How to stop flies on dogs ears

How to stop flies on dogs ears
Last updated: January 31, 2022

Flies are aggravating to animals and humans alike, especially during their most active months from late spring to early fall. If your dog spends a lot of time outside during this time of year, it's not uncommon for fly bites to occur. Fly bites on dogs typically happen on the ears, nose, stomach, or anywhere else that's difficult for your dog to protect. Read on as we discuss the types of fly bites you may encounter, how to treat them, and how to prevent them.

Types of Fly Bites on Dogs

Black Fly Bites on Dogs

One of the more common types of flies you'll see, black flies range in size from 5-15 millimeters. They're most common near flowing bodies of water like rivers, streams, and creeks, and a bite usually results in a round, red mark on your dog's skin that is either flat or slightly swollen. This mark can either be solid or shaped like a ring or target.

Horse Fly Bites on Dogs

Horse flies will stand out from other flies by their size and coloring. Growing to as long as one inch, the lower portion of their body is black while the upper portion is white, often with several vertical black lines. They're most active during daytime hours in the summer and tend to be attracted to moving objects. Their bites are generally more painful than the average fly due to a scissor-like jaw that often breaks the skin and causes a small amount of bleeding. Otherwise, however, horse fly bites are generally harmless to dogs.

Treating Fly Strikes on Dogs

Outside pets and livestock need assistance to manage fly bites. Treatment involves cleaning the affected area, helping the healing process along, and keeping flies off in the meantime. Here are a few products we recommend:

  • Vet Basics® General Ear Cleanser: Use this to help remove any debris inside the ear caused by the bite itself or any scratching your dog has done at their ears.

  • Vet Basics® ChlorConazole™ Wipes: Clean the affected area with hydrogen peroxide or ChlorConazole™ Wipes to remove any crusting. The ChlorConazole™ will kill or prevent bacterial and fungal (ringworm) infections from settling in the traumatized area.

  • Micro-Tek Pet Spray: This product can be used to provide relief for itchy and irritated skin. It will help prevent biting, scratching, and itching, as well as accelerate healing by helping promote a healthy skin and coat. After cleaning the areas with ChlorConazole, liberally apply Micro-Tek to cover the affected area to seal it and encourage hair growth.

  • Cedarcide Original Biting Insect Spray: Use this to repel flies. Cedarcide is a natural, organic and ready-to-spray cedar oil solution. It is non-toxic, DEET free and safely repels flies and other biting insects. It is safe for use on people, pets and most indoor surfaces. Note that most topical repellents do have Pyrethrins in them, and this is a way to add repellent to a wider area of your dog's body.

How to Keep Flies Off Dogs

There are several ways to help prevent fly bites on dogs' ears and elsewhere. First, outdoor animal areas should have fly bait or traps to capture adult flies before they can lay eggs. Even removing some flies from the breeding population will decrease the size of the next generation. QuickBayt can be mixed with water and painted on a fly bait station. The granules can also be used directly in an open container to attract and kill flies. Fly traps work by drawing flies into a container they can't escape from, causing them to die. They can also be easily discarded and replaced if needed.

Both methods have been used effectively in kennels and livestock facilities, even under decks to keep flies away from humans. You can also spray the area with premise sprays, which provide a quick knockdown of flies and other insects in the broad area where animals live.

Lastly, here are some general tips to help prevent flies on dogs' ears, stomach, and more:

  1. Bring them inside during hours of peak activity for flies.
  2. Bathe them regularly to maintain a clean coat and skin.
  3. Clean up after your dog in your yard.
  4. Keep trash and recycling cans closed tightly.
  5. Wrap a bandana around their head to protect their ears.

Wrapping Up

That's all we have for identifying, treating, and preventing fly bites on dogs. If you have any additional questions about our recommendations or the products mentioned above, contact our Pet Care Pros at 800.786.4751 and we'll be happy to help. If you believe your dog has been bitten by a fly and have medical questions or concerns, contact your veterinarian.


Shelley Hexom is Revival's Content Manager and helps develop educational pet health resources. A three-time Emmy Award-winning news anchor, Shelley works with Revival's Director of Veterinary Services, Dr. Marty Greer, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, to help create useful and easy-to-understand articles, videos, and webinars. Shelley received her bachelor degree in Mass Communications from Winona State University in 2002. As a pet owner, Shelley enjoys time with her Boxer mix, Sally. Shelley has been part of the Revival Paw Squad since 2016.

The materials, information and answers provided through this website are not intended to replace the medical advice or services of your personal veterinarian or other pet health care professional. Consult your own veterinarian for answers to specific medical questions, including diagnosis, treatment, therapy or medical attention.

How to stop flies on dogs ears

With summer quickly approaching, you may have already noticed one or two extra flies buzzing around your favorite pooch and home. Even though flies are small critters, they can do a lot of damage to your dog’s peace of mind and health. This makes it imperative to keep flies away from your dog.

