How to fix underarm darkness

The fear of anyone catching a glimpse of your underarms shouldn't have you wrapping yourself in layers constantly. Bought a new sleeveless or off-shoulder top, but scared to flaunt it in public? Want to get your groove on at an upcoming function, but afraid to lift your arms in front of people? Kind of glad that winters are here so you can easily hide those dark underarms beneath your clothes? It's about time you stopped worrying about it.Dark, discoloured underarms aren't a medical condition and can be caused due to shaving, accumulation of dead cells, excessive sweating, improper ventilation, usage of certain medications or deodorants, etc. But being cautious all the time demands you to sacrifice your freedom and we don't want you to do that. Hence try these natural, safe and cost-effective remedies to lighten your dark underarms without any side effects.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar - Hello, Best Friend

An all-rounder, ACV has rich content of amino and lactic acid that helps clear dead skin cells and lessen scars. Its astringent properties unclog the pores and reduce skin darkness. You can simply pour some organic ACV on a cotton pad, pat it into the armpit area and leave it until it dries completely before washing it off. Repeat daily for quick and effective results.

2. Aloe Vera Gel

Known as the natural sunscreen, aloe vera's antibacterial nature soothes inflamed skin and lightens discoloured armpits. Just cut open a fresh leaf (from a plant in your balcony or the nearby garden) and extract some fresh aloe vera gel. Apply a layer of this gel on your underarms and let it dry for about 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water and use this therapy every alternate day for good results. You can always use the organic aloe vera gel available in the market if you can't find a plant.

3. Baking Soda And Lemon For The Rescue

Baking soda is an incredible exfoliator that unclogs the pores and lightens dark underarms. Lemon, on the other hand, is a powerful antiseptic and a natural bleaching agent. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and lemon each to make a paste. Scrub it over your underarms for about 5 minutes, wash it off using lukewarm water, and finish up by moisturising your skin. Repeat this method 3 or 4 times a week for effective results.

4. Sugar And Olive Oil

Add 2 tablespoons each of olive oil and sugar in a bowl and mix together. Dampen the armpit area and scrub the mixture for a minute or two, then leave it for another 5 -10 mins and rinse with water. Sugar acts as an excellent exfoliating agent and when mixed with hydrating and nourishing olive oil, it can work miracles. Apply this mixture on the affected area to lighten your dark underarms.

5. Try Cucumbers

Along with its excellent bleaching properties, cucumbers are also filled with a number of vitamins and minerals. Simply rub a few cucumber slices on your dark armpits for minute or two and let its juice remain on your skin another 10 mins, then rinse off with water. It is an excellent choice for reducing skin darkness if you repeat the method daily.

6. The Potato Remedy

Renowned for reducing dark circles, potatoes are also great for pigmentation and discolouration in the underarms. All you have to do is peel a potato and grate it, squeeze its juice out, apply it directly on the armpits and rinse it off after 10-15 minutes. You can repeat it until the desired results are obtained, as its properties will also help in smoothening and softening the skin. Alternatively, you can also rub the potato slices on your armpits like the cucumber.

7. Apply Multani Mitti

Instead of using an expensive skin care product, ask your mother for the age-old magic product, fuller's earth (a.k.a multani mitti) to lighten your underarms. Just mix 2 tablespoons of multani mitti with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a few drops of water to make a paste. Apply it on your armpits, let it dry for 10-15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. This natural clay will exfoliate and lighten the dark armpits effectively, if you apply it regularly.

Want to rock sleeve-less dresses and flaunt your toned arms but dread exposing your darkened underarms at the same time? Well, the darkening of your underarms can be caused due to a variety of reasons such as shaving, sweating or due to the accumulation of dead skin cells therein. The phenomenon is more common than you think.

If you’re faced with the darkening of your underarms, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Instead of using all those expensive products on trial and error bases, you can always go for these homemade tips and tricks to get rid of dark underarms. You will soon be able to have all the freedom to wear the dresses you want to. However, first, let's take a look at all the habits that lead to underarm darkening so you can prevent dark underarms in the future. 


i) Deodorant and antiperspirants:

Using deodorant and antiperspirants is essential to stay fresh all day but the presence of alcohol and other harmful ingredients can cause the underarm skin to get darker. It is recommended to use an alcohol-free deodorant. 

ii) Shaving:

Shaving may seem like the quickest technique to get rid of underarm hair. But razor blades can be abrasive as they remove the top protective layer of the skin causing irritation and dark underarms.

iii) Friction:

Wearing very tight clothes can cause friction against the skin and frequent rubbing can cause dark underarms. Wear cotton and other skin-friendly fabrics and avoid body-hugging clothes. 

iv) Dead skin cells accumulation:

Dead skin cells get accumulated in every part of your body and underarms are no different. When you don't clean the area well or fail to scrub it every few days it can lead to darkening. 


