How do I share a tweet?

Twitter allows users to share all sorts of media and information on the site. They can do so publicly and privately. If someone ever finds a tweet that they want to share with one of their followers, they can very easily. All it takes is a few clicks and you’ll be sharing tweets in no time.

1) Find a tweet that you want to share. The tweet can be found on your newsfeed or your profile timeline. When you find the tweet that you want to share, look at the bottom of it and see a row of options to click on.

2) There is a button that looks like three dots in a row. It is beside the ‘favorite’ button. When you click on the row of dots, a drop down list of options will appear.

3) The top option of this list will say ‘share via direct message.’ Click on that option and a new window will pop up. The window is meant for creating a new message. At the top of the window is a text box. Click on the box and type in the username of the person that you want to share it with. You will be able to enter more than one name. Once you’ve chosen the names, click ‘next’ in the bottom right corner.

4) Now, you can type in a personalized message to send with the tweet. Type the message into the text box below the shared tweet. Once you’re happy with the message, press ‘send.’

The moment you hit send, the person will receive the message in their direct messages inbox. They will be notified of the message and can view it whenever they’d like. You can share as many tweets as you’d like and send them to multiple people at once. Share your favorite tweets with everyone.

Are you wondering how you can share a tweet on your Facebook timeline? Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Social media marketing is one of the leading ways to make money online. Facebook and Twitter are the largest social media channels that most people are using today.

Almost every social media user has a profile on both platforms.

You can link Twitter to Facebook so that your tweets can quickly and conveniently show up on your Facebook timeline every time you tweet.

Here is our guide on how to share a tweet on Facebook.

Table of Contents

  • How to Use Twitter and Facebook Together
    • Step-by-step guide on how to share a tweet on Facebook:
    • Sharing on your Facebook Page
    • Sharing a Single tweet on your Facebook Timeline
    • How to Share a Tweet Privately
  • Conclusion on How to Share a Tweet on Facebook

How to Use Twitter and Facebook Together

Posting a message to each social network separately can be a daunting and time-consuming task. Sharing a tweet to Facebook directly can save you a lot of time and efforts.

If you always find yourself retyping your tweets to Facebook, then you can learn a few tips here on how to use Twitter and Facebook together.

After you link Twitter to Facebook, you will not have to repost your tweets that you have posted on Twitter on your Facebook timeline.

The messages will appear on your Facebook wall. This can help ensure that the message that you intended to convey to both your Twitter and Facebook fans is home on time and with less hassle.

Before Facebook deprecated the Publish actions permissions in April 2018, you could automatically share a tweet easily on Facebook.

Following the Facebook Cambridge Analytica data scandal, you can no longer cross-post your tweets on Facebook unless you authorize it.

If you don't want them linked, then you have to copy a tweets URL to share a tweet to Facebook.

How then can you share a tweet on Facebook?

Step-by-step guide on how to share a tweet on Facebook:

Step 1: Sign in to your Twitter account.

The first step is to open your Twitter account that you want to link with Facebook. Then, you need to enter your username and password to login into your account.

Step 2: Click the person profile icon and choose “Settings” from the pull-down menu.

Next step is to click on the profile menu option, which is in the left side of the menu bar to open your Twitter profile settings. Then, move down until you see the button that says, “Connect to Facebook.”

This should be right underneath the Bio section. Then scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page and spot the “Facebook” icon.

Click on that the button to open a new window.

Step 3: Click where it says, “Post Your Tweets to Facebook,” then select “Sign in to Facebook and Connect Your Accounts.”

Here, you will need to enter your Facebook login credentials. But if you are already signed in with your Facebook account in your browser, you will notice your Facebook name and profile picture. So, click “Okay” to proceed.

When you are not logged in to your Facebook account, then you'll need to enter your username and password to continue.

But if you want to proceed as a different user, then click the arrow that is in the top-right corner of the window and selects “Switch User.”

Step 4: Receive a prompt that Twitter is about to get your Facebook information and click “Continue as.”

Once you're logged in, you'll receive a prompt expounding that Twitter will get specific details from your Facebook account. Then, review the kind of information that Twitter will receive from your Facebook account.

The data will include all your public profile information, friends list, and birthday. If you are okay with that, then click “continue as” and your Facebook Name will appear.

Step 5: Check who will see your tweets

In this step, you'll be prompted to choose the privacy settings for who will see your tweets. If you click the inline “audience selector” button that shows up in the pop-up window, you can choose who can see your tweets on Facebook.

The default setting is usually friends to see.

Then click “allow” for your tweets and retweets to show up in your Facebook profile always.

But if you prefer to check the tweet that you want to show up on your Facebook before it does, then click “Skip” which will mean that you'll need to allow it.

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Step 6: Click the “Log In With Facebook” button and the “Allow “button to connect Twitter and Facebook.

Once you click “Allow,” or “okay” your Twitter profile picture will replace the “Connect to Facebook” button through an arrow directed to your Facebook profile picture. This allows you to see that the connection has been successful.

Now, Twitter will repost all your tweets to your Facebook Timeline whenever you tweet, and your username will be displayed as well.

If you also want to repost tweets to your business's Facebook Page, follow the steps in the next section.

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Sharing on your Facebook Page

If you prefer posting your tweets to one of your Facebook fan pages, then you can easily do that. All you need is to link your Facebook page directly so that your tweet will show up every time you create tweets. This can be quite useful, especially for business owners and artists.

