Apa itu full stack engineer

Kamu sering mendengar istilah Full Stack Developer tapi belum memahami artinya? Atau jangan-jangan kamu berencana ingin jadi seorang full stack developer? Profesi ini memang dinilai menjanjikan di era kemajuan teknologi seperti sekarang.

Dengan berkembangnya banyak startup di Indonesia dan dunia, posisi full stack developer semakin banyak dibutuhkan. Lalu apa sebenarnya full stack developer, dan apa saja tanggung jawabnya? Berikut pembahasannya.

Apa Itu Full Stack Developer?

Dilansir Hudson, full stack developer adalah seorang developer web yang bertanggung jawab atas tugas front end dan back end dari sebuah website atau aplikasi. Lalu, apa itu front end dan back end?

  • Front End: Bertugas di bagian 'depan' situs dan aplikasi. Mengembangkan bagian yang terlihat, seperti desain tampilan.
  • Back End: Bertugas pada bagian 'tersembunyi' web dan aplikasi seperti database dan infrastrukturnya.

Full stack developer merangkum dua dari pekerjaan tersebut. Profesi ini juga dikatakan sebagai gabungan desainer web dan web developer. 

Karena dalam beberapa hal dua profesi itu saling berkaitan, banyak perusahaan yang membutuhkan satu orang yang menguasai keduanya, yaitu full stack developer.

Seperti namanya, profesi bertanggung jawab full alias penuh dari ujung ke ujung, perihal database dan situs web. Posisi ini harus bisa menangisi semua sisi dari sebuah web atau aplikasi.

Seorang full stack developer biasanya juga diminta untuk bekerjasama dengan klien selama proses perencanaan pembuatan proyek yang dikerjakan. Biasanya dalam proyek raksasa, full stack developer akan dibantu spesialis coding. 

Meski begitu, full stack developer dituntut untuk menguasai semua aspek dari pengembangan web dan aplikasi. Mereka yang bekerja di posisi ini biasanya memiliki latar belakang pendidikan ilmu komputer atau pemrograman. 

Tanggung Jawab Full Stack Developer

Tugas dan tanggung jawab utama seorang full stack developer adalah merancang mekanisme interaksi pengguna dengan web atau aplikasi, mengelola server dan database agar web berfungsi dengan baik, serta melakukan coding untuk platform mobile. Berikut daftar tanggung jawabnya.

  • Mengembangkan desain front end dari sebuah website
  • Merancang cara pengguna dalam mengakses website
  • Mengembangkan back end dari website atau aplikasi
  • Membuat server dan database
  • Memastikan platform bisa diakses lewat mobile secara optimal
  • Memastikan aplikasi responsif
  • Bekerja sama dengan desainer grafis untuk desain web
  • Menyelesaikan proyek dari konsep hingga produk jadi
  • Mendesain dan mengembangkan Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Memenuhi kebutuhan teknis dan kebutuhan konsumen
  • Mengikuti perkembangan dunia aplikasi, web, dan bahasa pemrograman

Jalur Karier Full Stack Developer

Jalur karir seorang full stack developer biasanya dimulai dari latar belakang pendidikan ilmu komputer atau programing. Berikut tahapannya.

  1. Front End atau Back End Developer

Full stack developer biasanya memulai kariernya sebagai developer front end atau back end dari website atau aplikasi. Mereka kemudian mengembangkan skill dan menguasai sekaligus dua bidang yang saling berhubungan itu.

  1. Junior Full Stack Developer

Untuk menjadi junior full stack developer biasanya dibutuhkan pengalaman kerja 2-5 tahun di bidang front end dan back end yang sebelumnya sudah disebutkan.

Pengalaman sebagai junior full stack developer akan membantu meningkatkan skill terutama dalam mengidentifikasi dan memecahkan masalah.

  1. Full Stack Engineer

Untuk terus maju ke tingkat yang lebih profesional, kamu perlu meningkatkan keterampilan dengan mengikuti seminar atau kursus tambahan. Pelajari juga keilmuan bisnis untuk memperkaya keahlian sebagai full stack developer profesional.

Setelah mengetahui tanggung jawab full stack developer, dapatkan informasi dan tips karir menarik lainnya di sini. Download aplikasi TopKarir sekarang atau kunjungi topkarir.com untuk mendapatkan informasi lowongan kerja ter-update.

Written by Coursera • Updated on Jul 15, 2022

This article explains the duties of a full-stack engineer, from software development to team leadership. Plus, learn what skills full-stack engineers need, some of the challenges they may face, and how to get started. 

If you are technically inclined, a career as a full-stack engineer could be a fulfilling path for your future. In this article, we break down the duties and responsibilities of a full-stack engineer to provide an overview of the role.

What is a full-stack engineer?

A full-stack engineer is a high-level software engineer that works to design, test, and implement various software applications. They create software, applications, and scalable web services, while also providing leadership for coding teams. Full-stack engineers usually possess prodigious skills and are involved in each stage of software development. This can include data structure completion, architecture design, code review, performance evaluation, internal tool management, and updates. The term “full-stack” refers to the engineer’s ability to work on both the front-end and back-end development of an application.

What does a full-stack engineer do?

At the beginning of a project, full-stack engineers may meet with members of the software development team in order to lay out the scale and scope of the software project. After that, they will begin designing and building the software. Full-stack engineers write various high-level and low-level code. They troubleshoot errors, help design the user experience (UX), resolve bugs, and improve the overall efficiency of the software. Full-stack engineers need excellent collaboration skills because they work with front- and back-end development team members.

