Apa yang dimaksud dengan hygiene brainly?

Can you catch the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from food? How should I do laundry now? Mundane household tasks have turned into a source of uncertainty and anxiety as families grapple with getting the basics done all while keeping their loved ones safe and healthy. Widespread misinformation about the virus puts everyone at risk and adds to the stress of having to filter fact from fiction.  

While research into the COVID-19 virus is ongoing, we know the virus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person (through coughing and sneezing), and touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. The virus may survive on surfaces for a few hours up to several days. The good news? Simple disinfectants can kill it. Now what does this mean for your home?

To give parents a helping hand, we compiled the latest expert information on what is known about COVID-19 and tips to help keep it out of your home.

Simple hygiene measures can help protect your family’s health and everyone else's. 

Don’t touch your face

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. 

Don’t cough or sneeze into your hands 

Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of used tissue immediately.

Keep your distance 

Maintain a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) from people who are coughing or sneezing.

Wash, wash, wash your hands 

Yes, you’re hearing it everywhere, because it’s the best line of defence. Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20-30 seconds. 

An easy way to time it with your children is by singing the full happy birthday song, twice. 

Make sure to wash hands after you blow your nose, sneeze into a tissue, use the restroom, when you leave and return to your home, before preparing or eating food, applying make-up, handling contact lenses etc.

If using a hand sanitizer ensure that it contains at least 60 per cent alcohol, ensure coverage on all parts of the hands and rub hands together for 20-30 seconds until hands feel dry. If hands are visibly dirty, always wash hands with soap and water.  

Did you know? Cold water and warm water are equally effective at killing germs and viruses — as long as you use soap and wash your hands the right way!

>>  Everything you need to know about washing your hands to protect against the COVID-19 virus

Cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces in your home regularly is an important precaution to lower the risk of infection. 

Follow cleaning product instructions for safe and effective use, including precautions you should take when applying the product, such as wearing gloves and making sure you have good ventilation.

Some national authorities have made lists of recommended products for use against the COVID-19 virus. 

High-touch surfaces to clean and disinfect

Every home is different, but common high-touch surfaces include: Door handles, tables, chairs, handrails, kitchen and bathroom surfaces, taps, toilets, light switches, mobile phones, computers, tablets, keyboards, remote controls, game controllers and favourite toys. 

What to use to clean and disinfect

If a surface is dirty, first clean it with soap or detergent and water. Then use a disinfectant product containing alcohol (of around 70 per cent) or bleach. Vinegar and other natural products are not recommended.

In many places it can be difficult to find disinfectant sprays and wipes. In such cases, continue to clean with soap and water. Diluted household bleach solutions may also be used on some surfaces.

How to disinfect

It’s important not to wipe cleaning solutions off as soon as you’ve applied it to a surface. Many disinfectant products, such as wipes and sprays, need to stay wet on a surface for several minutes in order to be effective. Always read the directions to make sure you’re using the products as recommended and to avoid damaging sensitive items such as mobile phones and other electronic devices. Consider using wipeable covers for electronics. 

It is currently unclear how long the COVID-19 virus can survive on fabric, but many items of clothing have plastic and metal elements on which it might live for a few hours to several days.

Exercise caution and common sense. Good practices to consider include removing your shoes when you enter your home and changing into clean clothes when you return home after being in crowded places, and washing your hands with soap and water immediately afterwards. 

Doing laundry at home

Clean bed sheets, towels and clothes regularly. 

  • Don’t shake dirty laundry to minimize the possibility of dispersing the virus through the air.
  • Launder items with soap or detergent, using the warmest appropriate water setting and dry items completely — both steps help to kill the virus.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand rub, immediately afterwards.
  • Wash or disinfect your laundry bag and hamper as well. Consider storing laundry in disposable bags.

Doing laundry outside your home

If you need to use laundry facilities outside of your home, take sensible precautions:

  • Prepare laundry before leaving your home to help minimize the amount of time you spend outside. 
  • Try to go at a time when there are fewer people.
  • Maintain physical distance to other people.
  • Wear disposable gloves if available, disinfect the surfaces of all machines you use and don’t touch your face.
  • For indoor laundry facilities, wait outside for your laundry to finish if you can.
  • Fold your laundry at home.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand rub, immediately afterwards.
  • Wash or disinfect your laundry bag/ hamper as well. Consider storing laundry in disposable bags.

If you don’t have access to laundry facilities, hand wash your clothes at home with soap or detergent and the warmest appropriate water.

While at present there is no evidence of people catching the COVID-19 virus from food or food packaging, it may be possible that people can become infected by touching a surface or object contaminated by the virus and then touching their face. 

The greater risk comes from being in close contact with other people while outside food shopping or receiving a food delivery (as receiving any delivery in areas with local transmission). As always, good hygiene is important when handling food to prevent any food-borne illnesses.

Food packaging and handling precautions 

  • Remove any unnecessary packaging and dispose into a waste bin with a lid.
  • Remove food from take-out containers, place on a clean plate and dispose of the container. 
  • Packaging like cans can be wiped clean with a disinfectant before being opened or stored. 
  • Wash unpackaged produce, such as fruit and vegetables, thoroughly under running water.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand rub, immediately afterwards.

