A nurse is reviewing the laboratory findings of a client who has protein-calorie malnutrition

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Anthropometric parameters and biomarkers in various nutritional assessment and screening tools (adapted from [3] with an update, in chronological order of publication.

Nutritional Assessment and Screening ToolAnthropometric Parameters and HistoryBiomarkers
Prognostic Nutritional Index [6]Triceps skin foldAlbumin, transferrin, skin sensitivity
Prognostic Inflammatory and Nutritional Index [7]NoneAlbumin, prealbumin, C-reactive protein, α1-acid glycoprotein
Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) [8]Weight history, diet history, primary diagnosis, stress level, physical symptoms (s.c. fat, muscle wasting, edema), functional capacity, gastrointestinal symptomsNone
Birmingham Nutrition Risk Score [9]Weight loss, BMI, appetite, ability to eat, stress factor, (severity of diagnosis)None
Nutrition Risk Classification [10]Weight loss, percentage ideal body weight, dietary intake, gastrointestinal functionNone
Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA; [11] Weight data, height, mid-arm circumference, calf circumference, diet history, appetite, feeding modeAlbumin, prealbumin, cholesterol, lymphocyte count
Malnutrition Screening Tool [12] Appetite, unintentional weight lossNone
Simple Screening Tool [13]Body mass index (BMI), percentage weight lossAlbumin
Full nutritional assessment [14]BMI, information on unintended weight loss, triceps skinfold thickness, mid-arm muscle circumference Serum albumin, prealbumin, and total lymphocyte count
Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) [15]BMI, change in weight, presence of acute diseaseNone
Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS) 2002 [1]Weight loss, BMI, food intake, diagnosis (severity)None
Short Nutrition Assessment Questionnaire [16] Recent weight history, appetite, use of oral supplement or tube feedingNone
Controlling nutritional status (CONUT) [17]NoneSerum albumin, total cholesterol and total lymphocyte count
Maastricht Index [18]Percentage ideal body weightAlbumin, prealbumin, lymphocyte count
Nutritional Risk Index [19] Present and usual body weightAlbumin
Elderly Nutritional Indicators for Geriatric Malnutrition Assessment (ENIGMA) [20]Nutritional historyAlbumin, hemoglobin, total cholesterol and lymphocyte count

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