How long to wear compression garment after BBL

If you have a liposuction or are planning to have a cosmetic surgery, it is possible that your surgeon has recommended some imp sources and the use of a compression garment.

After surgery, your surgeon will give you all the instructions related to how to manage your recovery process. The correct use of a garment with the right compression is important for your recovery. Garments are expensive and uncomfortable to wear; therefore, invest in a good quality one for better comfort.  As experts in this field, we want to answer some of the most common questions about the importance of wearing them. and how it can impact the final results. 

What are compression garments? 

Compression garments are pieces of clothing that fit tightly your skin. They are made of an elastic fabric (lycra or latex) and cloth. It is elastic and sturdy at the same time. They apply constant and uniform pressure to the treated area. They are sized to fit the contours of your body and according to the type of surgery you have.

How long should I wear the compression garment?

It depends on the type of surgery you have and your surgeon’s recommendations. For most procedures you will be required to wear the garment for at least 4 to 6 weeks.  The compression garment must be worn 24/7 even when you sleep, you will be only allowed to take it off when you shower. It is recommended to have two garments, so you can have one for change. . Invest in a good quality garment as this influences the outcome of the surgery.

What surgeries need a compression garment to be worn?

Some of the more common surgeries are:

  • Tummy tuck surgery
  • BBL
  • Breast augmentation surgery
  • All liposuctions related treatments
  • Breast lift surgery
  • Gynecomastia
  • And more

Why should I wear a compression garment after surgery?

To protect your incisions

It works as one more layer to protect your healing incisions even when they are covered with surgical tape, gauze or bandages. It keeps bacteria away from the incision. Besides, it works providing padding if there is an unexpected bump in the surgery area.

It improves your circulation

Blood clots are one of the most dangerous risks after surgery. They can develop anywhere due to bad circulation. However, compression garments improve your circulation reducing the risk of blood clots. In addition, they reduce inflammation, haemorrhage and post- op pain.

It maintains your new contour

The compression garment applies pressure on the treated area, helping to ensure that your body contour heals with the desired shape.

It reduces pain

The pressure applied by the garment helps you reduce the pain or make it more bearable when you cough, laugh or sneeze.

It also helps:

  • The uniform healing of the skin.
  • It helps the skin to attach to the muscle.  
  • To reduce fibrosis. 
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • To hold the tissue in place.
  • Preventing seroma and lymphedema.
  • Reducing bruises.
  • Correcting your posture.
  • Keeping grafts in proper position.
  • Reducing fluid build-up.

What happens if you don’t wear a compression garment after liposuction?

It will affect the desired result of your surgery as the garment will help you with contouring; pain management; water retention; inflammation; blood clot and overall healing. Remember the compression garment will help you to hold the tissue together while the tissue is healing. 

How tight should your garment be after liposuction?

The garment should be tight enough to give you body contouring, and enough compression to reduce water retention and reduce inflammation. You should be able to do daily tasks without feeling too much discomfort and this can be achieved with a moderated compression garment in the first week. After the second to 3rd week, you should move to a higher compression garment for better results. Here’s a link of the liposuction near me which gave me the best results.

Can I sleep without my compression garment?

Yes, You will need to wear a compression garment to bed for the first four weeks.  For most procedures like tummy tucks, BBLs, lipo and body lifts, you will wear it full time for four weeks including when you sleep. You can take the garment off to go to sleep after 4 weeks.  

Remember that before wearing your compression garment, you should cover the incisions with gauze, bandages, or silicone strips to avoid any irritation. The proper use of it will lead you to the expected outcomes.

We hope this information is useful for you. If you need advice or have any questions about our treatments, please contact us. You can find us 3 mins away from Angel station in Islington. We are always happy to help. If you like this blog, please share!

Wearing a compression garment after your surgery is one of the best ways to ensure you get the results you want. It can be difficult to understand the how and why, however, when your plastic surgeon recommends it. Although Dr. Howland can answer your questions ahead of your surgical procedure, it can be helpful to know what to expect. Here’s what to know about compression garments and how they can help.

How tight should compression garments be?

The purpose of a compression garment is to support the surgical site, the incisions, and the affected skin. If your compression garment is too tight, it will affect circulation and hinder healing. A compression garment should only exert gentle, supportive pressure, so it should lay flat and smooth on the skin. As a general rule, the correct tightness for your compression garment leaves space to slide a hand under without difficulty.

What if compression garments cause pain?

Post-surgery garments should support without causing pain. If your compression garment causes discomfort, make sure to meet with your plastic surgeon promptly. Poor-quality support garments are more likely to be ill-fitting or made from cheaper materials, causing problems. Your plastic surgeon can make sure you’re properly fitted for a quality compression garment that fits your needs.

Should I wear my compression garment throughout recovery?