Luckily, there are a few easy ways that you can protect your dog from pesky flies and their painful bites. Most importantly, keeping your dog, yard, and home clean will do a lot of the work, but you may need to go a couple extra steps to get rid of more serious fly invaders.

Let’s learn 6 proven methods for keeping flies away from your dog.

Why Are There Flies On My Dog?

Image Credit: josep plans, Pixabay

Before we learn about the six proven methods to keep flies away from your dog, it’s important to understand why flies like dogs in the first place. Knowing this fact can help you better combat the pesky critters when they come looking for your favorite dog.

Most commonly, regular house flies bite at dogs whenever its coat is matted or unclean because it provides the perfect food source and breeding ground. More so, illness, diarrhea, and skin conditions can also attract flies because that is the perfect condition for laying eggs.

Certain types of fly may bite at dogs to draw blood. Female horseflies, for example, need blood in order to produce eggs, making your pet one of the best options for their snack.

Dangers Associated with Fly Bites

Fly bites are painful, especially from a horsefly. Beyond the initial nuisance and pain, fly bites can be dangerous to your dog’s health. Most commonly, your dog can experience infection or infestation whenever the fly bites or lays eggs in its coat. Beyond these two dangers, flies are notably less dangerous than other insects, like mosquitoes.

How To Keep Flies Off Dogs? (6 Ways)

Now that we have learned why flies like dogs, let’s learn six ways to keep these pesky critters away from your furry family member.

The easiest way to prevent flies from biting your dog is to keep your dog clean. Regular cleanings can go a long way. Make sure to use dog approved shampoo every time you wash their coat. In between washings, brush your dog’s coat to eliminate matts and buildup. This will prevent dirt, mud, or skin buildup, which are all common food sources for flies.

Image Credit: 135pixels, Shutterstock

Another really effective and easy way to prevent flies from coming near your dog is to make sure all of your dog’s waste is cleaned up in your yard. Flies and other critters especially are drawn to waste for a food source and laying eggs. This can lead to a full out infestation.

Clean up the waste regularly to prevent flies from being attracted to your house in the first place. This will keep the flies away at large, helping to prevent them from biting your dog.

Beyond keeping your dog and yard clean, make sure to keep your home clean too. Though it’s impossible to prevent flies from being attracted to your yard, you can deter them from coming in your home by keeping it clean.

Most importantly, make sure to take the trash out regularly and don’t let food sit out. This includes little pieces of food in your sink. Similarly, wash dishes as soon as possible because the smell can attract flies to the inside of your home.

Image Credit: sipcrew, Shutterstock

Even if you are adamant in keeping your dog, yard, and home clean, flies may still be attracted to your dog, especially if you live in a moist or swampy environment. To further protect your dog from insect bites, place petroleum jelly around the spots that flies target the most.

Flies most often like to bite at your dog’s ears and other thin skin. Place petroleum jelly around these areas to act as a deterrent. Flies are unable to bite through petroleum jelly, which is why it deters them from biting at your dog.

If you have so many flies that you would have to essentially cover your entire dog in petroleum jelly to protect it, create and at-home fly repellent instead. There are a lot of natural at-home repellent recipes you can use that are safe for your dog but fight flies.

One of the most effective fly repellents includes equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water. Simply put equal part of the ingredients into a spray bottle. Then, spray the solution over your dog to deter flies from attacking. Repeat as often as necessary.

Image Credit: ThamKC, Shutterstock

Lastly, you can use flycatchers in your home to help kill flies. It’s best to place the catchers around areas where flies are drawn for food sources. For example, place them around a trash can, sink, or some other area they are prone to visit. You may also want to put them beside doors and other entryways into your home.

Flies On Dogs: When to Call a Professional

In the summer, flies may be, and likely are, a common and unavoidable occurrence. In most cases, you should be able to combat the flies yourself. However, you may need to call a professional after flies have infested your home and yard. Calling a professional will ensure that the flies are terminated, helping to keep you and your pooch safe.

You should primarily call a professional whenever you cannot get rid of the flies yourself. This is especially true if you cannot find the breeding ground for the flies. Most often, it will be around your dog’s waste. If that doesn’t seem to be the location, call a professional to locate it for you and get rid of the problem.

Final Thoughts: How to Keep Flies Off Dogs

Flies are a nuisance that can’t just be ignored.  Not only are they annoying, but their bites can be painful and lead to infection or infestation for your dog. It’s important to keep your dog, yard, and home clean to remove food sources from the flies. Doing these three simple things will largely eradicate the problem.

If you cannot get rid of the flies yourself, you need to call a professional. Though it will cost more money, a professional will be able to locate their breeding ground, terminate the issue, and keep your dog safe long term.

Featured Image Credit: mika mamy, Pixabay