How to check my seller rating on Facebook

Seller ratings let you know how other buyers have found the experience of making a purchase from your seller. The higher the seller’s feedback score, the better the seller.

How feedback scores and seller ratings work

When you buy an item on eBay, you can rate your experience with the seller. The ratings you give are then added to the seller's overall feedback and detailed seller rating scores.

A seller's feedback score is displayed as a percentage beneath their username on their listings. If a seller has a score of 99.5%, it means that 99.5% of the buyers who left feedback for them had a positive experience.

You'll also see a seller's star rating as a number in brackets next to their username. This shows how many buyers have left feedback for a seller. The more buyers who have rated their experience positively with a seller, the more assured you can be of getting great service.

Feedback stars

The colored star next to a seller’s name helps you identify sellers with higher feedback scores. Below is an explanation of what each color means:



Number of ratings


10 to 49


50 to 99


100 to 499


500 to 999


1,000 to 4,999


5,000 to 9,999

Yellow shooting star

10,000 to 24,999

Turquoise shooting star

25,000 to 49,999

Purple shooting star

50,000 to 99,999

Red shooting star

100,000 to 499,999

Green shooting star

500,000 to 999,999

Silver shooting star

1,000,000 or more

Detailed seller ratings

For a more detailed view of a seller's performance, you can also view their detailed seller rating. This is a breakdown of how buyers have rated that seller in the following areas:

  • Item description – How accurately was it described?
  • Communication – Did the seller communicate well with their buyer?
  • Shipping time – How quickly did the seller ship the item?
  • Shipping and handling charges – Were the costs reasonable?

To view a seller's detailed seller ratings, select the number in brackets next to their username to go to their feedback profile. You'll find stars next to the 4 different areas, with 1 star being the lowest rating and 5 stars being the highest.

Leaving detailed seller ratings

You can leave up to 4 detailed seller ratings at the same time when you leave an overall feedback rating and comment. You can leave your ratings and feedback up to 60 days after the transaction. To leave detailed seller ratings, go to your Purchase history - opens in new window or tab where you'll see the option to leave feedback. You can then:

  • Select an overall feedback rating – positive, neutral, or negative
  • Rate aspects of the transaction – including whether the item arrived on time, the accuracy of the item description, shipping costs, and the seller's communication
  • Write a comment about your experience

You can also view all the feedback you've left or received in your Feedback profile - opens in new window or tab. From there you can also follow up and respond to feedback.

Top Rated Sellers

Our best sellers earn Top Rated status, which means they've provided a great experience for their buyers.

Top Rated Sellers consistently deliver outstanding customer service. Sellers can become Top Rated whether they sell a little or a lot, provided they meet our highest levels of customer service. Top Rated Sellers are also eligible to display the Top Rated Plus seal on their listings.

Facebook Marketplace is a feature within the Facebook app that allows users to buy and sell items with people in their local community. While the Marketplace is accessible to anyone with a Facebook account, it’s primarily used by people between the ages of 18 and 34.

While you can find just about anything for sale on Marketplace, some of the most popular items include furniture, women’s clothes, and electronics. Unlike other online marketplaces like eBay or Amazon, there are no fees associated with buying or selling on Marketplace. This makes it an attractive option for people looking to unload unwanted items or make a little extra money.

The History Of Facebook Marketplace

The idea for Facebook Marketplace came about after the company analyzed how its users used the site. They found many people were already buying and selling items on Facebook using Facebook groups. (Fun fact: In 2015, 450 million items were sold through Facebook groups) Seeing an opportunity to improve the platform, Facebook decided to create a dedicated space for those activities, to much success. 

According to Facebook, the number of monthly global users on Facebook Marketplace has surpassed one billion in the first quarter of 2021, beating Amazon and Alibaba by a  landslide— crazy, right?  

The Benefits Of Selling On Facebook Marketplace 

Facebook Marketplace is convenient and easy to use, and because it’s already connected to your Facebook account, there’s no need to create a separate account or log in. The benefits of selling on Facebook Marketplace are many. Firstly, people can easily trust on it. If you create a new website, people will likely not buy anything from you because nowadays everyone search about online sellers for authenticity. So Facebook can help you be an authentic seller. Facebook Marketplace is a solid means to declutter your home and make some extra cash simultaneously. It’s also a great way to connect with local buyers and sellers.