Full-stack engineers are master coders. They are typically familiar with the following popular programming languages:

  • Python

  • JavaScript

  • C

  • Node


  • SQL

  • PHP [1]

Often, full-stack engineers obtain a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science or a related field. However, many employers may accept professional certifications or relevant work experience instead of a degree.

Work environment

A wide variety of companies hire full-stack developers. For example, software companies commonly hire them, as well as social media companies, cybersecurity companies, and others. Considering the fact that companies in a wide variety of niches have software applications, there are jobs available in many different industries. However, it is most common for full-stack developers to work in the tech industry.

Full-stack engineer salary and job outlook

The demand for computer and information technology professionals such as full-stack engineers is expected to increase 13 percent between 2020 and 2030 [2]. This figure translates into an above-average amount of job opportunities for full-stack engineers in the coming decade. Because full-stack engineers are extremely skilled software developers, the pay for this position tends to be higher than average.

The average yearly pay for a full-stack developer is $120,927 [3]. The exact salary that you can earn will depend on your experience, your skills, and the company that you are working for. For example, the average full-stack engineer salary for someone with 0-1 year of experience is $114,566. In contrast, the average annual salary for someone with 4-6 years of experience in full-stack development is $127,304.

How to become a full-stack engineer

The first step toward a career in full-stack engineering is typically a Bachelor's degree or a Master of Computer Science. A degree in computer science or a related field is one way to gain the skills you need to handle the responsibilities of a full-stack engineer.

You can also gain practical experience and professional qualifications through Professional Certificates in full-stack engineering. For example, you can earn a certificate in Full Stack Software Development with IBM's online course:

professional certificate

IBM Full Stack Software Developer

Kickstart your career in application development. Master Cloud Native and Full Stack Development using hands-on projects involving HTML, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, Django, Containers, Microservices and more. No prior experience required.


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Skills you'll build:

Cloud Native, Devops, Iaas PaaS Saas, Hybrid Multicloud, Cloud Computing, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), HTML, Git (Software), JavaScript, Cloud Applications, Distributed Version Control (DRCS), open source, Version Control Systems, Github, NoSQL, Cloud Infrastructure, Json, React (Web Framework), Node.Js, IBM Cloud, Kubernetes, Docker, Containers, Openshift, Data Science, Python Programming, Data Analysis, Pandas, Numpy, Application development, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Django (Web Framework), Database (DBMS), SQL, Serverless Computing, Microservices, Function As A Service, Web Application

Build a portfolio.

Another way to demonstrate your abilities is to build a portfolio. A portfolio is a collection of work that highlights your expertise. Full-stack engineers can use open-source or free development tools to independently create projects, applications, and websites. A few examples of open-source development tools include GitHub and React. With a portfolio, you have a tangible demonstration of your skills along with your resume.

Take the next step with Coursera

Start building your portfolio and gain the skills you need to become a full-stack engineer with an industry leader like Meta:

Practice bringing together multiple skills to build a full-stack Django app. You’ll start by setting up an environment for a local practical project, and ...

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Related articles

  • What Is a Game Developer (and How Do I Become One)?

  • 7 Essential IT Skills to Start Your IT Career

  • What Does a Software Engineer Do?

  • What Can You Do with a Computer Science Degree?

Article sources

1. Statista. "Most Used Programming Languages Among Developers Worldwide, //www.statista.com/statistics/793628/worldwide-developer-survey-most-used-languages/." Accessed July 5, 2022.

2. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Occupational Outlook Handbook, Computer and Information Technology Occupations, //www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/home.htm." Accessed July 5, 2022.

3. Glassdoor. "How Much Does a Full-Stack Engineer Make? //www.glassdoor.com/Salaries/full-stack-engineer-salary-SRCH_KO0,19.htm." Accessed July 5, 2022.

Written by Coursera • Updated on Jul 15, 2022

This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

Apakah yang dimaksud full stack engineer?

Full-Stack web developer adalah pengembang atau insinyur web yang bekerja di front-end dan back-end situs web atau aplikasi — artinya mereka dapat menangani proyek yang melibatkan basis data, membangun situs web yang menghadap pengguna, atau bahkan bekerja dengan klien selama tahap perencanaan proyek.

Berapa gaji full stack developer?

Dilansir dari laporan Laporan Tren & Gaji Pekerja Digital Indonesia 2021 yang dilakukan oleh Glints, berikut adalah perkiraan gaji seorang profesional yang bekerja di bidang Full Stack Developer: Senior Full Stack Developer: IDR 14.000.000 - IDR 25.000.000. Full Stack Developer: IDR 11.200.000 - IDR 20.000.000.

Apa pekerjaan full stack?

Selain itu, seorang full stack developer bisa saja diminta untuk mengembangkan aplikasi, melakukan debugging, troubleshooting, bahkan menambahkan fitur baru. Dari segi front end developer tugasnya mengerjakan berbagai hal yang bisa dilihat oleh user, seperti UI/UX, HTML/CSS, hingga bahasa pemrograman JavaScript.

Full stack developer belajar apa?

Paham HTML dan CSS Langkah mendasar untuk menjadi seorang full stack developer adalah menguasai HTML dan CSS. HTML digunakan untuk membangun struktur website. Sedangkan, CSS berfungsi untuk mendesain dan mengatur halaman website agar terlihat menarik. Menguasai keduanya sebenarnya tidak sesulit yang dibayangkan.

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