How to market a book on a budget

Writing a book and getting it published sure takes a lot of money, time and effort. When everything's finished, it feels good to hold a crisp, complete book in your hands...but you've still got to spread the word! It can be frustrating to try to advertise your book on a tight budget, but by connecting with people online, promoting the book in person, and committing to the process, your book can be well on its way to the best seller list.

  1. 1

    Create a professional website. Making an attractive website that's easy to navigate is both affordable and beneficial. To have the most success, consider using a respected website builder like Squarespace or Wix. These walk you through the process by allowing you to choose from different templates and themes, add pages, add elements, and later, view statistics about your website's success.[1]

    • While making your website, don't forget to include your contact information, information about upcoming events like readings and signings, book reviews, and a direct link to where people can buy your book.[2]
    • Post your website on social media and put the URL on your business cards.
    • Customize your email signature by including the link to your website to advertise in a subtle, yet effective way.[3]

  2. 2

    Find and contact your target audience on social media. Social media platforms make it easy to narrow down an audience to your specific niche. Search in the search bar on Facebook to find groups that fit with your book's subject. Make a post on the group's page that introduces yourself, introduces your book, and asks if anyone would be interested in reviewing it.

    • Goodreads is a social media platform for book lovers specifically, so you may have luck reaching out to people there as well.[4]
    • Have contests and giveaways on social media. People love winning prizes and participating in contests. This is a fun, free, and engaging way to give out your book and attract attention to it.[5]

  3. 3

    Send your book to book bloggers. There are a ton of book bloggers on the internet who love reading, write decently, have a following, and review for free. Reach out to free book bloggers who particularly like your genre, and check the reviewer's requirements to find out if they'd prefer a digital or paper copy of your book. After you send the book, don't forget to follow up and thank them for their review.[6]

  1. 1

    Set up readings and signings. Book readings and signings are a great way to advertise your book. This is often an affordable option because having the event brings business to the location where it's held. Think outside the box and contact coffee shops and cozy restaurants in addition to local libraries and bookstores. Prioritize readings over signings because they have a better ability to attract people's attention quickly.

    • Capture people's interest by giving a little back story before you give the actual reading. Share how you were inspired to write on the topic at hand and talk a little about your writing process.
    • If you struggle to set up readings and signings at local businesses, consider having a friend host a book party in their home. This is a free option that is also smaller and more intimate, which may work in your favor.

  2. 2

    Reach out to a variety of stores and libraries. Getting shelf space can be tough, so be open to different locations. Head into book stores, public libraries, school libraries, and even retail stores that carry products where your book might fit in. Politely ask to talk to the person in charge of inventory to see if the store would have an interest in selling your book.

    • Look into consigning your book if stores aren't buying it up front. Consigning allows you to get reimbursed by the retailer as people buy your book. If your book hasn't sold after a few months, you can just go to the store and get back whatever copies are left.[7]

  3. 3

    Hand out business cards. Use a websites like and pick from different types of cardstock and add text or even upload your own business card layout.[8] After you're done designing, select a quantity to order. Then, type in your payment information and address to have the cards delivered to your home for a reasonable price. By doing this, you'll always have a professional-looking marketing material to give out to friends, relatives, bookstores, libraries, and anyone else who shows interest in your book.[9]

  4. 4

    Hang posters and hand out fliers. Posters and fliers are a great way to spread the word about readings that you're having, or to just display your book's title for all to see. Think about who your target audience is and sketch out some drafts to decide between different text and graphics options. Get permission from the desired location's owner or representative to pass out or display your fliers or posters there.

    • If your book is a children's book, you might consider trying to hang posters on walls of elementary and middle school libraries.
    • Once it's time to print or photocopy a finished product, get quotes from multiple printing shops to ensure that you pay the least amount possible for their services.[10]

  5. 5

    Talk about your book on a radio station. Call, email, or fax the producers of radio shows with a helpful and informative interview pitch. When trying to get your foot in the door, impress the producer with your expertise by giving a quick summary of the book and explaining why it contains information that's useful and interesting to listeners.[11] Beforehand, find out how long the interview will be and prepare what you'd like to say during the interview.

    • When you're on the air, remember to have an open or smiling face while you talk, keep it conversational, and thank the host at the end.[12]

  6. 6

    Reach out to book clubs. Find book clubs online through websites like and at local libraries and community centers. Book clubs are full of reading enthusiasts who are more likely to want to interact with you as an author.[13]

  1. 1

    Start networking early. It takes time to establish relationships with people. If possible, start reaching out to people about your project years in advance. By sending occasional emails to reviewers and potential buyers you've connected with, you can build connections that will make the promotion process much smoother when your book is finished. While it's a slower process, trying to sell to one already interested person at a time is much more effective than try to sell to faceless thousands.[14]

  2. 2

    Set specific goals for yourself and focus on meeting them. Write down a list of clear goals that you'd like to accomplish, pick dates to accomplish them by, and brainstorm ways that you can make them happen.

    • As you're nearing the end of the writing process, you might set a goal to finish the book and have it ready for editing in three weeks. You can reach this deadline by estimating how many hours of writing it will require each day, and committing to putting the work in.
    • Later in the process, you may set a goal to sell fifty more books within the next month. In order to make this happen, you can commit to reading a book on how to improve your salesmanship skills and put what you learn into practice.[15]

  3. 3

    Keep writing. Getting your book recognized on a large scale is possible, but it will take a lot of time and consistency. Instead of putting all of your effort into promoting the book you just finished, spend some time starting your new one. Continue doing what you do best to work towards becoming an established author with a growing platform.[16]

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  • Don't settle for a less-than-perfect end product. Before you release your book, write, edit, and revise until your book has become something you're truly proud of. Do what you can to get as many friends, writers, and editors to read and edit your book. [17]

  • Use the library printers and computers to save ink.

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  • Make sure you use legit website companies.

  • Don't put out your personal details on your business cards.


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How do you market a book without a budget?

Here are 10 ways to promote your book, even if you have no funds:.
Guest blog posts. ... .
Blog & Podcast Interviews. ... .
Make Your Own Podcast and Podiobooks. ... .
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