General food hygiene tips

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before preparing any food.
  • Use separate chopping boards to prepare uncooked meat and fish.
  • Cook food to the recommended temperature.
  • Where possible, keep perishable items refrigerated or frozen, and pay attention to product expiry dates. 
  • Aim to recycle or dispose of food waste and packaging in an appropriate and sanitary manner, avoiding build-up of refuse which could attract pests.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before eating and make sure your children do the same.
  • Always use clean utensils and plates.

>> Easy, affordable and healthy eating tips for parents  

>> Back to UNICEF COVID-19 portal

Hygiene adalah suatu usaha yang dilakukan untuk melindungi, memelihara, meningkatkan derajat kesehatan dengan cara memelihara dan melindungi kebersihan subyeknya. Misalnya mencuci tangan untuk menjaga kebersihan tangan, mencuci piring untuk menjaga kebersihan piring. Sedangkan sanitasi adalah upaya kesehatan dengan cara memelihara dan melindungi kebersihan lingkungan dari subyeknya. Misalnya menyediakan air bersih untuk keperluan mencuci tangan, menyediakan tempat sampah untuk mewadahi sampah agar tidak dibuang sembarangan.

Makanan adalah kebutuhan pokok manusia yang dibutuhkan oleh manusia setiap saat dan memerlukan pengolahan yang baik dan benar agar bermanfaat bagi tubuh manusia, karena makanan sangat diperlukan untuk tubuh manusia.

Hygiene sanitasi makanan adalah suatu upaya untuk menjaga atau mengendalikan faktor makanan, orang, tempat dan perlengkapannya yang dapat atau mungkin dapat menimbulkan penyakit atau gangguan kesehatan. Dalam pengelolaan makanan, ada 6 prinsip hygiene sanitasi yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu:

  1. Pemilihan Bahan Baku Makanan

Perlindungan terhadap bahan baku dari bahaya-bahaya bahan kimia atau pertumbuhan mikroorganisme patogen dan pembentukan toksin selama transportasi dan penyimpanan bahan baku harus diperhatikan.

  1. Penyimpanan Bahan Makanan

Kerusakan bahan makanan dapat terjadi karena tercemar bakteri, karena alam dan perlakuan manusia. Adanya enzim dalam makanan yang diperlukan dalam proses pematangan seperti pada buah-buahan. Untuk mencegah terjadinya kerusakan dapat dikendalikan dengan pencegahan pencemaran bakteri. Sifat dan karakteristik bakteri seperti sifat hidupnya, daya tahan panas, faktor lingkungan hidup, kebutuhan oksigen dan berdasarkan pertumbuhannya. Penyimpanan makanan yang sesuai dengan suhunya terbagi menjadi 4 [empat] cara yaitu penyimpanan sejuk [cooling], penyimpanan dingin [chilling], penyimpanan dingin sekali [freezing], penyimpanan beku [frozen].

Pengolahan makanan adalah proses perubahan bentuk dari bahan mentah menjadi makanan yang siap saji. Pengolahan makanan yang baik adalah yang mengikuti kaidah dan prinsip-prinsip hygiene sanitasi seperti:

  • Dapur yang memenuhi persyaratan berdasarkan Kepmenkes No. 942/Menkes/SK/VII/2003 tentang Persyaratan Hygiene Sanitasi Makanan Jajanan
  • Peralatan masak harus mudah dibersihkan, tidak boleh mempunyai sudut/ berlekuk, tidak boleh digunakan untuk keperluan lain selain memasak.
  • Wadah penyimpanan makanan harus dalam keadaan bersih.
  • Penggunaan APD seperti Apron, Penutup Rambut, Sarung Tangan, Masker, dll

Pengangkutan makanan yang sehat akan sangat berperan dalam mencegah terjadinya pencemaran makanan. Pencemaran pada makanan masak lebih tinggi risikonya daripada pencemaran bahan makanan pada saat pengangkutan makanan.

Kontaminasi dapat terjadi sewaktu proses pengolahan makanan maupun melalui wadah dan atau penjamah makanan yang membiarkan makanan pada suhu ruangan. Kondisi optimum mikroorganisme patogen dalam makanan siap saji adalah 1-2 jam. Beberapa karakteristik lingkungan yang sesuai dengan pertumbuhan bakteri antara lain; makanan banyak protein dan banyak air [moisture], pH normal [6,8 – 7,5], serta suhu optimum [100 – 600 C]. Sementara beberapa penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa faktor risiko kejadian foodborne disease terjadi pada saat pembersihan alat makan, ketidaksesuaian dengan temperatur waktu penyimpanan dan rendahnya personal hygiene.

Prinsip penyajian makanan adalah wadah untuk setiap jenis makanan harus ditempatkan dalam wadah terpisah dan diusahakan tertutup. Tujuannya agar makanan tidak terkontaminasi silang.


Anwar. dkk., [1988], Depkes RI, 2000, Depkes RI, 2004, Permenkes No. 715/Menkes/SK/V/2003, Permenkes No. 942/MENKES/SK/VII/2003

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