Gmail new account bahasa indonesia

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The purpose of many emails is to get the recipient to do a specific task or reach a goal, such as adding a calendar event, filling out a form, making a reservation, or using other applications. However, recipients then have to complete the task without any further prompting, often doing a number of manual steps.

You can save time and effort for your users by automating these tasks with Google Workspace add-ons. When a user reads or composes a message in Gmail, a Google Workspace add-on can present an interactive, customized UI that lets the user act on the message in various ways, such as by:

  • Displaying additional information for the user in the Gmail UI.
  • Connecting to non-Google services, to retrieve information or take other actions.
  • Providing the means to control the add-on behavior or send information to another service.

Google Workspace add-ons can define the following kinds of extensions within Gmail:

  • Homepages and other non-contextual cards.
  • Contextual interfaces that appear when users open Gmail messages.
  • Contextual interfaces that appear when a user composes a message or reply.
  • Automatically create new message drafts in response to user interactions.

In addition, Google Workspace add-ons that extend Gmail do so on both desktop and mobile clients.

Gmail homepages

Gmail supports displaying Google Workspace add-on homepages. To show your add-on's common homepage in Gmail simply make sure there is a field in the add-on's manifest.

Alternatively, add a gmail.homepageTrigger to the add-on manifest to provide a Gmail-specific homepage.

In either case, you must provide the name of a homepage trigger function in your add-on's script project. This function is automatically called to build the Gmail homepage when it is needed. You must implement this function to build and return a single Card or an array of Card objects that make up the homepage. The homepage trigger function is passed an event object as a parameter that contains some general information such as the client's platform. You can use the event object data to tailor the construction of the homepage.

See what you can make

Google Workspace add-ons are built using Apps Script, and their interfaces defined using the Apps Script Card service. See Building Google Workspace add-ons for an overview. Google Workspace add-on behavior is configured using a manifest, which includes Gmail-specific sections.

When configuring your Google Workspace Add-on to extend Gmail, you must decide what interfaces to create for your add-on and what actions it can take. See the following guides for more information:

  • Extending the message UI
  • Extending the compose UI with compose actions
  • Compose draft messages
  • Manifests
  • Gmail scopes

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2022-09-13 UTC.

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Gmail dan email apa bedanya?

Email merupakan surat dalam format digital sehingga menggunakan perangkat eletronik. Sedangkan Gmail adalah salah satu jenis email yang disediakan oleh google. Gmail merupakan penyedia layanan email gratis. Email dan Gmail adalah dua hal yang sama karena menunjukkan surat eletronik semua.

Bagaimana cara membuat akun Gmail di hp?

Cara membuat akun Gmail di ponsel.
Pertama-tama buka halaman untuk membuat akun Google di browser pondsel melalui link berikut..
Selanjutnya klik “Buat Akun”.
Masukkan nama Anda..
Kemudian pada baian “Nama Pengguna” isikan nama email yang ingin dibuat dan biarkan alamat tetap "".
Masukkan dan konfirmasi kata sandi..

Bagaimana cara memulihkan akun Gmail yang lupa kata sandi?

Cara Memulihkan Gmail yang Lupa Kata Sandi.
Masukkan alamat Gmail pada halaman login..
Saat diminta mengisi kata sandi, klik "Forgot password".
Gmail bakal mengirimkan kode verifikasi ke alamat email pemulihan yang terdaftar..
Masukkan kode verifikasi tersebut dan Anda bakal diminta membuat kata sandi baru..

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