In what way does self-efficacy differ from the term self-concept?

While self-concept represents one’s general perceptions of the self in given do- mains of functioning, self-efficacy represents individuals’ expectations and convictions of what they can accomplish in given situations.

In what way does the concept self-efficacy differ from such terms as self-concept and self-esteem quizlet?

Which one of the following is the best example of a symbolic model? In what way does the concept self-efficacy differ from such terms as self-concept and self-esteem? Self-efficacy varies depending on the specific task to be performed.

Which of the following most accurately describes the difference between personality and temperament?

Which one of the following most accurately describes the difference between personality and temperament? Temperament is based largely in biology; personality is the result of both temperament and environmental factors.

Which one of the following statements best reflects the concept of collective self-efficacy?

Which one of the following statements best reflects the concept of collective self-efficacy? Students may have greater confidence about accomplishing a task when they work with others rather than alone. Such behavior is most consistent with the concept of: self-handicapping

What is the difference between self awareness self-esteem self-concept and self-efficacy?

Aside from being a component, self-image is different in that it is a perception of the self that may not necessarily align with reality. Self-esteem is different in that it is a perception of worth or value while self-efficacy is a perception and judgment of one’s own abilities

What is the difference between self-concept and self-esteem?

Self-concept is how an individual views who they are based on their habits, skills and temperament. In other words, it is the ability to reflect on one’s own traits, skills and behavior. On the other hand, self-esteem is an attitude or view that an individual has about him or herself

What is the similarity between self-concept and self-efficacy?

One can hold opposing views of self-concept and self-efficacy. Both self-concept and self-efficacy are influenced by one’s previous performances and the observation of the behaviors of others

How do you define self-concept?

Self-concept is how you perceive your behavior, abilities, and unique characteristics. 1 For example, beliefs such as I am a good friend or I am a kind person are part of an overall self-concept.

In what way does the concept of self-efficacy differ from such terms as self-concept and of?

In what way does self-efficacy differ from the term self-concept? Self-efficacy appears only after people begin to regulate their own behavior. Self-efficacy varies depending on the specific task to be performed. Self-efficacy refers only to behaviors that people learn through modeling.

Should students ever be allowed to fail at classroom tasks?

Should students ever be allowed to fail at classroom tasks? According to social cognitive theorists, the answer is: Yes. Occasional failures interspersed among frequent successes teach students that perseverance pays off.

Which one of the following statements best reflects the concept of collective self-efficacy quizlet?

Which one of the following statements best reflects the concept of collective self-efficacy? Students may have greater confidence about accomplishing a task when they work with others rather than alone. Such behavior is most consistent with the concept of: self-handicapping

Which one of the following statements best describes the phenomenon of generalization in behaviorist learning theories?

Which of the following statements best describes the phenomenon of generalization in behaviorist learning theories? When students learn to respond to a certain stimulus in a particular way, they are likely to respond to similar stimuli in the same way.

Which one of the following best describes the concept of self-worth as a factor in motivation quizlet?

Which one of the following best describes the concept of self-worth as a factor in motivation? Students like to believe that they are competent individuals. As a teacher, you are apt to find the parents of a few of your students will have little involvement in their children’s education.

Which one of the following statements is most accurate with regard to the RSVP characteristics of paper pencil assessments?

Which one of the following statements is most accurate with regard to the RSVP characteristics of paper-pencil assessments? Such assessments are typically practical and easily standardized; reliability and validity vary, depending on the circumstances.

Which one of the following is consistent with the textbook’s recommendations regarding establishing rules and procedures for the classroom?

Which one of the following is consistent with the textbook’s recommendations regarding establishing rules and procedures for the classroom? Begin with a few basic rules and procedures; as the year goes on, involve students in decision making about additional issues that arise.

Which one of the following statements most accurately describes intermittent reinforcement?

Which one of the following statements most accurately describes intermittent reinforcement? A particular response is reinforced on some occasions but not on others.

Which of the following best illustrates collective self-efficacy in teachers?

Which one of the following best illustrates collective self-efficacy in teachers? The teachers at West Middle School confer weekly about students who they believe are at risk for academic failure, and they are confident that, by working together, they can help these students be successful at school.

Which one of the following best describes the concept of self worth as a factor in motivation?

Which one of the following best describes the concept of self-worth as a factor in motivation? Students like to believe that they are competent individuals. As a teacher, you are apt to find the parents of a few of your students will have little involvement in their children’s education.

Which of the following statements best describes the nature of the id ego and superego in Freud’s psychoanalytic theory?

What statement best describes the nature of the id, ego, and superego in Freud’s psychoanalytic theory? The id, ego, and superego are abstract conceptions of a general model of personality and do not correspond to physical parts of the brain

In what way does the concept self-efficacy differ from such terms as self concept and self esteem?

5 Self-esteem isn’t the only factor that contributes to our self-concept; perceptions about our competence also play a role in developing our sense of self. Self-Efficacy refers to the judgments people make about their ability to perform a task within a specific context

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