Excel 2013 download for Windows 10

Keep your data organized with Excel's powerful management features. Whether you're a macro expert or a spreadsheet beginner, you can use Microsoft's data processing software to maximize your productivity. Take advantage of the many features and design options to manage and present your data in the best possible way.

Robust filtering features make it easy to sort your data. You can use multiple sort rules to turn cluttered workbooks into tidy lists. Excel 2013 is even smart enough to recognize headers, letting you keep the top row of your data in place while everything else is instantly sorted.

You can add in plenty of visual features with hundreds of different included settings. Make your titles or headers pop with different font colors, sizes and intensities or highlight problematic cells in your least-favorite color. You can even sort cells based on their color, so visual customization isn’t just about looks.

When it comes to charts and graphs, Microsoft Excel 2013 has you covered. Create bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs and so many more with the integrated chart creation feature. Simply highlight your data, click a few buttons and you’ll have a beautiful chart ready to export to Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Outlook. You can spend hours customizing drop shadows, 3-D effects, x- and y- axis labels and every other element of your chart or take less than 60 seconds and use the built-in templates to create a graph.

Learning Excel is an important part of modern-day professionalism. Whether you need to organize a list of phone numbers for potential sales leads, compare efficiency across multiple projects or just keep track of your own assignments, any white-collar job will expect you to have basic familiarity with Excel. Start mastering this software today and you'll be ready for whatever challenges your manager wants to throw at you in the future.

One of the most time-saving features of Excel is Flash Fill. Excel uses predictive technology to fill in cells for you. For example, type “January,” “February” and “March” in three different cells and Excel can fill in the rest of the months of the year. You can even use Flash Fill to split data into multiple rows and columns or combine data into a single cell.

With practice, you can take advantage of formulas to create customized, easy-to-update Excel workbooks. Need to calculate gross versus net profit or successful versus unsuccessful sales attempts? With Excel, you can write up a formula, create your own workbook and easily calculate new numbers every month, week or even minute.

If you find yourself applying the same sorting features, visual customizations or formulas to different datasets, you may benefit from Excel’s built-in macro features. You can create a macro for any inputs you do on a regular basis. Once your macro is made, simply click on it to order Excel to run every step you’ve recorded. Macros let you turn ten steps into one.

Unfortunately, Excel is not the most user-friendly piece of software. While Excel comes with an in-app help feature, you will likely need outside help to master macros or pivot tables. Luckily, you can find instructional guides and videos on many different websites. Depending on your job, you may even be able to learn Excel on the clock or use free training guides developed by your company.


  • Affordable compared to other data analysis programs
  • Export charts and tables to other Microsoft products
  • Compatible with newer versions of Excel
  • Perfect for business or personal use


  • Challenging to master
  • Limited functionality for complex scientific analysis

Excel 2013 is a piece of data organization and processing software that comes in the Microsoft Office 2013 software suite. The software is powerful, and it can easily keep track of your workbooks, spreadsheets, recorded information, statistics, and more.

While it's true that Excel has a reputation for exceptional processing power, you can only take full advantage of it if you know the subtleties of the software. When Microsoft was creating Excel 2013, they decided to focus on making the app easier for those with little experience to pick up. When you first add data to a spreadsheet, the app will automatically analyze the information and offer ideas for how to showcase the information in the optimal way. In some cases, the data will have enough comprehension that Excel could generate an automatic PivotTable, if you so choose.

If your data isn't formatted exceptionally well, the new Flash Fill feature will reorganize it so it makes more logical sense. Once the data is organized, it will be automatically placed in rows and columns so you can start to manipulate it, if required. If you hate having to input data, Excel 2013 could be the answer thanks to the new Flash Fill function. Such a feature could easily be the deciding factor for those considering an upgrade.

Perhaps the biggest issue that Microsoft productivity apps have had over their life is that they feel too clinical and rigid. Excel 2013 forgoes this tradition for something with a bit more organic functionality. If you've ever seen or used a Windows Phone 8, you're probably aware of the small, fast animations that help the software feel almost alive. These sorts of animations and transitions have been reproduced in Excel 2013. While some might assume these animations would be distracting, the opposite is actually true. These animations aren't designed to entertain or distract, but to focus your attention on Excel's processes.