1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has proven to be an excellent cure for darkened underarms. Not only does it aid in the process of lightening your underarms but also helps keep it odor-free. Its anti-microbial properties combat microbes and ensure that your underarms stay free from bad odour.

How to use: Add some water to tea tree oil to dilute it. Pour this mixture in an empty spray bottle and spray it on your underarms. Voila, you are good to go!

How often: Repeat this process daily for more effective results.


2. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, especially on account of its high concentration of citric acid. It will help you remove dead skin cells and lighten your skin, over a period of time.

How to use: Cut a lemon in two slices, and gently scrub your underarms with them for a couple of minutes. Let the lemon juice sit on for approximately 5-10 minutes. Then, rinse it off with cold water.

How often: Repeat this process about three times a week.


3. Aloe vera

Just a little bit of Aloe Vera will be able to do the trick. It contains anti-bacterial properties which help soothe and lighten your skin.

How to use: Cut into a fresh leaf of aloe vera and extract the gel. Gently massage the aloe vera gel onto your underarms. Let it dry for about 20 minutes. Then, rinse it off with lukewarm water. You can also substitute aloe vera for the aloe vera gel available in the market.

How often: Repeat this process everyday to better lighten your underarms.


4. Apple vinegar cider

If you are suffering from dark underarms, you can always rely on apple vinegar cider to help you with the problem. This kitchen ingredient can be easily sourced from your local store. Apple vinegar cider is loaded with amino and lactic acids, which help get rid of dead skin cells. Plus, its astringent properties help unclog the pores, thereby lessening the darkness. It also smoothes the armpit area considerably

How to use: Dilute apple vinegar cider with water. Soak a cotton ball in this solution and gently dab it over your armpit area. Let this solution sit on for about 10 minutes. Then, rinse it off with lukewarm water.

How often: Repeat this process as frequently as possible throughout the week, for more effective results.


5. Rosewater and baking soda

Rose water has soothing and brightening powers, its fragrance also combats body odour and keeps the underarm area smooth.

How to use: Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to rosewater, and stir this mixture evenly. Then, apply this solution to your armpit area and wait for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

How often: You can practice this trick twice a week for lighter underarms.


6. Turmeric

Turmeric has both skin healing and lightening properties, applying this and antibacterial ingredient to your underarm area will brighten the skin as well as offer relief from itching. However, make sure you try this remedy in the bathroom or you might end up staining your clothes.

How to use: Take a teaspoon each of organic turmeric, honey and milk in a small bowl. Mix all the ingredients well and apply to the underarm area. Let stay for 15 minutes then wash off.

How often: Repeat this natural underarm lightening remedy thrice a week. 


7. Potato

Potato is one of the most affordable and effective ways to get rid of dark underarms. It brightens the skin and reduces patchiness and itching associated with dark underarms. The citric acid in potatoes is mild which makes it the perfect remedy for those with sensitive skin type.

How to use: Grate one potato and extract its juice. Using a cotton ball apply this juice directly on your underarms. Rinse after 10 minutes with cool water. 

How often: Repeat this remedy twice a day. 


8. Cucumber

The skin of your underarm area hardly ever gets to breathe, the constant sweat and heat is the perfect place for bacteria to thrive causing infections and underarm darkening. In order to get rid of dark underarms, you can use cucumber to soothe and calm the area. Furthermore, cucumbers have bleaching agents that lighten the skin.

How to use: Cut slices of fresh cool cucumber and rub them directly on the underarms area. Wash after 10 minutes and pat dry.

How often: Repeat twice every day. 


9. Fuller's earth (Multani Mitti)

Fuller's earth or Multani mitti is used on the face to absorb dirt, oil and other impurities from the skin. Those who regularly use this natural ingredient have smooth, clear and problem-free skin. This amazing ingredient can be used in the underarm area too to get rid of dark armpits.

How to use: Take a tablespoon of fullers earth and add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to it along with a few drops of rose water. Mix well and apply on the underarm area evenly. Let it stay until the paste dries off completely then rinse off with water. 

How often: Use this pack twice a week for the best results. 


FAQs about get rid of dark underarms

1) Does shaving cause dark underarms?

A. Yes, one of the reasons why your underarm area might be dark is because you shave the area. Shaving removes the top protective layer of the skin exposing it to chemicals, sweat and friction leading to dark underarms. 

2) How can I clean my underarms?

A. Sometimes soap and water are not enough to clean the underarm area, use a loofah to remove dirt and impurities. Once a week use a body scrub and gently exfoliate the underarm area. 

3) How to get rid of underarms odour?

A. Underarm odor is a common problem however if it's strong and getting in your way of socializing, thoroughly clean the underarm area. Scrub it once a week, use a loofah to get rid of odour causing bacteria and use alcohol-free deodorants. 

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