Aplikasi untuk profil dekstop facebook

Mungkin ada sebagian sobat pembaca yang bertanya-tanya apa itu mode desktop Facebook dan apa bedanya dengan aplikasi FB pada umumnya ?. Untuk itu kali ini saya akan sedikit membahas arti dan cara menjalankan facebook seperti pada tampilan layar komputer namun tetap menggunakan smartphone sobat.

Apa itu Facebook mode desktop ?, Tidak hanya FB saja, aplikasi seperti Twitter, instagram, youtube, Gmail dan app poluper lainnya hampir semuanya bisa dijalankan dengan mode desktop di smartphone. Dimana tampilannya akan tampak seperti yang bisa kita lihat di layar laptop atau komputer.

Bila anda sebelumnya terbiasa dengan tampilan FB di komputer dan suatu saat ingin membuka facebook di ponsel namun persis seperti di PC, maka cukup menggunakan browser saja tanpa melalui aplikasi Facebook.

Jadi keuntungan menggunakan mode desktop facebook di HP salah satunya yaitu kita tidak memerlukan aplikasi FB dari play store, cukup menggunakan perantara browser bawaan smartphone atau tipe peramban lain yang sudah populer seperti Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox dan lain sebagainya.

Simak juga : Penyebab dan cara mengatasi Komentar Facebook tidak muncul dan Cara memperbaiki FB Error dijalankan di HP android.

Disini saya praktekkan menggunakan browser Chrome di HP android untuk menjalankan Facebook dengan tampilan desktop. Sobat juga bisa menggunakan browser bawaan smartphone atau peramban lainnya.

  1. Buka aplikasi Browser dan akses situs FB, ketik ‘facebook.com‘ pada kolom alamat.
  2. Setelah itu lakukan login ke akun anda dan tunggu sampai halaman beranda muncul.
  3. Langkah selanjutnya, masuk ke opsi menu browser, kalau chrome Letaknay di pojok kanan atas (tanda titik tiga)
  4. Lanjutkan memberi centang di opsi “Situs desktop
  5. Halaman otomatis akan dimuat ulang dan tampilan FB berubah menjadi mode desktop seperti di komputer.

Karena berjalan dengan mode desktop di layar Ponsel, maka tampilan akan terlihat sangat kecil. Untuk memperbesar tampilan bisa dengan zoom layar yaitu metode mencubit dengan dua jari ke luar dan kedalam seperti halnya kita memperbesar tampilan foto di galeri.

Dengan mengakses facebook menggunakan browser, maka sobat bisa memiliki lebih dari satu akun FB yang semua bisa aktif. Jadi, semakin banyak memiliki peramban yang terinstall di ponsel, maka semakin banyak pula kita bisa membuka akun facebook lain dalam satu ponsel.

Sebagai contoh, anda mempunyai 4 akun Facebook, maka agar bisa aktif dan dibuka semuanya, salah satu caranya adalah menginstall aplikasi FB untuk akun pertama, lalu yang kedua bisa dijalankan di browser Chrome, akun FB ketiga dibuka di browser Opera dan yang keempat peramban bawaan smartphone itu sendiri.

Itulah pengertian facebook mode desktop dan cara menjalankannya di HP android, semoga sobat semua bisa mempraktekkannya dengan mudah, terima kasih.

Free Facebook App for any Windows PC

Facebook for Windows is a social media app that allows you to use a native PC app rather than logging in through a browser. You’ll also get desktop notifications for events, even when it’s minimized. Share thoughts, customize your news feed, edit privacy, and manage groups. Desktop Facebook is convenient for anyone who enjoys being active on this platform.

More connected than ever before

With the Facebook app download for your PC, it's never been easier to keep up with the ever-growing online community. Stay in touch or reconnect with friends and family on any device.

This app will use your PC's location, webcam, microphone, picture, and video connection. Once you install Facebook, the software will operate by accessing your internet connection and generating dynamic code

Installing Facebook on your Windows device is a quick process, and the file is about 164 MB in size. Once you have the program on your PC, you’ll like the usability.

Simple to navigate & stay up to date

The interface is familiar and easy to navigate, and the design is sleek and clean. While there are not many new features, the software offers seamless browsing and effortless user experience. There is no major learning curve even for the most novice user.

Once you enter your Facebook login information, you’ll see a tabbed menu on the left side of the screen with included items like News Feed, Groups, and Friends. Whenever someone sends you a message, invites you to an event, likes, or comments on your posts, you will receive a desktop notification.

Get the word out

Let your network in on your daily thoughts or opinions about the world by changing your Facebook status. The box will prompt you by asking, "What's on your mind?" Maybe it's not something you want your active grandmother to see. Post it anyway! Choose who can see your update by clicking on the “friends” dropdown menu, and specifying your audience.

Some of the most useful Facebook functions are the group features. Whether you want to plan a holiday party or organize a protest, this is the platform for doing it. With the desktop app, see the groups that you’re involved in or are admin for. Groups are a great way to interact with those who have similar interests.

Organize your feed

You can customize the way that your News Feed appears by heading to your News Feed Preferences. Change these settings depending on the friends you want to see at the top of your timeline when the images appear and click on the profiles that you want to hear more from.

The app will recommend video and news clips just for you. You can interact through adding comments, or reacting to posts and media by liking, loving, laughing, crying, or expressing anger through the emoji button.

Share your favorite moments

One of the best advantages of the FB app is that it allows users to upload photos and videos in a snap. Never miss the chance to share the most special moments. You can also share images across popular social media platforms like Instagram.

The software supports a range of video files such as .avi, .MP4 and .mov. Unfortunately, you cannot download videos directly through Facebook for Windows.

Control your privacy

If you’re concerned about privacy, you can change your default settings from within the Facebook app. If you want to adjust your 'Privacy Shortcuts,' the software will redirect you to the browser site.

FB contains a vast amount of tools for preventing your data from being mined by any third parties. Under the section titled "Who can see my stuff", change the audience of your future posts and hide what you share from specific people.

You can also change the settings for your email, address, and phone number so that no one can find your account by searching. Don’t forget to limit your profile visibility as well.

No games on the PC app

While the PC version of Facebook has a lot to offer, you cannot play any of the fun and entertaining games. You'll see that there is an option on the menu, but the app will redirect you to the FB website in your internet browser. After that, you'll have all the access to your favorites.

Redirected to the browser often

One major issue with this app is that it redirects you to a web-browser too often. You cannot manage chats or make voice and video calls; for that; you would need to download Facebook messenger or use a different app like WhatsApp. If you forget your password, you will be redirected to the site for a two-step verification, where you will then be able to reset your information.

You still have to deal with ads

Across platforms, the FB dashboard is full of advertisements, which get in the way of posts from loved ones and old friends. Unfortunately, downloading the software onto your PC does not get rid of paid suggestions. You will still be shown advertisements based on Facebook's algorithm.

Not enough new features

Facebook for Windows can do most of what you can do on the web-based or mobile counterparts, though you'll be redirected often to a browser. The native software does not include anything new, but the interface is seamless, and it's convenient to have access to this powerful social network on all of your devices.

In recent updates, there has been an increase in speed, and bugs have been fixed regarding the option to "load more comments." The app functions well on any desktop, and we're looking forward to the next version, which will hopefully include exciting new features like dark mode.


  • Seamless usability and navigation
  • Well designed interface
  • Native desktop notifications
  • Customize your news feed


  • No new features
  • Limited messaging capabilities

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