With Facebook Marketplace, you can reach a large audience of people in your area, and you don’t have to pay any fees to list your items, but you do have the option to pay for boosted advertising. And because you don’t have to worry about shipping or handling fees by negotiating directly with buyers, Facebook Marketplace makes it easy to find what you’re looking for or offload what you no longer need. 

Why You Should Shop On Facebook Marketplace

Shopping on Facebook Marketplace can be a great experience. For one, you can browse through a wide variety of items from different sellers in one place. You can also search for specific items or keywords, making it easy to find what you’re looking for. Many sellers on Marketplace offer used and gently used items at fractions of the retail price, which can save you a lot of money. 

The Downsides: Avoiding Scams On Facebook Marketplace

When using Facebook Marketplace, it’s necessary to be aware that some people are looking to take advantage of others and the platform. Here are a few tips for avoiding scams on Facebook Marketplace:

Buyer Beware: Be very careful about deals that seem a bit too good to be true. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Always meet in person and inspect the item before buying it.

Never Give Out Your Personal Information: It should go without saying but never give out your personal information, such as your credit card number or bank account information, to anyone you’re purchasing from. 

Decline Checks As Payment: There is very little a seller can do after someone issues them a fraudulent check and makes off with the goods. Play on the safe side and request payment upfront in cash or via Etransfer. 

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: If you have any doubts about a listing or the person you’re dealing with, don’t hesitate to report it to Facebook. Report any suspicious activity or obvious scams immediately. 

Here are a few things to look out for:

  • “Free” items that come with a shipping charge.
  • Sellers who disappear after you’ve paid them.
  • Fake pages or groups that promise to buy/sell items (often high-end items) at huge discounts.
  • Spam comments on popular posts offering services or selling products unrelated to the post.
  • Phishing attempts where scammers message you as a Marketplace administrator to get your personal information or login credentials.
  • People that are selling pets, period.

Be aware and follow these simple tips to help keep yourself safe from scams on Facebook Marketplace.

Seller Ratings On Facebook Marketplace

Seller ratings are a way for Facebook Marketplace users to get an idea of how trustworthy a seller is. A high rating means that the seller has been reliable and delivered on what they promised. In contrast, a low rating could mean the buyer had a negative experience – for example, not receiving the item they paid for or receiving a defective product.

Keep in mind that one bad experience doesn’t necessarily mean that a seller is unreliable or a scammer – it could just be an unfortunate incident. But if you’re thinking about buying from a particular seller, checking their rating can give you some peace of mind.

What’s The Difference Between Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Shops?

Although Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Shops may appear similar at first glance, there are quite a few differences between the two spaces.

Facebook Marketplace is primarily a platform for buying and selling items within your local community.  It’s similar to classifieds, Craigslist or eBay. You can find anything on Marketplace, from furniture to cars and collector items.  The platform also has a section dedicated to housing rentals, services, and job openings.

In contrast, Facebook Shops focuses more on businesses selling their products online. This could be anything from artisanal goods to big-brand items. The key difference here is that shoppers can buy directly from businesses. Customers can browse products, message the company, and purchase products all through the platform. This is convenient for both businesses and customers because the entire transaction can be completed through Facebook. 

Is Buying On Facebook Marketplace Safe?

Facebook Marketplace is the most popular online marketplace worldwide because the platform conveniently connects sellers with local buyers. Overall, Facebook marketplace is a safe place to buy and sell items as long as you take some common-sense precautions; as with any online transaction, there are some red flags you need to be aware of.

Now that you know the basics, do you have something to sell? Want to find out more about how to sell items on Facebook Marketplace? Check out our full seller’s guide.

Can you see your seller rating on Facebook?

To prevent people from being pressured into changing a rating, you can view your seller rating after you rate the buyer, or 14 days after the buyer submits their seller rating—whichever comes first.

How do I find out what my rating is on Facebook Marketplace?

You can view your reviews in your developer account or on the App details page in the App Marketplace. In your developer account, navigate to App Marketplace > Listings. Next to your app, click the More dropdown menu and select View listing details. Navigate to the Ratings & Reviews tab.

How do I find seller ratings?

How to get Google Seller Ratings.
There must be at least 100 verified site reviews in the country of the searcher..
Those reviews must have been collected within a the last 12 months..
The reviews must have an average star rating of at least 3.5 stars..

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