Dr. Howland recommends wearing compression garments as much as possible for the first 2 weeks after surgery. After this time, you may begin to wear the garment for half-day only, and this is recommended for 4 weeks. There are typically two stages of compression garments. The first stage is provided for you with your cost of surgery and placed in the operating room or at your follow-up visit. This usually has zippers and snaps and is easy to get in and out of during the first 2 weeks of recovery. After drains have been removed and your body is better healed, you will be asked to transition to a second-stage garment (sometimes called a “faja”) for 4 weeks. These garments have less seams and areas that can cause asymmetry in your skin. They are also more difficult to get in and out of but will better shape your body and final results.

Do I have to wear a compression garment?

Yes. Wearing a compression garment is the best way to ensure you get your intended results and also prevent critical complications like fluid buildup or inflammation. You’ll be able to take off your compression garment for short periods of time like while bathing, but you should wear it according to Dr. Howland’s instructions. If you dislike your compression garment because it’s ill-fitting or causes discomfort, make sure to see Dr. Howland as soon as possible.

Do I wear my compression garment while sleeping?

For the first 2 weeks, you should absolutely wear the garment while sleeping. After this, Dr. Howland will allow you to wear the garment either during the day or at night. Most patients actually prefer sleeping in their compression garments since it can be comforting.

How long should I wear my compression garment after surgery?

Dr. Howland’s recommendation for most patients is 6 weeks: 2 weeks “around the clock” and then 4 weeks for half the day.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Nicholas Howland offers some of the best body contouring procedures in the Salt Lake City area and can discuss the right recovery steps for you. To learn more, we invite you to contact our office by calling or filling out our online form.

When it comes healing from a Brazilian butt lift in NYC, patients get many recommendations and post-care tips from their plastic surgeon. One important recommendation is wearing a compression garment post-op. But though they are advised to do so, many patients still ask is if it necessary. The answer to this question is YES! You must wear the compression garment as recommended after your Brazilian butt lift.

How long to wear compression garment after BBL

Depending on a patient’s treatment and requirements, expert surgeons recommend wearing the compression garment for a certain time span. Whether invasive or minimally-invasive, all plastic surgery treatments require a healing period and a compression garment facilitates all aspects of the patient’s recovery.

Though the term “compression garment” makes you think of Spanx (with tight sleeves and leggings), it is unlike these garments. A compression garment is a close fitting elastic garment worn after a surgical procedure for facilitating faster recovery from a plastic surgery procedure. It helps reduce the amount of swelling and bruising post-surgery, improves drainage, eases discomfort by supporting the tissues, and also provides support to core muscles during the healing process.

Following BBL surgery in NYC, surgeons instruct their patients to wear a special compression garment or a binder for up to six weeks. This helps support the buttocks and the area from where fat was removed. It reduces the amount of swelling that a patient might experience post BBL, and help to minimize bruising and scarring, as the tightness of the garment will hold the skin together and allow it to heal optimally. The many medical benefits of wearing a compression garment are:

  • Limits the buildup of edema during the initial recovery phase
  • Helps in the retraction and shrinking of loose skin left behind after the procedure
  • Allows the circulation of blood and plasma evenly
  • Reduces the risk of seromas or hematomas
  • Holds bandages in place, reducing risk of infection and keeping the wound sterile in the early stages of recovery
  • Eases pain and discomfort
  • Reduces bleeding by applying pressure to the surgical sites
  • Supports contour and enhances the overall results
  • Provides stability and allows incisions to heal while limiting the extent of scarring
  • Helps the skin heal evenly and adjust naturally over the treatment site

When worn correctly, the compression garment increases blood circulation around the surgical site which, in turn, speeds healing, and flushes out harmful fluids. Moreover, if you sneeze or cough, the garment will protect and stabilize the surgical site.

The second week after Brazilian Butt Lift in NYC, patients are advised to continue to wear the garment for an additional 2 weeks while at home or at night, and can take it off when they go out. However, based on how the patient responds to compression, these recommendations may be modified. The length of time a patient might need to wear the compression garment would vary depending factors such as the amount of fat removed, the skin’s elasticity, how much loose skin there is, recovery progress, and the surgeon’s observations.

Overall, patients who wear the compression garment for the recommended time period experience a lower risk of post-surgical complications and also tend to be more satisfied with their BBL results.

The type of garment required will depend on the procedure, and you need to choose the right option specific to BBL. For instance, patients who are underwent liposuction and tummy tuck need a garment that will focus on the abdomen, while BBL patients need a longer garment that will support the buttocks without compressing the area. Also remember that while your compression garment must fit snugly, it should never be tight or uncomfortable. A good compression garment will fit the patient appropriately and will be comfortable. It should be stiff and stay in place, and not fold or roll up. Moreover, quality compression garments do not cause pain or itching.

In addition to BBL, NYC plastic surgeons usually recommend the use of compression garments following liposuction, tummy tuck and breast reduction surgery, and many other types of body contouring procedures as it helps your body to adapt to its new shape after a procedure. Improper post-surgical compression garments can restrict blood flow to the treated site, damage the transferred fat cells, and affect the healing process. So follow your plastic surgeon guidance on this matter.

If you are considering BBL surgery NYC, find an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility that provides the service of experienced plastic surgeons. At your consultation, your plastic surgeon will discuss everything related to the post-surgical phase, including the compression garment.