Can you go Live on two Facebook Pages at once

Livestreaming has become extremely popular in recent years. Hundreds, if not, thousands of aspiring streamers launch their very first livestreams each day.

With that said, being in sync with the latest livestreaming technology is a definite must if you want to be the best streamer you can be.

Regardless of whether you are livestreaming games, tutorials, or even trading, knowing as many livestreaming trade secrets as possible can put you a few bars above other streamers.

A good place to start is learning the opportunities each livestreaming application has to offer and choosing the right platform to start streaming on.

Whether you are a newbie streamer or an experienced veteran content creator, choosing Facebook as a streaming platform will always be the easiest and arguably most beneficial platform to start in.

It is common practice for streamers of any niche to create a Facebook page and stream their content. From there, streamers do what they can to earn stars, likes, and shares from their audience.

You’d think the opportunities offered by Facebook streaming end there, but have you ever considered streaming on more than one Facebook page? Is it doable? With the right software, it is!


Why Livestream On Multiple Facebook Pages

While livestreaming on your page can bring in a good amount of viewers, there are still a few more things you can do to kick things up a notch.

Surely you have observed live-streaming fans sharing streams to their personal Facebook profiles or to different Facebook groups in the name of supporting their favorite streamer.

So why would you, the streamer, even need to stream to multiple Facebook pages?

Think of it this way; If you own a Facebook Group or page, a personal Facebook profile, and A Facebook fan page for your brand, it is unlikely that all the followers and self-publishers  of one page, follow the other pages as well. There will always be some fans who might have forgotten to follow the business page or did not get the memo to join the group.

Now, if you want to reach every fan you have, on all your pages, streaming to each page individually might be too much work.

Our very own Dale from Live Streaming Tech realized this problem a year and a half ago and came up with a quick and easy solution:


What is is a super powerful multistreaming application that allows the user to stream content across multiple applications simultaneously.

Needless to say, the ability to stream content to Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube at the same time is a game-changer.

To make things even better, released a new tool called Restream Studio which allows users to livestream to multiple platforms on their browsers.

Yes, this may sound like a new thing to learn, but worry not! Setting up a browser tool like Restream Studio is easy, and here’s how.


How to Set up

The first thing you need to set up and take full advantage of is to have premium access.

Now, we got you covered. You can get premium access through our affiliate link here.

Did you get your premium access? Great! Follow along these steps to set up and start streaming to multiple Facebook pages.



Step 1: Add a New Channel

Look on the top left just below the “R”. Clicking the double bars will bring you to the Destinations page.


Find the “Destinations” button on the left-side menu. You should immediately see a bright orange button to add a new channel.


Step 2: Select a Service

There are many different streaming platforms to choose from on this screen.


You will now be asked to choose a service to stream to.

In order to set up to stream to multiple Facebook pages, scroll to the bottom and choose “Groups and Public Pages”

Once you do that, you will be asked to connect your Facebook account and give the appropriate permissions.


Step 3: Connect to Facebook and Set up Permissions

Find the group or pages you would like to stream to on Facebook.


Here you can add and connect all the Facebook pages and groups you want to multistream to.

Take note that you will need to add the Restream app to each Facebook Group or page.

The add Restream app to Facebook group prompt.


This prompt above should appear every time you add a group or page to stream to. Click “Add Restream app to Facebook group”

You will be taken to the Group’s Advanced Settings page on Facebook, scroll below, and edit App permissions.

Advanced settings image


Check if you already have added to the Group’s apps. If not, click on add apps and search for to give it permission.

Group Apps image


Repeat these steps for every Facebook Business Page or Facebook Group you want to livestream on.

Be sure to add the Restream App and set up the proper permissions as well to avoid any problems later on.


Step 4: Update Titles

Now that you have added your Facebook groups and Business Pages to, you need to update your titles.

You can do so by navigating back to the Destinations tab, and click “Update titles”.

You can update your titles from this page.


Bulk Title Update image


Take note that you can perform a bulk update by hitting “update all.” However, this will update any existing streams you already have.

If you do not want to overwrite your other streams, you can edit your titles individually instead.

Edit titles individually image



Step 5: Set up Social Alerts


Now that you’ve updated your stream’s titles for each platform, you should proceed with setting up social alerts. Scroll back up to the very top of the page and click “Social Alerts” right beside the “Titles” tab.

Social Alert set up image


This tab allows you to set up integrations between your stream and your Facebook page, Discord server, and Twitter account.

Once correctly set up, Restream will send the message text to your followers whenever you start streaming.



How To Livestream to Multiple Facebook Pages on
Live Studio button looks like a camera


Now that you’re all set up, you are ready to start streaming! Click on “Live Studio” to get started.

Your camera should come up! If by chance Restream Live Studio Pro is unable to access your camera, click on the cog icon on the bottom right of the window and check your settings.


Here you can also choose which video camera, audio input, and audio output device to use.

At this point, you can hit “Go Live” and start streaming.


How To Livestream to Multiple Facebook Pages on OBS


If you prefer to go on air using OBS, you can do that by first heading back to your Dashboard and finding “Destinations.”

Choose the Channel you want to stream to and find “streaming Settings” at the bottom right of the page.

Here, you should find your Stream Key.

There is a Stream Key reset on the right-hand side above the copy button.


Copy the Stream Key and head on over to OBS.


On your OBS Dashboard, you should find the “Settings” tab on the bottom left of the screen. Hit that and choose “stream” on the pop-up window.

Choose the right service from the drop-down menu. In this case, make sure to select

You can choose to click “Connect Account” which will ask you to log in on to connect the accounts. Another option is to use the Stream Key we got earlier and paste it on here.

Click apply and you should be ready to start streaming to multiple Facebook pages using OBS!


How To Livestream to Multiple Facebook Pages on Streamlabs OBS


Streaming to multiple Facebook pages is just as easy to set up on Streamlabs OBS as it was on

The first thing to do is bring up your Streamlabs OBS dashboard and find the “Settings” icon on the bottom left corner of the screen.


This should bring up the settings window. Click on “Stream” and choose “Streaming Services” as the stream type.

Choose “ RTMP” as your service and set the server settings to Autodetect.


Finally, paste your Stream Key and hit “Done”.


From here on out, you should be able to stream to multiple Facebook Pages using, OBS, and Streamlabs OBS with ease.


Want More?


For a more detailed, step-by-step guide to setting up and how to live stream on multiple Facebook pages simultaneously, check out our YouTube video How To Livestream On Multiple Facebook Pages.

Be sure to watch till the end for bonus content and a neat tip on the best stream settings to use for new livestreamers.

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