Microsoft has kept the controversial Ribbon interface that so many of their users despised when it was first released, but the UI has been enhanced so that it's easier to use. The layout of the icons feels natural, and each icon is a different color to help draw the eye to specific functions faster. If you have a Microsoft account, you can link it with online services that deal with photos, and Excel 2013 can download any photos to which you have access. It takes no time to do this since you only have to log in. The software will do the rest.

Beginners might still feel a bit intimidated by the tremendous range of functions and features found in Excel 2013, but the software is easier to use and smarter than ever. If you already take advantage of an older version of Excel, this update represents a significant step forward if for no other reason than the Flash Fill function.


  • Fast Data Analysis
  • Upgraded UI
  • Useful Error Notifications
  • PivotTables
  • Online Photo Insertion


  • Overwhelming For Beginners

Microsoft's 2013 Excel electronic spreadsheet tool is available for those interested in organizing and analyzing data. The program manipulates formulas and functions to generate information in the form of presentations, Internet pages and print-offs, depending on the user's interests.

The 2013 version of Excel, as compared to previous versions, displays a more simple and navigational display. For instance, the startup screen shows recently worked projects, templates for starting new projects, and options to find valuable information regarding the program’s features. If the startup page appears to be cumbersome to users, as many may not be accustomed to it from performances on previous versions, it may be readably disabled.

A newly added feature to the program is the “Flash Fill.” Convenient in its functions, the Flash Fill detects patterns and finishes your work for you by entering in the data automatically. To this extent, troublesome workarounds are prevented, and work can be completed in a more efficient manner.

To make the program easier on beginning users, choices are simplified with recommended charts. The program takes the data users have inserted and displays a selection of appropriate charts. These charts can be viewed to show what the chart would look like, and then users can easily choose the preferred chart pertaining to their specific interests.

Data is quicker to analyze. The “Quick Analysis” tool is used to find options for observing selected data. The options include formatting, charts, tables, and other organizational tools used to make the data more user-friendly.

For those interested in analyzing an abundant amount of data, the “Power View” is incorporated inside the program, as opposed to previous versions. The Power View tool is ideal for large businesses, and now that it is installed within the program, users can easily use the feature to filter and organize large amounts of data.

The program may also be shared with and edited by other people. While it may be troublesome to have two or more people working on the same project at once, in Excel 2013, the original data on one’s computer may not be conflicted by multiple people. Instead, people may collectively work on a project by using the Excel WebApp, while keeping the original intact.

Furthermore, the program is social-network-friendly. If one is interested in sharing a to-do list or event planner, the program shares workbooks with Facebook and other social networks. Once a social network is selected, viewers can then view and edit the data.

Although there exists many additions to Excel 2013, there are also many depreciations. New users will also have to deal with features that have been rerouted.

There have been changes in the split control, chart type navigation, chart template navigation, fax template navigation, as well as changes to the taskbar, clip organizer, picture manager, and other new amenities that users will have to become acclimated to.

How do I download Excel 2013 on Windows 10?

Before you install Office 2013, you must first uninstall Office 2010..
Uninstall Older Versions of Office..
Connect to the Server. Type \\software.oc.edu\dist\Microsoft\office into the search bar. ... .
Open the 2013 Folder. ... .
Run the Setup File. ... .
Allow the File to Run. ... .
Install Now. ... .
Wait for the Installer. ... .
Close the Installer..

How do I download Excel 2013 on my computer?

To install this download:.
Download the file by clicking the Download link (above) and saving the file to your hard disk drive..
Double-click the ExcelXLLSDK. msi program file on your hard disk drive to start the setup program..
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation..

How can I download Excel for free on Windows 10?

Sign in to download Office.
Go to www.office.com and if you're not already signed in, select Sign in. ... .
Sign in with the account you associated with this version of Office. ... .
After signing in, follow the steps that match the type of account you signed in with. ... .
This completes the download of Office to your device..

Can I still download Microsoft Office 2013?

Since February 28, 2017, you can no longer download and install Office 2013 as part of your Microsoft 365 subscription from My Account. For more information, or you need to reinstall Office 2013 because of incompatibility issues, see Office 2013 is no longer available for installation with a Microsoft 365 subscription.

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