bahagia. Tentu, dia adalah salah satu dari dua cheftestant yang dikirim pulang dengan All-Stars tadi malam (Tiffani Faison adalah yang lain), tapi bukan itu yang paling mengganggu dia.

    Apa daging sapi Jamie? Baca terus untuk mengetahui apa yang baru saja dia katakan padaku ...

    Twitter: Ikuti Marc

    Apakah Anda menonton episode tadi malam? Saya tidak. Saya sibuk mengerjakan seri web dan pada saat saya pulang, saya terlalu lelah.

    Tapi apakah Anda senang dapat berbicara tentang musim ini sekarang? Saya belum benar -benar menontonnya. Agak menurun bagi saya setelah episode dua jadi saya mencoba untuk tidak menonton. Jadi saya tidak punya banyak hal untuk dibicarakan, saya kira.

    Apakah sulit melihatnya menuruni bukit untuk Anda? Itu menjadi sedikit brutal. Saya pikir itu menurun dalam pengeditan. Saya tahu semua yang terjadi karena saya ada di sana. Saya tidak ingin menonton. Ini seperti menonton trainwreck, menonton mereka mengedit saya berkeping -keping. Ini sangat mengecewakan. Itu sebabnya saya berhenti menonton, karena saya tidak ingin melihat apa yang mereka lakukan selanjutnya ... sepertinya sedikit tidak adil.

    Jelas ketika Anda mendaftar untuk pertunjukan seperti ini, Anda tahu akan ada beberapa pengeditan yang sulit. Apakah Anda pernah berpikir mereka akan pergi sejauh yang Anda katakan? Tidak, terutama karena saya melakukan pertunjukan pada musim pertama. Semuanya baik-baik saja. Saya orang yang sama persis. Mereka berhasil membuat saya terlihat seperti saya tidak ingin berada di sana, saya tidak tahu cara memasak dan semua hal ini. Mengapa mereka bertanya kembali kepada saya apakah mereka tidak berpikir saya bisa melakukannya?

    Apakah Anda pernah melakukannya lagi? Pada titik ini, mungkin tidak. Tidak.

    Apa yang Anda ingin orang ketahui tentang Anda bahwa Anda merasa tidak ditampilkan atau tidak ditampilkan dengan benar? Saya ada di sana kecuali untuk satu episode ketika saya harus pergi ke rumah sakit. Saya memang memasak di setiap episode ... Saya tahu cara memasak. Itulah yang saya lakukan untuk mencari nafkah. Saya telah melakukannya selama 13 tahun. Saya tidak akan berada di tempat saya sekarang jika saya tidak memiliki bakat.

    Melihat ke belakang dan mengetahui apa yang Anda ketahui sekarang, apakah Anda tidak pergi ke rumah sakit ketika Anda memotong jari? sebelum? Mataku hampir tidak terbuka pada saat itu. Saya tidak pernah memiliki jahitan dalam hidup saya. Untuk mendengar kata -kata itu pada pukul 5:00 pagi ketika Anda belum tidur dan Anda kelelahan, hal pertama yang saya pikirkan adalah, 'Ya Tuhan! Saya butuh jahitan. ' Itu benar -benar membuatku takut. Saya bahkan tidak memikirkan kompetisi. Saya memiliki tangan kecil yang kecil. Dua jahitan pada ibu jari kecil saya, sepertinya saya menggunakan ibu jari saya setiap hari untuk bekerja. Saya tidak ingin merusaknya lebih jauh. Aku bahkan tidak memikirkannya. Medic mengatakan saya membutuhkan jahitan. Dia tidak memberi saya pilihan lain. Dia tidak pergi, "Kita bisa melakukan x, y dan z sekarang dan kamu bisa mendapatkan jahitan nanti." ... apakah aku menyesal tentang itu? Tidak, saya tidak.

    Tonton: Kontestan Top Chef mana yang bertunangan setelah mendapatkan boot? Cari tahu di blog video Marc!

    Apa yang dilakukan Jamie dari Top Chef sekarang?

    Jamie Tran adalah koki dan pemilik Las Vegas 'The Black Sheep, di mana ia menyajikan makanan asli Vietnam Amerika modern di lingkungan lingkungan yang tinggi.chef and owner of Las Vegas' The Black Sheep, where she serves her original take on casual modern Vietnamese American food in an elevated neighborhood environment.

    Apakah Jamie Lauren bekerja untuk Gordon Ramsay?

    Jamie Lauren dikenal dengan Chef Level Berikutnya (2022), The Taste (2013) dan 24 jam Gordon Ramsay untuk ...Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to ...

    Siapa Jamie Lynch?

    Chef Jamie Lynch adalah mitra koki dari 5Church Restaurants di Charlotte, NC dan Charleston, SC serta Sophia's Lounge, yang terletak di jantung kota Charlotte.Chef Partner of 5Church Restaurants in Charlotte, NC and Charleston, SC as well as Sophia's Lounge, located in the heart of Charlotte's Uptown.

    Dimana Leah dari Top Chef sekarang?

    Leah adalah koki dan pemilik restoran New York City Pig & Khao di Lower East Side.New York City restaurant Pig & Khao on the Lower East Side.

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