Does Milk gives purple colour when two drops of copper sulphate solution and 10 drops of caustic soda is added to it?

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When two drops of copper sulphate and ten drops of caustic soda or NaOH is added to egg, it turns violet. This indicates the presence of proteins.This is Biuret's test and the principle is simple as follows:

In the presence of alkaline medium (caustic soda or NaOH), the Cu2+ ions get reduced to Cu+ and binds to the egg proteins, thereby giving a violet color.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

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When copper sulphate and caustic soda are added to a food sample, a violet color indicates the presence of proteins in the food.

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The change in colour of the food item to violet after the addition of copper sulphate and caustic soda solution indicates the presence of proteins in the food item.

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