To repost Tweets to Your Facebook Page, here is the step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Follow the steps that we have explained above to connect Until the point where you link to the Facebook profile.

First, you need to follow the step explained above until you get where you need to link your Twitter with Facebook profile. Go to the “Profile” tab on your Twitter Settings page.

Step 2: Click where you see “Allow Posting to My Facebook Page.”

To allow the tweets and retweets posting to your Facebook fan page, click the “Allow posting to one of your pages” link which is beneath your Twitter -> Facebook connection.

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Step 3: Choose your Facebook fan page and click “Allow.”

Choose your Facebook fan page from the drop-down menu and check whether the post indicates “post to my Facebook page.”

You will also require to check the audience or the people who will see your tweets and retweets, which is in the Facebook Applications Settings and click “Edit” for the Twitter app.

That will enable you to control who can see your tweets and retweets. If it's business tweets, then you can choose “Everyone” option to reach the biggest audience.

Then, you'll be asked to allow Twitter to post to your Facebook page. Here, you need to grant Twitter permission to “manage pages” and “publish pages” for your Facebook page.

Then, click the “Allow” button, which will enable Twitter to post tweets to the specific Facebook fan page that you select.

Also, you can click the drop-down menu and choose the Facebook group that you would like to share the tweets and retweets at the privacy settings.

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Step 4: Test your new connection.

You can test the connection out by sending out a new tweet once you have successfully connected the two platforms. If your linking is successful, you will see the retweet or tweet automatically appear on your Facebook page timeline.

You don't get any notification that your tweet was successfully posted to Facebook. All of your tweets will automatically be posted to Facebook after you connect the accounts.

When you no longer want your accounts linked, you can go to your profile settings and click the “Disconnect it” link which is right next to your Twitter -> Facebook connection.

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Sharing a Single tweet on your Facebook Timeline

Sometimes you may want to share a single tweet or a retweet. Maybe you want to share something interesting with your friends or fans.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to share a single tweet.

Step 1: Login to your Twitter account and Identify the tweet that you want to share.

The first step when you want to share a single tweet to Facebook is finding the tweet you want to share.

Step 2: Choose “Copy Link to Tweet.”

Then, click on the arrow facing down in the upper-right corner, which will open a menu bar with three items. These items include “Copy Link to Tweet,” “Embed Tweet,” and “I don't like this Tweet.”

Then, you can select the first option, which is “Copy Link to Tweet.”

The second option of “Embed Tweet” comes in handy when you want to share a tweet on your blog or a website.

Step 3: Copy the URL of the Tweet.

In this step, a pop-up window will open where you'll get the full hyperlink to the tweet.

So, select and copy the URL of the tweet to post to Facebook.

Step 4: Head over to Facebook and create a new post, paste the URL, and publish.

At this juncture, login into your Facebook account and create a new post with your commentary. It can be your Facebook profile, fan page, or group.

Paste the hyperlink to the tweet after you update the status.

Then Facebook will search for it and display the preview of the tweet.

Once the tweet preview is populated, you can decide to delete the actual URL to the tweet to make the status cleaner or leave it there and then hit publish.

The tweet will get posted to your Facebook timeline, Facebook fan page, or group for everyone to like and share.

If you don't want to share the tweet with everyone, then you can share it privately.

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How to Share a Tweet Privately

Sharing a Tweet privately is not hard. You can either share via messenger or Direct Message or through an email or SMS to specific contacts from your phone's address book.

  • To share a Tweet via SMS or email

To share a tweet via an SMS or email, click the share icon located within the Tweet. Then, select “Copy link to Tweet” from the pop-up menu, and that will copy the URL to your clipboard.

Open the email or the address book to the specific contact of the person/people you want to share with, paste the URL into it.

  • To share a Tweet via Direct Message

You may also prefer to share your message via direct message. Here, it's vital to note that you cannot share a protected tweet via direct message. When you want to share through a direct message, then click on the message icon from a Tweet detail or from a tweet on your home timeline.

You need to enter the name of the person/people that you wish to share the tweet with or choose from the suggested account list from the pop-up menu.

Then, click the “Next” button. Here, you have an option to “Add” comment to your message.

To finish the process, click “Send,” and the message will be sent.

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Conclusion on How to Share a Tweet on Facebook

Sharing a tweet to Facebook is not very complicated. All you need is to know the specific limitations that may hinder you from doing it quickly and with ease. Something to note is that, if you are posting someone else's tweets, the user may delete or make their accounts profile private.

If the user cancels a tweet, it will no longer appear in your Facebook profile. Also, if the user makes their Twitter profile private, only the people that are allowed to see it can.

I believe that these guidelines on how to share a tweet on Facebook have taught you a couple of things to keep in mind as you do it.

If you know of another way to share a tweet to Facebook, kindly share it with us in the comments section.

How do I send a Tweet to someone on Twitter?

Compose your message (up to 280 characters) and select Tweet..
Select the Tweet compose icon..
You can include up to 4 types of photos, a GIF, or a video (and up to 4 total media items, e.g. 2 photos, 1 GIF, and 1 video) in your Tweet..
Enter your message (up to 280 characters), and then select Tweet..

How do I share a Twitter page?

Tap your profile picture. Choose the profile picture again. Tap the three dots. Select Share.

How do I share a Tweet on Facebook 2022?

Yes, it is possible to manually share tweets on Facebook. There is no automated way that will work in 2022; you must manually copy and paste the link from the tweet before posting it on your Facebook account.

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