Event that shows the power of media and information to affect change

Have you ever looked back and try to grasp the true significance that social media plays in our daily lives? Have you ever thought of how social media as a catalyst for social change has more and more become a reality?

Years ago, the masses were silent. As I often present in my speeches, up until just a little more than two decades ago mass communication was one way, and information was only served through television, radio and print. Today, with the vastness of the Internet and the rise of mobile technology, the masses have suddenly found themselves with virtual megaphones that are heard throughout the world. Social media has given people the freedom to speak, and in some instances has become a catalyst in helping to potentially change the course of history.

Let’s take a look back at some of the amazing events that have happened – and the role that social media played in them as a catalyst for social change:

Social Movement: Egypt’s Digital Revolution

When the youth of Egypt decided that the 30-year reign of Hosni Mubarak was enough, nobody foresaw their weapon of choice – social media. It has been said that the revolution started with one Facebook post sent late in the evening of January 14, 2011. Roughly translated, it simply read: “Message to the people of Egypt: let January 25 be the torch of change in Egypt.”

While some have downplayed the importance of social media in the Egypt Revolution, this post was one of the factors that led to the first massive protest in Tahrir Square. The government, which then had control over traditional media, shut down phone and Internet networks to keep a semblance of control, but the determined activists used everything from dial-up connections to proxy servers in order to stay connected. #jan25 became one of the most famous Twitter hashtags in Egypt’s history. Through Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and the world watched as history unfolded in real-time.

Relief Operations: Japan’s 2011 Quake

In March 11, Japan was rocked by an 8.9 magnitude quake, followed by one of the most devastating tsunamis in history – and then a meltdown at a nuclear power plant which Japan is still trying to deal with. With telecommunications immediately after the tsunami down, most people relied on the Internet through their mobile phones to connect with worried relatives, as well as to spread the word about the state of hard-hit areas.

The world monitored the calamity online. YouTube records more than 15,000 and earthquake and tsunami video uploads, each showing the magnitude of the disaster and relaying individual fears and desperation. Google created a web application called “Person Finder” in order to help families and victims connect. Twitter usage spiked – #Fukushima, #Sendai, #Japan and Text REDCROSS trended, as Netizens rallied for aid, attaching #prayforjapan in every tweet. Social media became a source of information, aid, and comfort.

Political Awareness: Tunisia’s Virtual Voices

With its recent elections, Tunisia finally found its voice after more than 20 years of silence under an oppressive regime.  And all this happened within several months of its first public demonstrations.

Until recently, social media was a political taboo – the regime of former president Zine el-Abidine blocked sites and platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Blogs were monitored, and those who wrote political commentaries were harassed. These censorships only added fuel to the fire as citizens fought back and found ways to remain online. During the chain of revolutions that swept Arab nations, social networks raised awareness and activism among Tunisians, giving them a venue to discuss political issues and push for freedom of speech.

In the days after the resignation of Zine el-Abidine, the censorship on social media was lifted, and more than 2,000 tweets were posted daily. Almost 200 printed publications have been given licenses for production. Bloggers, journalists, and citizens alike have been ensured of their freedom of expression without censorship or penalty. Social media has aided in opening the doors of a more global Tunisia.

Nonprofit Movements for Social Change: Twestival

What started out as a night-out-for-a-cause among “tweeps” (Twitter people) in London soon became a worldwide Twitter phenomenon known as Twestival. Twestival, short for “Twitter-Festival”, was the brainchild of Amanda Rose, a free agent practicing PR and events management, who has a great interest in social media and an even greater love for causes. From an event that supported a local non-profit organization for the homeless, Amanda and her team decided to make something bigger. The idea to mount simultaneous Twestivals around the world was born.

The project quickly took a life of its own. Twestival Global was launched in January 2009, where 202 cities hosted charity events that raised $250,000 for water-deprived areas of Ethiopia. In 2010, the worldwide Twitter event raised more than $450,000 for Concern Worldwide, a non-profit organization that fights hunger and sickness in 25 different nations.

In 2011, Twestival Global transformed into Twestival Local, urging volunteers from around the world to support charities in their own countries. One-hundred and fifty cities participated in the event, including Manila, which supported JeepneED, a non-profit group that aims to build a Jeepney powered by used vegetable oil that would become a “traveling classroom” containing computers, books and other educational tools. Its aim is to bring education to far-flung provinces and municipalities in the Philippines.

Twestival Local 2011 was able to raise $565,000 for local charities around the world – all through the power of social media.

If you’re interested in social media for nonprofits, check out this popular post from this blog:

  • The 9 Signs of a Successful Social Media Strategy for Nonprofits

The people of South East Asian nations have a great fascination for social media and content sharing. Armed with this knowledge, Professor Micheal Netzley of the Singapore Management University fully utilized social media in his online communications classes. He urged students to explore blogging platforms and social networks. He used Twitter as a venue to share with his students links to topics relevant to their lectures, as well as to remind them of upcoming deadlines and in-class activities.

One class project that grew a great international fanbase and earned props from professional companies, news and advertising agencies was Digital Media Asia Wiki; an open online resource that presents up-to-date information on online trends and movements in the digital media landscape. The project was later on reviewed by The New York Times, and garnered some of Netzley’s students offers for internships in Ogilvy Asia.

Not only has social media kept open communication lines between Netzley and his students, but it also has given them the edge when it comes to online competency and relationship-building.

Moving Forward

With the birth of social media, connectivity has become instantaneous. Real-time communication and social will has turned into the masses’ most powerful weapon for social change that can topple governments and heal nations. It seems that social media has transcended its initial purpose of simply connecting friends; it has become the doorway to the world. As people realize that the voice of one can reach billions, social media will go on reinventing itself into a faster, smarter, and sleeker mode of communication that will continue to build virtual bridges everywhere – and help societies deal with challenges in new and more communal ways.

What are your favorite examples of how social media has been a catalyst for social change?

Photo by Duncan Shaffer on Unsplash

How does social media influence social change?

Social media has been a tool in raising voice, awareness, and call for social change. It allows people to have access to a level of communication that the older generation never had. Through social media, people can now easily call out wrong practices, injustices, and have a voice in different situations. With a click of their mouse and keyboards, they can instantly ask questions, receive answers, reconnect with other people, and others.

What is a social catalyst?

Years ago, people don’t have access and means to effectively voice out themselves and be heard by other people as information is only served through radio, television, and print. But with the rise of technology and the internet, we have now found ways to speak freely through social media. It has become a catalyst for change and calling for action. As people learn to maximize the internet, this can potentially lead to changing the way things happened before.

How can you effectively used social media for social change?

There are many effective ways on how to use social media for social change such as creating blogs for a cause, supporting causes on social media, raise funds for charities or for a specific cause, host an event, and use your mobile phone in capturing and sharing information in your social media accounts. Whatever method it may be, social media is undeniably a powerful tool that can help us build virtual bridge everywhere.

Do you think social media is an important tool in creating social change?

Yes, social media is an essential tool in creating social change. We never had a instant, real-time communication before until the birth of social media. It has broken barriers in communication and made it easy for people to freely express themselves. Furthermore, social media also became a toll for discussing social issues, exchange of ideas, arranging meetings, and organizing causes.

How social media has affected our lives?

Social media has greatly affected our lives in many ways. It has become a source of entertainment for other people; we are able to connect with our loved ones even if they are on the other side of the world; we are now able to receive news and information instantly, and share our insights as well. However, social media has negatively affected other people too. The excessive use of social media caused addiction and has affected their sleeping patterns.

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