Cara export data Arcgis ke Excel


1.   Buka Arcmap.

2. Masukkan SHP yang akan di export datanya kedalam jendela kerja Arcmap Anda.

3. Klik kanan pada SHP kemudian Open Attribute Table

Open Attribute Table

Anda bisa mengexport data sebagian saja, misalnya hanya data tertentu, dengan cara seleksi data yang anda ingin export, namun jika anda ingin export semua datanya, anda tidak perlu seleksi data, secara defaul semua data anda akan di export ke excel

4. Pilih Table To Excel

Pada ArcMap, ada toolbox Table To Excel, anda bisa melihatnya di Coversion Tools > Table To Excel

5. Tentukan SHP dan Lokasi Penyimpanan Serta Nama File Excel Anda Yang Baru

Setelah anda klik Table To Excel, maka akan muncul Pop Up yang memungkinkan anda untuk memberi nama dan menentukan tempat penyimpanan file Excel yang akan anda export. Selanjutnya klik OK dan tunggu sampai selesai.


Converts a table to a Microsoft Excel file (.xls or .xlsx).


Label Explanation Data Type

Input Table

The table or tables to be converted to an Excel file.

Table View

Output Excel File (.xls or .xlsx)

The output Excel file. Specify the format of the Excel file using the .xls or .xlsx file extension.


Use field alias as column header


Specifies whether input field names or field aliases will be used as the output column names.

  • Unchecked—Column headers will be set using the input field names. This is the default.
  • Checked—Column headers will be set using the input geodatabase table's field aliases. If the input is a layer in a map, the value set on the layer's field alias is ignored.

Use domain and subtype description


Specifies whether values from subtype fields or fields with a coded value domain will be transferred to the output.

  • Unchecked—All field values will be used as they are stored in the table. This is the default.
  • Checked—For subtype fields, the subtype description will be used. For fields with a coded value domain, the coded value descriptions will be used.
arcpy.conversion.TableToExcel(Input_Table, Output_Excel_File, {Use_field_alias_as_column_header}, {Use_domain_and_subtype_description})
Name Explanation Data Type



The table or tables to be converted to an Excel file.

Table View


The output Excel file. Specify the format of the Excel file using the .xls or .xlsx file extension.




Specifies whether input field names or field aliases will be used as the output column names.

  • NAMEColumn headers will be set using the input field names. This is the default.
  • ALIASColumn headers will be set using the input geodatabase table's field aliases. If the input is a layer in a map, the value set on the layer's field alias is ignored.




Specifies whether values from subtype fields or fields with a coded value domain will be transferred to the output.

  • CODEAll field values will be used as they are stored in the table. This is the default.
  • DESCRIPTIONFor subtype fields, the subtype description will be used. For fields with a coded value domain, the coded value descriptions will be used.


Code sample

TableToExcel example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the TableToExcel function in immediate mode.

import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/data" arcpy.conversion.TableToExcel("gdb.gdb/addresses", "addresses.xls")

TableToExcel example 2 (stand-alone script)

Converts a table to an Excel workbook.

import arcpy # Set environment settings arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/data" # Set local variables in_table = "gdb.gdb/addresses" out_xls = "addresses.xls" # Run TableToExcel arcpy.conversion.TableToExcel(in_table, out_xls)


Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

Related topics

  • An overview of the Excel toolset
  • Excel To Table
  • Find a geoprocessing tool

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